Chapter Fourteen - Where were we?

1255 Words

Nick’s P.O.V “Right where were we?” Riley said after about half an hour after we had finished with dinner. I thought she was never going to ask. I had been anxious for the last half an hour. I decided I wanted some control back; she has taken it from me too many time. I moved swiftly, pushing her back against the sofa, pulling her legs down, making sure she was flat below me. I took my place towering over her. “Here, well except we have swapped positions,” I smirked. “It would seem that way, and what if I wanted to continue exactly the way we finished earlier?” She said. “Then you should have moved quicker,” I smirked. I never gave her a chance to speak, cutting her off with my lips against hers. Riley whimpered loudly, her arms wrapping around my neck as she let her lips move

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