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MIA'S POV I didn't know what made him a bit unbearable to talk to but it was clear to me that I could do nothing to make him even think of liking me in any way possible. Just what I needed to have, someone who would always make me feel like a beggar. I don't know what kind of deal Grandpa made. I didn't even think that there would be anything that would tick me off this much. I got to the office and there was no way for me to think straight about what happened. It was like I was on a blank path the whole time. It was like Julian was all over my mind playing tricks on me. He calls himself a gentleman yet there is no way he would let me lay on the same bed with him. Not to mention that the bed is massive and he thinks that he can roll it off like there was nothing to it. I didn't notice that some people were looking at me; it was strange that they were doing so. I didn't even want to know why they were looking or what made them look at me like I was wearing my bra on the outside. Congratulations Mrs. Anderson, Lily my secretary smiled when she saw me. Adding Mrs and the name Anderson made my skin leech. Oh thank you, Lily, how is everything going?I had to put on a fake smile and ensure there was no topic about me and my new husband later. Everything is going well Maam, I didn't know you would be here after your wedding. I thought you would be at home with your husband. Lily was looking at me, I knew there was no way she would let me think. I doubt looking for a way to answer questions. Well you do know it was a court wedding and it was nothing major just a few friends and family and there were drinks and nothing else. I was trying to hide the fact that I was pulled into the worst idea ever. I imagined scenarios where I had told Grandpa no, it would have been better than whatever it is I am going through now. This whole thing is like a horror movie and a plan bound to backfire. I was only looking at the fact that Julian was looking at me like I was some kind of petty beggar who couldn't even provide for himself. I knew that there was no way for me to explain the pain I was feeling. Lily, I will leave you now to take care of the work you have here. I will be in my office and then later I will be back to take some things from you. I didn't want to keep hearing of the way I was forced into a marriage that was not enough to help me out of the place I am now. I sat down in my office and I was looking at certain files and I was trying to put some things together and it was not even going to be easy if the thought of the Andersons kept popping up in my head then it would be a nightmare for me. Melissa and George look like nice people and they don't look at me like I am some kind of liability, it was only Julian that wanted to treat me like I was trash and that was not enough he kept flinging his wealth around like I was some kind of tramp that would fall to his feet and plead for his money when there is nothing for me to even see. I feel sorry for the poor girls that these people screw, there has to be an explanation for why he would even think that I am someone that needs his money. I was snapped out of the daze when I saw the call on my phone, it was a bit strange. I picked it up from the desk and looked at it to see it was Chloe, a smile formed on my face. Hello Miss Tyler how are you doing? Very funny Mia, you think because you got married to an elusive man that you think you can call me that. By the way, you are not even sure that he was going to accept the marriage. Chloe darling I prayed that he would reject it but it was like he was playing along with fate and now he is in my life and has to be gone anytime soon. What happened? I thought the Andersons are good people so what may have made your mind change like that? There has to be something that you saw that made you say something like this. I didn't know if I was going to tell Chloe about the way Julian treated me and what he thought of me. There was no way for me to even see that there was nothing that would make Julian treat me better. You know there is no way you would even see the pain I feel when I look at that man. He sees me as some kind of street tramp who would fall over for his money and do anything that would make him give me a treat. I was still thinking about the way he was handing me his card and thinking that would even mean anything to me and it was like he was only looking at me like a tramp. Can we talk over coffee? I know you have a lot to unload so I need to see you to make sure that you don't die alone. Chloe knew that there was something bothering me and it was clear that it won't be any better if I kept it to myself. I would love that and then I would be able to give you the story in full detail.
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