
1780 Words
Alora POV now that I've heard their explanations on why they left and asked their dad to step in, I understand it was nothing against me being the Luna but I still need to have a proper talk with them about the pack and the procedure of if they have to leave the territory again. I hope they have listened to me enough to understand why I was upset. They both need to know how messed up the whole situation was and it was avoidable and I would also love to know why they told Ruby instead of me but I refuse to ask on the principle that she will think it has got to me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hurt by it but it could be as simple as talking in passing on their way out, they are friends so it's not like she is a stranger. We definitely have a lot to talk about but for now I'm enjoying being in their arms. I always feel safe and blanketed with love when I'm in their arms and it's where I always want to be but I know we have business to attend to. I pull back and look at both of my mates "we will talk about everything properly later" I say as they both nod their heads in agreement "of course" Aiden says making me smile at him. I can feel a tinge of worry through our bond but I need to focus on what I have done and work out the next step. I look around the room and I appreciate and love them especially Caria, she has my back always and she truly is an amazing mum. 'Thanks' I link her causing her to smile 'no need to thank me, I'm always here for you' 'I appreciate you so much' I can't help smile at her as she gives me a small nod. I walk to the small fridge and grab a bottle of water, gulping half of it down before I look around the room "we need to deal with the issue at hand." I say dreading what comes next, I wish I could ignore it but I need to face Paul, face what I had done. "I agree, who was it that was involved?" Austin asks as he moves towards the desk where an open file sat. "Jenna, she's an omega who cleans. She was in a relationship with a warrior who told her they were mates or at least wished they were, she turned 18 last month and realised they weren't" I explained what was told to me by Jenna. "so he isn't happy about not being mates?" Aiden asked confused "he would have known that before though" Chris thought out loud "how so?" I couldn't help but ask because I thought mates only knew when they come of age and their wolves recognised them as their mate. "when a wolf shifts majority of them will scent their mate. If their mate isn't of age to have their wolf it isn't their scent that alerts them to their mate it's more of a sort of magnetic pull. They gravitate towards their mate, drawn to them to protect them until they too shift for the first time. It is mostly males as our wolves are more dominant and fiercely protective" Chris explained and all it does is solidify that Paul knew what he was doing but we won't know for sure until we speak to him. "We do need to interrogate the prisoner but first we need everything on the table of what we found and get the updates from Gage and Greyson" I say as I look at Aiden as his eyes are glazed "they are on their way" he says and walks to the open file too. *** Austin POV **** The file is just information on Paul but there is nothing that would suggest he was a badden. "did you find the scouts then?" Alora asks and I realise that she doesn't know what we found. "yes they were attacked, we investigated at the rogue camp and it would seem that we have a traitor amongst us." at this Alora goes full Luna mode. "What.. attacked, are they ok? how do you know it is someone in our pack? did they tell you?" she has a lot of questions and to be honest I do too and we have a lot of work to do. "No they are in bad shape, they are both in the clinic. We have a witness but she is scared and she could only see his boots. She hid and to be honest she is lucky she wasn't found" Aiden explained but it just raised more questions even for me. "ok. Why was she there? and why was she hiding? can't she scent him if she came here?" She asks the questions that we could actually answer. "she was there because she had snook out of their camp, she hid because she heard shouting and was scared and no she is a pup so she can't scent him" but instead of the reply I was expecting from Alora she went in the opposite direction "so where is she?" her question caused me to frown "at their camp, we didn't bring her back because she wouldn't be able to help" and she growled "you left her out there in danger, you need to take me there" she says like it's obvious but I shake my head "what.. why, she isn't in danger because no one knows she had seen anything" but my explanation made it worse "who lives in the camp, do they have wolves to protect them?" these questions are going away from the issues at hand "it's mostly she-wolves, pups and elderly but there are a few fighters" Aiden answers as there was a knock on the door. I walk and open the door letting in Gage and Greyson in. "well we need to help them" Alora says now full of determination "we will but we have a few things to deal with first" I agree with her I'm not sure how at the minute though. "Any updates?" I ask putting my attention on our beta and gamma. "they are both healing slowly but still unconscious, I explained that you want someone to be with them at all times" Gage explained "great, did you tell them why?" dad asked but he shook his head no "No I gave the order that someone, preferably family, should be with them at all times because our Alphas want notifying if anything changes as soon as it does" "makes sense, this way the traitor doesn't know we are on to them and Lola and Cody will be safe" Aiden says deep in thought. "There was nothing out of the ordinary at training" Greyson gave his update. "Thanks, next step is we need to stop any members leaving. We need a lock down." I say "yes definitely" Alora agreed "I'll order the lock down now" I say as I open the link to the whole pack "this is a safety notice, the whole pack is to stay in our territory until further notice. no-one is to leave at all we have a safety issue and are working to get it fixed, thank-you' I hear a lot of "yes Alpha" before I cut the link. "let's deal with Paul, then we can get to work on the traitor and keeping the rogue camp safe" Alora says heading for the door ready the get done with everything. "dad, mum can you make arrangements for the camp to set up inside our territory for now, while we deal with the bastard who attacked our mate" Aiden asked looking at our parents who agreed immediately. "we will set them up and run through our security and rules with them" mum said as we reached the door. Mum was an amazing Luna and she has a nack for seeking out the truth, the rogues will be in good hands. "Greyson, help with the rogues. Gage, come with us" and they both nodded their heads and spoke as one "yes Alpha". "I'll be as quick as possible, then I'll come help" Alora says to mum who gives her a nod in agreement "see you soon, darling" and we walked out of the room, heading for the dungeons "what are your thoughts" Alora asks us "go in ask him why and then end his miserable life for touching you" I say explaining our plan "agreed" Aiden says at the same time as Alora spoke "absolutely not!" her reply falter my steps "what do you mean, we need answers as to why?" Aiden says like it's obvious but I have a feeling that isn't what she is refusing. "what.. No we are not going to kill him. I think he wasn't thinking straight and we can't hold it against him" she explained and if I'm being honest I wouldn't expect anything less from her. She is passionate in her role as Luna. "I understand that but he attacked his Luna and that crime is punishable by death" I explain and her face pales "I don't want someone to die because of me" and I feel her emotions through our bond. I stop walking and pull her into my arms "baby, it isn't because of you. This is his own doing, his consequences to his actions. I know you feel bad for punishing him but it was light compared to what he should be punished" I can see I'm getting through to her. "being Luna means that I'm supposed to protect our pack" and I feel her despair through our bond "yes that is true, Lunas protect their pack and that is what you have done. Jenny is the innocent and she deserves your protection which is what you gave her. He doesn't deserve it." Aiden says now standing next to us holding her hand. Gage is stood nearby waiting for us. "ok, I just don't like the fact of him being killed" she voiced and I totally understand why. We grew up within the pack. We have insight how the pack is run but it's still new to Alora. 'depending on his answers we could banish him Aiden linked me but I feel he isn't super keen on that idea either 'ok agreed' I nod to him "depending his answers it might be an option to banish him from the pack, effectively making him rogue" I say and she instantly relaxes "ok thanks" and with that we started walking again. Answers. Death. Banishment.
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