Chapter Seven His Scheme

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Liam POV Her eyes narrowed as she stared at me sceptically. I wasn’t one to kneel for favours. Like, I’d rather die in pain and silence than grovel on my knees for anyone but the only reason I was doing this was because, Cassidy is tender-hearted. The girl is a simpleton and ‘too kind’ if you ask me.  “What are you doing, Liam?” she asked “You don’t have to create a scene. Don’t worry, I’m going to end things quietly so you don’t have to keep acting,”.  “This is no act, Cass,” my face contorted into sobriety “I am sorry for what happened yesterday. Honestly, after your left, I thought a lot about my actions and I regret allowing Tricia seduce me. I blame it on my lack of discipline,”.  “It’s fine,” she shrugged.  “It’s not fine, Cass,” I cried “It’s all my fault,”.  “Okay, Liam,” she eyed me strangely “You’re scaring me now,”.  My shoulders slumped as I gazed at her with bright, soulful eyes that always worked whenever I want something from someone “Cass, I love you the most. From the first day I laid my eyes on you. It has only been you and no one else. Can’t you feel it?’.  “Liam please,” she protested weakly.  “Remember when your dad and mum died. I was there for you because I felt the pain since I’ve passed through, the same pain. I did all of that because I loved you, I still do,”.  Her gaze softened as she crossed her arms and stared blankly at me.  “It’s true you were kind to me, Liam. When my parents died you supported me and was there for me in more ways than anyone did. And truly, I owe you my sanity because I was this close to having a breakdown but you cannot throw that at me. It means you didn’t do it from your heart,”.  “But I did, darling,” I insisted.  “Fine, just get up please…”.  “Not until you tell me you tell me you’ve forgiven and that our marriage will go on as planned,”.  “I don’t think so, Liam,” she shook her head “The only thing I can do is to help secure your inheritance. I can talk to Nana for you and you know she’ll listen to me. You’ll get your inheritance and I’ll break up with you quietly,”.  I gritted my teeth in frustration as I stared at the boldness she was suddenly wielding. The Cassidy I know would have forgiven me five minutes ago. The only reason I was still here begging was because of the photos she took of I and Tricia last night. Until I get those pictures, I would not feel at ease.  “Cass, please,” I burst into tears “I apologize for threatening you with my kindness. It’s just that I love you so much and I want to spend the rest of my lifetime with you. Please don’t break up with me,”.  She massaged her temples as she stared at me from hooded eyes. “My head is literally throbbing with a headache right now,” she complained. “Don’t you get it, Liam. There is no room for negotiations. So, do yourself some good and stand already. It’s getting weird now,”.  My brows knitted in confusion as I stared at Cassidy. She wasn’t always like this. She was basically a walk over and would not hesitate to forgive me and feel grateful afterwards especially after I bring up her parents. I wondered what was giving her such boldness. My heart surged with hatred as I ignored the urge to reach for her and smack her head against the wall. The only way my plan would work is to play it to the end.  “Fine,” I sighed with a pained expression on my face “Since your mind is made up, I won’t force you to change it. But can you have a meal with me at least? See it as our last meal together as fiancé and fiancée,”.  I gave her my best smile still managing to show how sad I was about the whole situation.  She took a deep breath as her eyes regarded me with innocence… “Okay,” she nodded “Just one meal. After that, we will go back to our various lives and business and we don’t need to see each other in the future. Is that okay with you?”.  “Okay,” I hesitated “It’s not like I have a choice,” I added giving her a bright smile as I rose to my feet.  I took her hands in mine as I made a few calls confirming the reservation I made earlier at Fountain hotel. As we drove to the place, I was attentive and gentle playing the perfect, sweet fiancé.  She was stiff and suspicious at the beginning but at some point, she loosened up.  Finally, we arrived at the hotel and went straight to the second floor that had their restaurant. When we arrived at the private room set for us, I nodded in delight at the romantic candlelight shining from the middle of the table. There were roses scattered from the entrance of the room to the table. Soft music was playing from somewhere, the scenery from the window was beautiful. The whole ambiance spelt of love and romance. The hotel staff overdid themselves and I was going to reward them handsomely for it.  I reached for her hand and led her to the table, stopping to pick a rose on the way as I offered it to her. She loved pink roses.  “Thank you,” she murmured as she brought the flower close to her nose and inhaled the scent her eyed fluttering with contentment.  When we got to the table, I pulled out a chair and ushered her into it before settling opposite her. I clinked on the rim of the glass in front of me and a personal chef came forward and poured red wine into our glasses.  “To you, Cass,” I raised my glass to her “I wish you all the happiness and beauty the world has to offer, now and forever,”.  Tentatively, she reached for her glass as a warm smile settled on her face. “I wish you well too, Liam,” she smiled clinking her glass with mine.  