The Dungeons

1794 Words
Alora POV so here we are, standing outside the dungeons and if I'm being totally honest, I really don't want to go in. Facing Paul isn't the issue, well I don't think it is, even though he needed stopping I know I went too far, I was punishing Sid for the s**t he put us through and not Paul, that is my issue. "We go in and question him, then pass judgement but you can wait out here if you want to" Austin gave my hand a reassuring squeeze, they must feel my apprehension "I know but I need to do this, it was my mistake and I've got to deal with it" I give them both a small smile and they give me a nod in agreement "ok but if you have to leave that's fine too" Aiden said and Austin agreed "yes and he thinks he's being questioned about attacking his Luna, he doesn't know any different" and with that Gage opened the door. walking through the door, it is nothing like I was expecting, at all. We walk down a well lit, white corridor. The small corridor ends at a small rectangular space, where a desk and 2 chairs sit in the middle. Two guards are sat talking. They both stand when we get close and bare their necks "Alphas,Luna" they both say together but don't move apart from that. "Hi, how are you both?" I ask looking from them and then around space. "good, thank you Luna" the one on the right replied, still keeping his eyes down. I've never actually been down here before and I've never thought to either. It is nothing like I'd imagined. When someone says dungeon, I automatically thought of a dark and dingy place, metal bars to keep their prisoners in their cells. well I'm not sure that it isn't like that further in. I was also expecting it to be filthy and stinky but it's not. it's clean and doesn't smell at all, not horribly anyway. Looking at the guards space there is a table and 2 chairs and nothing else. "how long are your shifts down here?" I can't help but ask "6 hours, Luna" this time it was the the guard on the left that answered. "is this your only space?" I ask confused. There is 2 doors leading from here but I have no idea what they lead to. "no Luna, we have a toilet through the door" the right man said. Seriously I'm supposed to be their Luna and I have no idea of their names, calling them left and right won't do. "sorry, I realise that I didn't even ask your names" I feel embarrassed that I didn't start with that. My head is all over the place. "I'm Nathaniel and this is Dillon" right man said then pointed at left man. "it's nice to meet you, can I see your space before we go to question Paul?" I can't hold back the Luna in me. yes it's a strange thing to ask especially with us being here for a specific job. 'we are Luna so we need to be sure all pack members are ok' Veda says making me smile. I do look up at my mates to be sure that it would be OK, as they have been quiet since we entered. They both shrug and nod ok "of course" Nathaniel quickly opens their door. I walk past him and I'm surprised to see another corridor it's short but wide, with another door at the opposite end. In one of the corners was a metal filing cabinet. I walk to the door and open it. I see it's a toilet and sink. Seems like they have everything but what makes me worry is that there is no fridge for drinks or food. 6 hours is a long time without essentials. I walk back to Austin, "where are your drinks kept?" I ask amazed that they have amenities but not anything for essentials. "erm.. we have drinks brought with our food" Dillon explained but that cannot be right. "well that won't do, I'll have fridge sent over for the inner corridor and have it stocked" I say as they both look up at me confused but no-one said anything "you shouldn't have to wait for someone to bring you a drink, what if there is a problem and we can't get to you for any reason? you would be without for however long it would take to get to you" I explain but it seems like I'm the only one to think of this. "That's a great idea" Aiden thought out loud "Thank you, Luna" both guards said as one "if there is any other suggestions you would like to make, my door is always open, that goes for all of you if you would pass the message on" I smile at them "of course". "Right shall we move on" I say looking at my mates who are still stood watching me. "yes, we are here to see Paul Timmson" Aiden said and Nathaniel nodded "of course Alpha, this way" he walked to the opposite door. Dillon moved back behind the desk. "Gage" Austin said catching Gages attention. "you know what to do" and we walked through the door as he stayed behind. Nathaniel locked