Chapter 2

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....5 Years Later 1976 6th Year //Crushes and History of Magic// “Moony’s got a crush!” Sirius announced loudly as he ran down the corridor, his shoulder length messy black hair flowing around his face as he pushed past people “Moony’s got a crush!” “Padfoot! Sirius!” Remus shouted as a chased after his best friend “Sirius stop!” Sirius had a large grin on his face as shoved through the crowd. Lucky for Sirius but unluckily for Remus, Remus wasn’t as fast as Sirius – even though Remus was slightly fast than the average person his age. Sirius rounded a corner into the hall and spotted his best friend, James, and Peter sitting down near the middle of the Gryffindor table. “Prongs!” yelled Sirius and James turned to him “Moony’s got a crush!” James’s eyes widened and he grinned widely as Sirius sat on the other side of him. “Are you serious?” James gaped at his best friend who smirked widely, “Yes I am. In both respects.” James rolled his eyes at his comment just as Remus stopped beside Sirius. His face slightly red from running. Remus glared at Sirius through his chocolate brown eyes but only received a shrug from the black haired boy. “Who’s the lucky girl, Moony?” James questioned leaning forward slightly. Remus rolled his eyes, “There is no one.” He lied and the other three sorted slightly. “Moony, don’t even both try lying.” Sirius told him patting him on the back and Remus shot him a glare but Sirius was unperturbed by the glare “Who’s the girl?” “You won’t know her.” Remus excused quickly and Sirius barked out a laugh at his excuse “I highly doubt that.” Sirius smirked and Remus raised an eyebrow before shaking his head. “No, I’m not telling you.” He persisted “We’ll find out. You can’t keep much from us.” James smirked and winked. Sirius knew exactly what he was talking about. Remus had attempted to keep a secret that he was a werewolf but they’d found out in third year and spent two years figuring out how to transform themselves into animagus’s to help their friend though the horrible time. He understood why Remus had kept the secret but he was obviously completely false on how Sirius and the others would take it. Sirius smirked and looked a sip of his pumpkin juice. Sirius and James immediately began talking about Quidditch tactics. James had been made Quidditch Captain at the start of the year and had since become completely engrossed in figuring out strategies for the team. “Remus?” a soft voice said and Sirius looked up to see an unfamiliar girl standing behind Remus. She had her breast length auburn hair pulled back into a side pony-tail and her coffee coloured eyes looked at Remus directly as if she was purposefully avoiding looking at the other three. In her pale hand was a thickly bound book that was slightly roughened. She was pretty but plain. To Sirius, she seemed like a girl that would be tripping over his feet to get a glance of him. Remus turned and his face broke out into a grin at the sight of her, “Did you like the book?” Remus asked his voice full of enthusiasm. The girl nodded with a small smile, “It was amazing. Thank you, Remus.” She said and handed the book back to him. Sirius watched as Remus took the book gratefully and looked up at her beaming, “If you like that one I suggest Defiling The Benton’s, by Gertrude Laurence.” Remus told her and the girl nodded, “I’ll check it out.” “Evie!” Sirius recognized Lily Evans waving the girl over, the brunette girl looked over at her and nodded then back at Remus. “I’ll see you in Arthmancy, Remus.” She bid goodbye before jogging over to Evans and taking a seat between her and McKinnon. Sirius raised an eyebrow and glanced at James who had a completely confused look on his face, Peter continued to ear. The black haired player looked back at the boy beside him who placed the book beside him before taking a sip of juice and starting to eat again. The reason why Sirius, James and Peter (if Peter stopped eating) were confused if because, Remus never talks to girls... Ever. He freezes up and his words come out a stutters, sometimes with the female teachers. Sirius was half convinced that his crush was Professor McGonagall. Remus was the polar opposite to Sirius. Remus finally looked up with his mouth full of soup and looked between his three friends (including Peter who had stopped eating) who all wore shocked expressions. “What?” Remus questioned swallowing the soup, “What was that?” James demanded him leaning forward “You just spoke to a girl.” Remus nodded slowly obviously not fully understand what James was getting at. Sirius stared at Remus incredulously, “Mate, I don’t know if you’ve noticed…” Sirius looked at James to finish “…well, you don’t exactly talk to girls that well.” James said and the other two nodded. “Who is she?” Sirius asked Remus. “Evangeline Jenner.” He answered the other three boys looked at him with confused expressions. Sirius prided himself on knowing – and being – with all the girls at the school. He’d kissed girl that were older than him and younger than him, from all year groups (except first years). Not for the life of him could he remember a girl by the name of Evangeline Jenner. Sirius was oddly offended that she hadn’t even glanced at him as well. He may not have known her but surely she would know who he was. Sirius only had one explanation, “Is she new?” “Padfoot, she’s been here since first year.” Remus told him and Sirius’s eyes widened “She’s in all my classes and most of yours.” “Lies.” Waved off James and Sirius in unison. “I’m being honest.” Remus persisted “She’s in your next class too. Now, if you don’t mind, I’m going to continue eating my lunch.” Sirius watched with furrowed his eyebrows as Remus began eating again then his dark eyes trailed down the Gryffindor table where Evangeline was sitting between Evan’s and McKinnon chatting casually. Without realizing it, he was staring at her. *** Further down the Gryffindor table, a Gryffindor girl sat with a text book open before her along with parchment and a quill in one hand and a sandwich in the other. “Evie.” Evangeline looked up at Lily’s voice. Lily was lent forward peering at something past Evangeline, “What?” “Black’s staring at you.” Evangeline looked down to see that she was right. Black was staring at her with a blank expression. There was literally no reason for her to be watched by Sirius. Evangeline shook her head and looked at Lily, "He's probably staring