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CHAPTER XVII LIKE A MANBig Medicine sprang to his feet as Guadalupe herded Lucy and Wanna into the room, but Kohler drove him back with a rifle barrel. “Set down!” growled Baldy. “We gave yuh a front seat, and what more do yuh want? Set down and take yore medicine, you big fool! This ain’t United States.” “You’ll pay for this, Kern,” said Big Medicine. “Oh, all right,” laughed Baldy. “Anyway, you won’t be here to see it, so don’tcha worry about me. Get up here, Gonzales, and let’s get this thing over.” Gonzales slouched to the front and tried to take Wanna by the arm, but she avoided him. “Stand still!” snapped Baldy. “Yuh don’t want to be tied, do yuh? C’mere, priest.” Father Francisco came forward slowly. He seemed very pale in the yellow lamplight; and his lips were set in a dete

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