Chapter 3

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1976 6th Year //Got Your Back and Potions// That night, in Gryffindor tower, it couldn't be been more teemed with students. Sirius, James, and Peter sat on the brown leather couch by the fire place. Sirius was sitting next to James with his hands behind his head and feet resting on the small coffee table in front of them, in a relaxed manner, whilst James reading the Daily Prophet cross legged. Peter was on the opposite side of them twiddling his thumbs out of boredom. The Gryffindor door opened and Remus stepped into the common room then looked around the room before he walked over to his friends and dropped down beside Sirius. "Hello Moony" said James in an assertive tone. "Where have you been off too?" "I've been studying in the library, there's a big Herbology test tomorrow," Remus replied. Sirius snickered and sat up straight turning his head toward James. "'Studying' he says", Sirius mocked. Peter let out a small chuckle - not full understand what they were talking about - and James smiles at Sirius's comment. "What? We can't be failing tests this early in the year now, can we?" Remus snapped and Sirius and James shot their friend a glare before silence broke between them. "So mate, who else was there?" James asked in a casual tone. "No one, just a few Ravenclaw's first years that's all", Sirius snickered again at Remus answer. Sirius and James had been talking about who Remus's crush might be all day, but up until a few hours ago it was confirmed that it was Evangeline Jenner, the shy girl in their History of Magic class. James and Sirius were almost certain it was her anyway. "We know who it is mate, we told you we'd find out", said Sirius in a cocky tone. James looked back to see Lily and Evangeline walk through the doorway. Lily looked over see James looking straight at her, her checks warms up she looked away, James smirked to himself and muttered to Sirius, "She's defiantly into me." Sirius rolled his eyes before looking back at the two girls to see them take a seat at an empty table in the corner of the room and pull out there books. Remus and Sirius are arguing in the back as James is completely unfocused on his task and continued to stare at the girl he'd had a crush on since second year. "I do not have a crush", Remus insists. "Ah, but you do Remmy, we can see right through you", Sirius stated with the edges of his lips turning into a smirk. "Do not!" James turns back around and glared at Remus and Sirius "Oi, both of you shut it. If little Moony here doesn't have a crush than lets leave him alone", James yelled quietly at the two of them. "Thank you", Remus said gesturing to James and sat back with a smug expression on his face. "All he has to do is walk up to Evangeline and talk to her, and then we can leave him alone", James said with a devilish smile on his face. Remus sat straight up and looked at Evangeline and Lily who currently are talking with each other. He looked back at James and Sirius than back at Evangeline, whom was looking at him with her dark brown eyes. "You can't be serious", Remus implied turning back to look at James. "No he's Sirius, I'm being practical", James told his friend with a teasing grin as he stood up and walked over to the mantel of the fireplace and rested his arm on it. Sirius and James look at each other and than at Remus who looked like he had was going to be sick. Sirius nudged Remus. "Oi, we've got your back mate", Sirius told him helpfully "Remus...whats the worst that could happen?" James asked and Remus gulped and let out a shaky breath "It's not like I haven't talked to girls before" Remus admitted and Sirius stood up and clapped with a wide grin on his handsome face "Then, what are we waiting for Moony" said James with a malicious grin on his face. *** Lily and Evangeline sat at a table that was in the far corner of the common room, Evangeline was studying for her Herbology while sipping a glass of pumpkin juice. Lily was reading a muggle news paper sent by her mum and dad earlier that morning. Evangeline couldn't figure out what Remus, Black, and Potter where talking about but, then again, what did it matter to her? "Evie? Evie?", Lily said repeatedly. Evangeline spun her head around to look Lily who was looking at her curiously. "What are you staring at?" Lily asked curiously and Evangeline shook her head in response, "Nothing, just got distracted that's all" she assure and Lily smiled at her friend than looked back at her paper and continued to read. Evangeline looked back at her Herbology book and returned back to completing her notes. She couldn't keep focus for she kept asking herself the same questions. What were they talking about? Was it me? Did I do something? She mentally sighed and thought to herself, 'They're not talking about you, Evie, its just all in your head', but she still was hooked by the fact that Black kept glancing at her with a smirk on his face. Evangeline heard a loud clap coming from Black that startled her almost out of her seat. She looked over only to see Potter and the rest of his posse walking over towards her and Lily's table. "Hello Evans, nice to see you." Potter said leaning forward looking directly at the ginger haired girl, Lily looked confused but a little blushed at the sight of Potter and his charm, "Say, Lily flower, let's get out of here and talk in private, I'm sure your muggle news can wait" Lily's blush on her cheeks began to fade for she was slightly offended at his suggestion. "I'm quiet alright here Potter, if you don't mind" she replied sternly "I can respect that, but isn't it a little crowded in here for you, a pretty flower like you doesn't need to be swarmed by other people" Potter insisted. Evangeline's head kept moving between James and Lily as they continue to push each there off their own shoulders. "Your right James, it is a bit crowded in here", Lily agreed she looked at her friend and smiled as did James. "In fact we are getting a little tired we're going to head out for the night", James wasn't happy with that response and looked to his left shoulder where Black was standing. Lily and Evangeline picked up their books and started to walk up the stairs that lead to the