
879 Words

...........BETRAYAL. CALEB AND CLAIRE, HAVING S.E.X. I SEE HIS EYES AT MY DIRECTION, AND HIS SMIRK WIDENS. MY EYES WIDEN, IN SHOCK AND BETRAYAL, AS TEARS ROLL DOWN MY CHEEKS. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ... "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell, waking up suddenly. I run my fingers through my blonde curls and wipe the sweat on my face. That cannot be happening. Like never. "What happened sweetheart!?" Mom bursts in the room, worried. I shake my head, "Nothing mom. Just a dream," I say, getting up from the bed and making my hair into a bun. She smiles at me, tucks a strand behind my ear and says, "If it was a dream you wouldn't wake shouting. It was a nightmare for sure!" I smile, softly. "Now get ready. You have 30 minutes in hand and also your fath

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