the door behind us and then lead us to the cell Paul was in. The cells are not what I thought either. They were clean, with a bunk, metal toilet and small metal sink. Everything is bolted to the floor. It's also clean with all the walls painted white, and it is really well lit with overhead lights. I was right with the bars keeping the prisoners in their cells but they were clean metal bars. I reach my hand up to touch one but Aiden catches my hand before I made contact. "they're silver and also electrically charged" He says softly "ohh" was all I could say. I look up and see Paul sat on the bed, facing us. "YOU FUCKER, YOU DARE ATTACK OUR MATE, YOUR LUNA" Austin growled fuming. "I apologise Alpha, I'm not sure what came over me" Paul was now on his knees, tears streaming down his face "please forgive me, I lost my mind when I realised Jenna wasn't my mate" but his explanation just pissed my mates off more. "no excuse you can give can save you" Aiden said and his anger clings to the room. Both Austin and Aidens anger is suffocating the room. I place my hand on both of their arms to try to calm them down. 'I have a bad feeling about this one' Veda says in confusion 'I agree, I feel it also' something isn't right about this wolf. "It was a mistake, I'll never do it again" his tears were still dripping from his eyes but there's something definitely off, his emotions don't lay in his eyes. Yes he is crying but his eyes hold no remorse, maybe a little sadness but I have a sneaky suspicion it is for himself and not Jenna. "why did you attack Jenna?" I ask and I don't miss the look of disgust he gives me. It was quick but it was definitely there. "I did not, we were in a relationship" he makes it sound like it isn't wrong because they were in a relationship but that makes no difference at all. "she had to fight you off to escape your clutches" I say but he smirks "I just thought she wanted it rough, you know, role playing" peice of s**t, I have nothing against anyone doing what they want sexually but I know he is lying 'he's definitely lying' Veda growls "you're lying" I say but he doesn't crack like I thought he would. I'm starting to not feel so bad about kicking his ass. 'Veda what do you think' I ask because she has a better sense of people than what I tend to have. 'He's a liar and he's definitely a bad egg, we need to goad him to show his true self' Ok so I need to up my game. I honestly thought I'd feel terrible when I saw him but I don't, not any more. His tears became more and he even threw in a sob but I'm not buying it. "I wouldn't lie, especially to my Alphas and Luna" he cried but I didn't budge. 'he's hiding something' I link my mates 'I agree' Aiden said 'yeah me too, what do you think of Alora leading the questioning' Austin asked and I'm OK with that. "you are, she is saving herself for her mate so why would she want to role play, with you?" I ask but he keeps up the charade "I didn't know that, she was a slut before we got in a relationship" he said and he got our temper up and I growl but I saw the smirk before it disappeared as quickly as it came. fuck. "I think you knew she wasn't your mate but you preyed on her vulnerability" I say and I have no intention of stopping until he cracks. He is hiding something and I want to know what. "no" was all he had chance to say before I cut him off "yes, you know she is too good to be your mate" again he tried to speak "no I-" and again I cut him off "yes, too good to be with you. She's beautiful and kind, too good for you" this time he growls lightly and our conversation carries on this way. "No she is-" "Yes she is, she needs her mate not you" "No" "She will get everything she needs and wants from her mate" "No" "She deserves more than you, more than you can give her" "Stop" "She needs the love and satisfaction that only a mate can give" "NO. STOP" "You are nothing to her" "f**k YOU, SHE IS MINE AND ONLY MINE. SHE BELONGS TO ME AND WILL ALWAYS BE ONLY MINE TO TAKE WHEN I WANT HOW I WANT" he realises his mistake as soon as he comes back to his senses. "I didn't mean that. I.." he tries to save himself again but it doesn't work. Both my mates were growling and ready to rip him apart. "yes you did, you will pay for your crimes -" but before I could fathom what happened he was at the bars, reaching through and had a hold of my t-shirt. He was in pain from the silver and electrocution from the bars then from his arm being snapped by Aiden while Austin pulled me back from his grasp. it all happened so fast.
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