From the rim of my glass, I watched her gulp the entire content in her glass and set it down. Then she picked up a fork lying beside the medium rare steak steaming in front of her. Slowly, she cut up a piece with her knife and ate and then another piece before reaching for her already refilled glass of wine and drank everything in one gulp.  She dabbed the corners of her mouth with the napkin and rose to her feet wearing a determined look.  “I’ve ate and drank with you, Liam. I think all is settled now, I would love to be on my way,” she said.  “So soon?” I rose too “C’mon, you’ve barely eaten anything, Cass. This steak is from that celebrity chef whose show you always watch. Please baby… at least eat more,” I insisted.  “No,” she staggered and immediately grabbed the edge of the table “It’s late, Liam, I need to go,”.  “Please…” I insisted watching her carefully “Okay, just have another glass of wine with me,”.  “I-I don’t feel so good, Liam,” she placed a hand on her forehead “My eyes are spinning and I feel so dizzy,”.  “Maybe it’s just the wine hitting the right spot. You did rush the food a while back. Just sit for a moment, it’ll pass,” I turned and came to her side.  But she swatted my hand away grabbed her bag and staggered from the table.  “What have you done to me, Liam?” she cried as she tried to focus on me “What did you put in my drink?”. “Nothing,” I feigned ignorance “I did nothing to you, dear,”.  “You drugged me, didn’t you?” she said drowsily “What have I ever done to you?” she crumpled to the ground now as she began crawling to the door.  “Where are the pictures, Cass?” I followed her  She ignored me and continued crawling to the door. In fury, I yanked her bag from her hand, fished out her phone from there and opened it. I scanned through her gallery but found no pictures. After checking all of the possible places where she could have saved the picture, I went up to her feeling the unease begin to creep into my heart.  “Where are the pictures, Cassidy?” I tried to pull her into a standing position but all my efforts were futile. She was almost passed out at this point.  “The pictures?” her lips curled in sarcasm “Do you think I’m stupid, Liam? Why would I keep the pictures on my mobile phone waiting for you to come delete them? Just you wait, Liam. I will ruin you and Tricia. Both of you deserve nothing good,”.  “Cass, l-listen to me,” I knelt in front of her and cupped her face. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to look at me “I want you to be a good girl now and tell me where the pictures are. I promise I won’t make a fuss about it. Be rest assured,”.  “Just give me my bag, Liam,” she sobbed “I just want to go home,”.  “I’ll call a cab for you and have it drive you to the villa if you tell me where the pictures are,” I insisted.  “Okay,” she nodded “Help me to my feet, give me my bag and I’ll tell you where the pictures are,”.  “You promise?” I eyed her.  “I’m not a liar like you, Liam. I will do as I have promised,”.  I placed my arms under her armpits as I pulled her to her feet steadying her. Her pupils were dilating like a drunk as she staggered and clumsily clutched her handbag. Suddenly, she bolted to the door but didn’t make it more than a few steps before she crumbled to the ground. The effect of the medicine was so strong. I made sure of that.  That did it. I went to where she was sprawled on the ground and threw her over my shoulders as I left the room to the next door. She pounded my back with weak blows as I entered the room. Tricia was at one corner pacing the room while a short, fat, ugly man sat on the bed grinning from ear to ear.  “Stupid girl,” Tricia cursed as soon as we entered “You dare threaten my family and my career. I told you we won’t be merciful when we strike. You brought this on yourself,”.  I placed her on the bed and took a step backwards.  “You know what to do right?” Tricia asked the fat man.  He nodded as his eyes glinted dangerously. He was staring at Cassidy as though he would pounce on her any moment from now. My eyes took in her long, shiny black hair spread on the bed like brocade. Her delicate face was red and slightly puffy from crying. Her big almond eyes were filled with tears as she stared at us unable to say a word.  In that moment, my heart twisted with sympathy. All the times we’ve dated, the closest I’ve touched Cassidy was holding hands. But now watching her sprawled helplessly on the bed with the big fat man waiting to pounce on her stirred feelings that I couldn’t describe.  Tricia must have noticed how I was staring at her because she came towards me and wrapped her hands around my neck, pulling me closer to her bosom.  “Don’t tell me you’re pitying the b***h?” she hissed “Or do you want to replace him?”. “I never said so,” I tore my gaze from the figure on the bed and stared at Tricia.  “That’s better baby else all of our efforts will be wasted. Now,” her hands ran the length of my chest stopping to tweak my n*****s “There’s food, drinks and even entertainment in the next room, do you want to come see?” she asked.  I swallowed as my breath quickened. Tricia knew the right spots to touch on my body.  “Lead the way,” I urged her.  As we moved out of the room, the last thing I saw was the fat man jumping on the bed and Cassidy’s eyes widening in horror. I clenched my fists and watched as his big lips captured hers… it was an ugly sight. No one would save her, I'm pretty sure of that. 
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