The fall out

1398 Words
Alora POV I feel so drained, and the last thing I want to do is leave this closet to face both of my mates. I'm disappointed in them and angry for blocking me out. We are supposed to be leading the pack together, a team that shows a united front and I didn't even know they had left the territory, and to make it worse, they told Ruby of all people. The person who seems to hate me for unknown reasons and yes I understand that they grew up together, but it doesn't give her the right to treat me like s**t 'not anymore if she knows what is good for her.' Veda growls, feeling as pissed as me 'hopefully she will back off now.' Hopefully, she has got the jist that we will not stand for her bullshit anymore. I'm more disappointed in myself for losing control. 'He hurt Jenna.' Veda tried to reassure me and excuse my behaviour, but it doesn't. He should be punished the right way, not by me and my trauma. 'I need to go and face what I have done,' I say with a sigh. I'm now dressed in leggings and t-shirt, I slip on my socks and trainers and brace myself to open the door. 'I can do this' I try and give myself a boost 'we can do this,' Veda says, and I feel her love and courage blanket me 'thankyou my beautiful wolf' I'm so grateful to have her, she is beautiful inside and out. Taking another deep breath, I open the door. As I expected, both of my mates are there waiting, but I don't even look at them. I can't. The anger and shame are stopping me. "Alora, please." Aiden is the first to speak, but I walk past them to the dressing table and turn on the hairdryer. They stay silent while I dry my hair, but I can see they are mindlinking each other as I glance at them through the mirror. Once my hair is almost dry, I brush it and pop it in a bobble. I look at myself in the mirror, and my face is red, and my eyes are puffy. It's definitely a giveaway that I've been crying. I stand and turn, but this time, they don't move out of my way. "Are you ok?" Austin asks, and I know they are worried as I look into their eyes, but I've blocked our link, so I can't feel their emotions in our bond. I can't deal with them as well as my own emotions. "No" short and straight to the point, but still they didn't move "talk to us please," Aiden said as they both reached for me, but I moved back "Talk to you? Are you serious?" they both looked confused, "yes," Austin said, unsure if he should answer or not. "Really.. you both blocked me out. I had no idea if you were both alright or even where you were. Then I found out you had gone to the rogue camp. You could have linked me to give me a heads up, but no, I had to find out from someone else." I say angry and hurt, but they looked at me confused."we had scouts missing. We had to go search for them, " Aiden explained, but that made it worse. "That is even worse, we are supposed to be leading the pack together, I guess not," I say with a few tears dropping from my eyes, just proves what I was thinking about me being an unfit Luna. I quickly wipe the tears away. "We knew you had a list of things you were doing toda-" but I glare at Austin, and he stops talking "a list of things.. I should have been told firstly that you were off territory, so I knew that I'd have sole responsibility for the pack, and secondly, so I knew you were ok and was actually going to blocked me so I wouldn't worry." But my words seem to have confused them even more,"we asked dad," and Veda growled at the disrespect."WHAT.. ASKED YOUR DAD. I'M LUNA, AM I NOT?" I shout, and they eventually look like I'm making some sense. "At least I know where I stand." I say heartbroken that they obviously don't see me as a fit Luna, that I wouldn't even be worthy of relying on, that I'm not even trusted to have sole responsibility. I let the link slip, and whatever they felt from me made them try to reach out "Don't" I say and push past them, and exit the room. I hear them behind me, pleading that I give them a chance to explain, but I carry on in the direction of the office. 'Caria, can you meet me at the office please?' I link hoping she is finished at the spa. 'I'm already here, darling,' she replied, and I quickened my pace. I reached the office, giving the door a quick knock, and walked in. I'm engulfed in Carias arms. I love how she cares, but I know that I must have disappointed her, too. "It's ok, darling." she soothed me, and I realise I'm crying. "I'm sorry," was all I could say. I felt her head shake to I'm assuming my mates and I also heard someone excuse themselves and the door shut with a click. She just held me until I was all cried out. I moved and wiped my face before Caria held me at arms length with a gentle smile. "You know you have nothing to be sorry about?" She asks me, but I know what I did wrong."I shouldn't have attacked him, Caria, " I say with shame and guilt, filling me to the brim. "He's lucky to be living," Auatin growled out, but I paid him no attention. "Darling, he attacked you. You were just defending yourself and a pack member." she tried to justify my actions, and I know that it's time to explain what happened. "Yes, at first I did, but I got lost in my own head. All I could see was Sid. I didn't realise how far I'd gone until it was too late and I was being pulled off of him," and I feel so much shame bubble out of me, I hear low growls behind me, they know everything that happened to me so I'm not surprised they would react this way. "Darling, even if you had been lost in your own thoughts, you gave him way lighter punishment than I would of. He attacked and a she-wolf, and then he attacked you, he would have been dead if I was stood in your place," and Caria words really did surprise me. "I thought I had disappointed you and added what these two did. I thought I had failed as Luna," I say, astonished that she wasn't disappointed of me. "What do you mean?" she asked, "they left the territory because 2 of our scouts had gone missing and didn't even tell me, then they blocked me. They asked their dad to look after the pack, " I explained, and she is fuming. "You pair of t***s. Seriously? What were you three thinking? " she asked, fuming at them all. "What? I didn't do anything," their dad said in disbelief that he would be blamed also. "Why didn't you notify Alora?" She asked Chris, but he wasn't taking the heat for his sons, especially against his mate. "I assumed these knuckle heads had already told Alora," and after a minute or so of staring at him, she nodded her head "ok your forgiven. This time," she says, and he blew out a sigh of releif. "As for you two, what in the name of the goddess were you thinking?" She directed her anger towards her sons, who in turn put their heads down. "We weren't thinking, and we are sorry, honestly," Austin said while Aiden nodded his head in agreement. "You must understand why Alora is upset. You left without any word and blocked her. Imagine if she had done that. How would you feel?" And with Caria statement they both growled, fuming at the prospect of me doing such a thing. "I needed you both, and I couldn't find you, I couldn't reach any of you," my voice thick with emotion.
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