
1376 Words
Austin POV Well that was not expected, we have a traitor amongst out pack and had no idea. One of our own attacked Lola and Cody, leaving them for dead and I'm pissed. We've made arrangements for Callie and her parents to meet us in a few days just incase she remembers anything else but if I'm being honest I don't think she is hiding anything from us. we are making our way back home, it doesn't take long before we see our territory and border patrol. 'something is wrong, I can't reach Veda' Xav worries and I realise that I've been lost in my head about a traitor that I've still got my block up. I quickly unblock myself and try to reach Alora but she isn't responding. Something is definitely wrong. I feel a push on my link and as soon as I open it I get a a feeling it isn't good. 'Boys are you on your way home?' dad asks making me frown. He would never usually link us while we are working so something must have happened. 'yeah dad, we are 5minutes out' Aiden answers 'what's up? is something wrong?' I ask now feeling a dread wash over me. 'come straight to the office' was all he said but I could hear a tinge of worry and anger in his voice. 'ok we are on our way' Aiden said as dad closed the link. "ok, Gage, Greyson you're with us, the rest of you are to return to what jobs you were doing before, Thanks" I say and we were off. sprinting towards the office. Gage and Greyson don't ask for explanations and follow. Even if they did question us we know absolutely nothing ourselves. "can you reach Alora?" I ask hoping he can but he shakes his head no "no I've been trying but radio silence" and worry fills me to the brim. There is no way Alora would block us out so something has definitely happened. "we need to be faster" I start to run with the sinking feeling hitting me full force. "something has definitely happened, what if she is hurt?" Aiden said more to himself than us but I feel him through our twin bond he is as worried as I am. I practically knock the office door off its hinges as it bangs against the wall as we entered the office. My eyes are instantly searching for Alora but she isn't here. That alone makes me feel sick. my eyes skim over dad, mum and Lou, who are stood talking, but she isn't here. "What has happened, where's Alora?" Aiden asks as I feel Xav clawing at me to get out. I know looking at mum it's bad. "where is she?" I growl not giving them time to answer Aiden questions. "she is ok, she looked unharmed when we got there" dad tried to explain but his cryptic s**t answer only made it worse. This time both me and Aiden growled. Xav is close to taking over and I can tell Kyn is also. Mum must have realised that dad wasn't helping. "Alora is fine. She needs you but first you must sit down and let your father explain" but as Xav started to growl dad's powerful growl took us by surprise. He's never once growled at us like that before. "You will not even think about growling at your mother" he put us in our place and yes I know we are the Alphas now but I would never challenge dad, not only because I have immense respect for him as our former Alpha, he is also my dad. I would never disrespect him in that way. 'he's the big bad wolf when it comes to mother, he would hand us our ass' Xav sniggers, he is right though dad is fierce when it comes to mum and rightly so. I watch as mum calms him down and I feel shame "sorry mum" I say but she smiles like it was nothing "no need my darling, you are worried" she walks towards us and places her hands against our cheeks. "My boys, please sit so your father can explain then you can go check on Alora" she smiles and walks back to dad and they both wait until we are seated. "There was an incident that happened. Alora, Holly and Donna were investigating a crime against a she-wolf, when they had found the perpetrator to question him, he had been trying to force the she-wolf into the woods. They had managed to free her but he attacked Alora" "who" both me and Aiden growled out. I will rip him to pieces. He will die a slow painful death 'agreed' Xav growled. "That wasn't what we were worried about, Alora took him down but when we got there she was still beating him. he was bloody and unconscious but still she was relentless and kept hitting him over and over. Holly and Donna pulled her off of him and she looked to be dazed." Dad explained and I instantly felt better. My mate kicks ass. "ok so what is the problem except the obvious, he isn't dead" Aiden asks the very question that is swimming around in my head. "the problem is that Alora fled, locked herself away and won't open the door" mum says sadly. ok so we need to go to our mate. "where is the person responsible?" Aiden asks before I get the chance but I can tell you he dies. "held in the dungeons until you are ready" dad answers. Me and Xav are itching to go straight to kill the bastard but Alora needs us first and she will always come first. "ok we will go to Alora, make sure she is alright. Gage you are to go to the clinic to get an update on Lola and Cody. If possible have at least one of their family members with them at all times while they are in recovery" I say standing up ready to leave "yes Alpha" Gage replied standing too. "Greyson you are to monitor the warriors, it seems we have a traitor that attacked Lola and Cody. anything suspicious link us" at Aidens orders for Greyson the room went silent. "what happened?" dad asks and as much as I want to leave and go to Alora, I also know that we need to get infront of the traitor and cut him off. "we found a witness at the rogue camp who gave confirmation that one of the wolves that attacked Lola and Cody was wearing warrior issue boots and trousers. I know it isn't a lot to go on but that is all we have for now" I explain "where is the rogue surely they can scent the traitor out. It would be faster that way" Dad says probably confused as to why we hadn't brought the rogue with us. "She is a pup who hid in the bushes, she had seen his boots but nothing else" Aiden explained and with that everyone got into motion doing what needed doing. "ok we will deal with this while you go to Alora" dad said giving us a nod. "this information does not leave this room, tell no one including mates" I say even though I know I don't have to. "come on" I nod my head in the direction of the door. Aiden stands and follows me out. "I hope Alora is ok" Aiden says with sadness. "she will be now we're back" I try and reassure him but deep down I know we will have to do more than just show up because if it wasn't bad she would never have blocked us. We need to give her our love and support so she knows what happened wasn't her fault. She will feel terrible about the whole situation as that is the person she is. She loves our pack, our people so it must be because she hurt a pack member but truth be told he would be dead if he had attacked anyone else, he should think himself lucky, well.. until I get a hold of him. Nobody attacks my mate and lives to tell the story.
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