Moving on Ruby's POV

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Three years have passed since I was banned. I had long established a home in the countryside of Fort Lauderdale, a two-bedroom condo with 10 acres. It was perfect at night. I could shift so my wolf could run free, hunt, play and even be herself. She truly is beautiful and magnificent. Reflection wise, she has pure silver fur with white paws and the same emerald green eyes as mine. Once we found our place, it wasn't long before I got big with my pregnancy. I quickly became friends with what little neighbors I did have. Rini, a little old lady who lived not far from me, became my biggest help. I never felt scared and somehow always felt relaxed. Even Flora, who always kept her guard up around everyone, seemed calm around her. A month after settling in, I quickly went into labor and was beyond thankful when Ms. Rini heard my screams while taking her nightly walk. She witnessed my struggle with the birth and helped me safely deliver my twins, who I later named Alec and Anna. I later found out that Ms. Rini was in fact an old pack witch sent by my mother in secret to help me. She found out about my pregnancy through the new alpha, Collin, who went on a rampage after finding out about my pregnancy, overthrew his father as Alpha and demanded I be found and returned to the pack house with his pup. Ms. Rini informed me that she had helped my mother when she was my age escape her old pack and was given a new identity as well as anything else she may have needed. A lot of questions were asked and answered. I found out that my father wasn't my biological father, my mother was sold off, raped and beaten until she escaped with the help of a passerby. I didn't want anymore information regarding my mother's past, she would one day tell me herself. I requested a new identity. I wasn't going to risk anyone finding out about me, my wolf or my pups. I took an alias named Rebel Hall. I got a job as a teacher during the day while my pups were at daycare down the street. I had the perfect routine. After school I'd pick up my kids, head home, make dinner and spend much needed time with my now 3 year olds. In a mother's eyes, they were perfect, they had my olive skin, Collins' dark brown hair and my emerald green eyes. This must be what my mom felt like looking at me and my brother as we grew up. I was lost in thought when Alec, my son, tugged on my shirt. "Mommy Ms Rini is at the door." He said so angelic it made me melt "come in Ms Rini, it's always open for you." I called from the living room picking up toys my children had thrown everywhere. Rini came in with hands folded perfectly in front of her. "My dear, I found them, the Sunset Crest pack hosting rogues and refugees. I told your mother I'd keep you safe from anyone and now it's time to move again. It seems the Emerald forest pack has caught wind of your whereabouts." She said. I stood there frozen... They found, I glanced at my children. We must leave Ruby, we must protect our pups. Flora whimpered, Flora was right. I couldn't risk Collin getting his hands on my pups, let alone me. I'd rather die than go back to a pack who will use me for my status. "When do I need to leave?" I asked Rini, standing there at my door. "As soon as possible, I've already contacted the Sunset Crest pack and they are awaiting your arrival. They will keep you and your pups safe. Their Alpha Karson has already prepared rooms for you, the car outside will take you there. Pack what you need, my dear." Rini said with tears in her eyes. She is like a grandmother to me. She is always there when I need her. "Will you come with me? I can't do this alone again!" I asked teary-eyed, "I will be here. I must keep the barrier up long enough for your scent to disappear. Once that is done, I will make my way to Sunset Crest pack where I have also been granted safety." Rini responded so softly "now get your things ready, I will get the kids dressed and get snacks prepared for the trip. I've left my new number in a file on the table with everything you will need. Call me as soon as you get there, stay safe and I will join you shortly." I didn't need anything more. I quickly grabbed the suitcase and started loading mine and the kids' clothes, toiletries, toys, anything my kids needed, zipped it shut and rushed to the front room where Rini and my children were. Rini handed me a basket with snacks, drinks and other refreshments. "Please be careful ms. Rini." I pleaded before walking out the door. Outside was a tall man wearing a suit. He was standing by the car. As I got near, he opened the door, placed my luggage in the trunk and helped me put the car seats in the back. After putting my kids in their seats, I walked over and hugged Ms. Rini one more time. "Do not reveal your wolf, your mate will find you. If that happens, no one will be able to touch you, be careful child." Rini whispered in my ear and she turned to head back into what was my home. I got in the car and sat down and remained silent for the entire car ride, not knowing what would happen now. The drive felt like an eternity. I kept looking back to check on my children. They were fast asleep, each holding each other's hands, it made my heart skip a beat. "Ma'am, we will arrive shortly. If you have any questions before we arrive, I will be happy to answer them." The driver said. It dawned on me that I did not know the man's name. " What should I call you? I don't think we were properly introduced," Ruby stated. "Ah ya sorry about that my name is Nate. I'm gamma to the Sunset Crest pack, and Alpha Karson." Nate said Kindly... Nate, a gamma, and here I thought he was just a regular driver. I was a bit taken aback. "Why is a gamma acting as a driver?" I asked, amused. "Besides the beta, I'm the only other person Alpha Karson trusts in situations like this." Nate stated. "I'm a situation?" I blurted out coldly. Nate looked over and, with a soft tone, said "You are not a situation, but you are in one. Are you not? Alpha Karson takes these matters very seriously, Ms Hall." That's right, as far as he knows, my name is Rebel Hall, I thought to myself. "Yes, I do suppose you are correct, my apologies." I mumbled. It wasn't long till we arrived at a locked gate with two men guarding the front. " Evening Nate, is this our esteemed guest who we've been expecting?" The first guard asked. "Yes Ethan, this is Ms. Rebel Hall and her children. Is everything in order?" Nate responded. "Yes, Alpha has ordered extra measures for the safety of Ms. Hall and her pups. He wouldn't say why," Ethan said promptly. The men seemed to exchange conversation for another few minutes before Nate put the car in drive and headed up the road to the pack house. The house was amazingly bigger than my old pack house. I got a few weird side glances from a few people walking about, but I kept to myself and began to help my children out of the car. "WOW" Alec and Anna gasped out loud. A small smile crept onto my face, amazing what toddlers find amusing these days. At the top of the stairs of the pack house, stood two men and a beautiful woman all dressed to impress, the men wearing designer suits of black satin and dark navy blue ties, the woman dressed in a floor-length silver satin gown red hair greenish eyes, olive skin all looking like models, one man in particular I couldn't seem to look away. He was breathtaking, tall, muscular, strawberry blonde hair and from what I could see blueish green eyes. I could feel Flora whimper in the back of my consciousness. Was she scared? The other gentleman seemed to be in his 60's with reddish gray hair and again greenish eyes, they made their way down the stairs to greet me and introduce themselves. "Welcome Ms. Hall. I am Theo Richmond, previous Alpha to the Sunset Crest pack. This here is my wife and Luna Hope Richmond, and our son Alpha Karson Richmond." I extended my hand to shake theirs but still couldn't take my eyes off of the breathtaking man who was just introduced as the alpha. "He.. helllo um... thank you for allowing us to be here, you can call me Ru- I mean Rebel. These are my children, Alec and Anna Hall." I said nervously as I held my pups who were now hiding behind my legs. Alpha Karson was first to speak " Nate, it's late, why don't you help Rebel and her pups to their new residence to get her settled and we can all meet for breakfast in the morning. Ms. Hall, you will find everything you need in your residence if you don't find something you need, just call on Nate." He smiled softly before turning to head back to the pack house. "It's been a long and tiring night for you, my dear. Get settled and we will see you in the morning." Hope said ever so softly. She spoke like an angel. " Thank you ma'am and sir." I responded with gratitude. I managed to unpack, feed, bathe, and put my pups to sleep before passing out on the sofa in the living area. I can't remember the last time I was this exhausted, it sure didn't take long, before sleep consumed me.
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