at Bethany." Evangeline muttered motioning to the black haired girl a few places down from Marleen. Bethany Elderberry. The ebony haired, blue eyed Gryfffindor who was the go-to for a quick make out sessions. It was impossible to name a boy she hadn't made out with, including Pettigrew. She was a nice girl just a bit...easy? Bethany and Sirius seemed to have an on and off relationship, they weren't exactly faithful to one another. "No, trust me." she looked back at Marleen who was still staring at Black "He's staring at you." Evangeline's eyes locked with Black and she felt her cheeks heat up and she looked down, "He probably just want me to give him my homework." she muttered quietly as she went back to writing her homework for History of Magic. Her quill scribbled across the parchment as she answered the questions on the papers. Evangeline was completely aware of the pair of dark brown eyes that were latch onto her. It took all her will and nerve not to look up, anyway, she knew exactly what she would see if she did. Around, thirty minuets later Evangeline could be found walking to her History of Magic class with Marleen by her side. Marleen let out a laugh scoff as they turned a corner down into History of Magic corridor, "I still cant believe that you take History of Magic." Marleen grumbled "Do you not get bored of listening to Professor Binn's droning on and on about Troll wars in the seventeen century?" "I find it quiet interesting actually." Evangeline contradicted looking at her with the corner of her lips twitching into a smile. "But come on!" Marleen groaned "How can you even learn anything in his class?!" Evangeline shot her a short glare and looked around a the students around them, a few glanced at them after Marleen's loud out burst. "Shush." Evangeline whispered as she felt her cheeks warm at the few eyes that were on her. "Oh calm down, Evie." Marleen rolled her eyes "Anyway, Binn's doesn't even teach the syllabus!" "So?" Evangeline shrugged "Doesn't mean you cant learn the content yourself outside of class." "Go you are such a book nerd." Marleem muttered and Evangeline pushed her playfully. They stopped in front of the class room and Marleen turned to Evangeline, "I'll meet you in the common room before dinner, okay?" Evangeline nodded and watched as Marleen walked off down the corridor. Once she was out of site, Evangeline leant against the wall with her books clutched to her chest. Students began to file outside the room and Evangeline pressed herself deeper against the wall. Evangeline wasn't the most social person in the world. In fact, the only reason she was friend with Lily and Marlene was because they had practically forced her to sit with them in all their classes and during dinner. Her eyes landed on Black and Potter. They were laughing loudly with each other and shoving each other. Evangeline gulped, she didnt like being around 'The Mauraders' as Black, Potter, Pettigrew and Remus called themselves. She didn't talk to any of them, except Remus. She and Remus had much in common, for example: Books. That was actually were they met, in the library in second year. She was snapped out her though just as Professor Bins appeared at the entrance of the door way of the class room. His face was solume and an aura of depression hung around him, like normal. "Come in." he said in a monotone voice and floated out the way of the door allowing the students to file in. Evangeline slipped into the crowd and made her way to her seat. It was perfect. In the corner at the front, close enough so she would see the board but hidden enough so that she wouldn't be picked on for questions. Evangeline placed her books on the table and took her seat just as Black and Potter's voice drifted over her. "Listen, Padfoot, the Cannons are way better than the Harpies" Potter scoffed "No question about it." "Please." grumbled Black and Evangeline risked a glance back to see the two boys taking a seat in the centre of the class with their completely ripped books - which made Evangeline flinch at the sight - on the table before them Black placed his feet on the table and looked at Potter "The only reason you like the Cannons is because Doltcha looks like Evans." Yes, of course. Everyone knew of Potter's not-so-secret crush on Lily Evans. Not that Potter bothered to hid it. Evangeline couldn't like of one day where Potter hadn't made a comment about how beautiful Lily was, some pick up line or asking her to be his girlfriend. However, Lily didnt seem to like Potter as much as Potter liked her. Evangeline was victim to the rant about how annoying or frustrating Potter was every day by Lily during their breaks. "Alright, everyone, settle down." Binn's droned and Evangeline turned to face the front and picked up her quill. Binn's stared at the students with a blank expression "In, the fifteen century the tribe of the Gargion Witches of Barthath made...." *** Sirius doddled onto his parchment with his quill not listening to Binn's lecture about witches in the fifteen century. The only reason that he and James took the class was because it was basically a free class and it didn't involve much work. Make up a few stories about some trolls and vampires and pass with with an A, accesses expectations was still a pass. His dark eyes started at the parchment in front of him. Then, something occured to him. Remus said that that girl, Evangeline - the pretty but plain girl that Remus had a crush on (not that he would admit it) - was in his next class, this class. Sirius immediately began looking around at the students in his class. All of them were staring at the front or at the their desks with an extremely bored expression. He must have spent a good five minuets looking over every one in the room. Remus must have got it wrong, he couldn't the Jenner girl anywhere. His huffed and glared a corner of the room only to have his eyes land on the back of a head of straight brown hair pulled back into a pony tail with a face that was pail and full of concentration. Evangeline Jenner. A smirked appeared on his face as he looked at her. Sirius nudged James, who woke from his half daze and looked at Sirius. "What?" James grumbled "Look." Sirius whispered and nodded toward Jenner who was currently writing notes about whatever Binn's was saying. "Is that...?" James narrowed his eyes was he looked a her, "Yep." grinned Sirius leaning back on his chair "Monny's crush."
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