girls and boys rooms. Potter nudged Remus who rolled his eyes and walked over up the stairs and to see Evangeline and Lily opening the door that lead to the girls dormitories. "Hey Evangeline", Remus said and Evangeline looked back and smiled. As she turned around a book fell out of her arms. Remus reached to grab it and looked at the title. "You got the book I requested", he observed happily. "I reckoned it be a good book so I got it", Evangeline said her cheeks becoming a rosy red color as Remus handed the book back to his crush. They look at each other and a small smile formed on Evangeline's rosy face. Lily smiled and closes the door. Evangeline heard the door close and her smile faded "Well I guess its getting late, I better go"Evangeline explained in a sad tone. Remus looked at her once again before speaking, "I reckon my mates are waiting for me", he stood there looking at the floor than again back at Evangeline who is looking at what looks like his eyes. He clears his throat. "Good night Evangeline", he said. "Good night Remus", She replied gently. *** There was a small flicker of light through the windows of Professor Slughorn's Potions class in the small broom cupboard as he refers to it, that morning. Evangeline's Hair was tied up behind her head reveling her neck from the back where the small shimmer of sun hit warming her neck from the cold room. Lily was sitting next to her reading her Potions book on "Felix Felicis" or more commonly known as "Liquid Luck". Slughorn recently invited Lily to the Slugclub which she was very excited about and couldn't stop talking about that morning. "Did you know there's a Slugclub Party towards the end of the year?" Lily would say. "I heard you could bring someone", she continued. "You should ask Potter, he seems to be taking a liking in you recently", Evangeline mocked but Lily being the kind hearted one always knew what was wrong. "Whats wrong Evie?" Lily asked. She put her lace bookmark in the page she left off on and turned towards her friend. Evangeline was silent, there was no reason for her to be sad or upset on anything but there was something in her head. Professor Slughorn walked over to Lily and Evangelines table, his robes where a golden orange color today, and his cap was matching as well. "Ah Miss Evans, I see you and your friend here are on on top of your work today, well done", he told Lily, whom blushed and smiled widely, very happy now that she is doing well in Slughorns class. "Thank you sir, I've been meaning to ask. What can someone..." Lily went on and on about Felix Felicis and other sorts of Potions. Unfortunately Potter and Black where in the same potions as Evangeline and Lily where. They would glance at them here in there but Black kept staring. "What is his problem", Evangeline would think. "Does he like me, hate me, question me?" she would wonder. Evangeline glanced over her shoulder to see Black staring at her, his neck length black shined in the sun which has now moved onto himself. "Evie, who are you staring at?" Lily asked her. Evangeline looked back at her friend who was looking at her confused. "Hm, oh yeah", she seemed confused. "Do you think Sirius likes me?" she asked. Lily's face was now even more confused. "Why would you think that?" Lily questioned. "He just, keeps staring and I just thought - "Lily interrupted her before Evangeline could finish "Don't fill your head with those thoughts, boys aren't something to get worked up about. Trust me", and of course Lily was right, she always can see the right way to go and is truthful. *** After Potions Lily and Evangeline walked out of class with hands full of books and minds clear of boys. That was until of course Potter and Black came from behind. "Well hello there ladies, Lily looking good this morning", Potter said with his usual smirk on his face. Black however wandered off with no time to say hello which was perfectly fine with Evangeline but stilled looked around to see where Black had gone while Lily and Potter were talking but she couldn't find him its as if he disappeared from the scene. Evangeline turned to her friend who wasn't yelling at James but seemed to be having a good conversation with Potter. "Lily I'm gonna head off to class", she said. Lily turned to her friend and smiled. "Okay, I'll catch up with you later", Lily said and Evangeline smiled and turned away and began to walk down the hall. She walked and walked but couldn't find Remus or Black for that matter. She turned the corner which would lead her to her next class but ran into a black haired boy with long hair longer than Blacks sadly. She looked up to see Snape, they had run into each other and Evangeline's books fell out of her hands and all over the floor. "I'm so sorry Severus", Evangeline explained. Snape looked at her and knelt down to help pick up her books. "Don't be sorry, it was my bad", Snape said as he picked up her books that didn't fall out of her grip, and placed them onto of the others. Severus never seemed to care for Gryffindor's other than Lily but she had no reason to be mean to him. "I should be getting off to class than", she explained. Snape smiled at her and nodded but that faded in a matter of seconds for they could both here Potter coming their way. "Hello Snivelus, pushing down little girls books are we?" Potter snickered. Lily and Evangeline gave James a nasty look for Snape hasn't done anything. Severus seemed to look annoyed and sad at the same time. "I'm not a little girl, and Severus didn't push down my books he was helping me pick them up", Evangeline explained to Potter with a harsh tone. James totally ignored Evangeline's statement and instead was glaring down at Severus. "Come on Lily we're gonna be late" Evangeline finished quickly. Lily looked at potter one more time then back Evangeline and nodded, but as Severus was leaving Potter pushed his shoulder into Severus's making him grab it in pain as James snickered again. "Good bye Severus, see you later", said Lily ignoring Potter, Evangeline smiled and waved Snape goodbye as well. "What a toe rag Potter is" Lily whispered to her friend which made them both laugh as they enter the door to their next class.
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