2557 Words

CHAPTER XVI DRESSED TO KILLGuadalupe and Felipe hurried the two women into the kitchen and barred the door leading to the outside, while the others, except the priest, flung themselves on the floor, away from the rays of the lamp, and covered the doorway with their guns. The priest moved toward the door, but was stopped by Baldy. “Get back by the table!” snapped Baldy. “I ain’t never killed no priests, but there’s always a first time.” Father Francisco moved back to the table, where he stood full in the rays of the lamp, looking toward the doorway. The place was as silent as the tomb, except for the breathing of the men. It seemed ages before there was any sound from outside. Came the soft crunch of gravel and the door was flung violently open. Still there was no one in sight. The doo

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