Chapter Fifteen - Making plans and flirty texts.

1213 Words

Riley’s P.O.V It had been a few days since that night at mine when Nick and I had a little fun. Since then? I have not given him anything else. I have not even seen him outside of work. I have come up with excuses that I was busy. I think Nick was starting to get a little annoyed. I don’t care. He can’t have everything in life that he wants. That is part of his problem; he has had everything in life too easily. It was time he worked for something. Not only that but that night was enough for me for the moment. Yes, it was good, he is good, but I am in no hurry to do it again. I am surprised I got through that night as easily without being sick. I don’t care how good and how sexy he is. I still hated him. I was on my way to work, grabbing coffee for Nick on the road at his request. I gra

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