Chapter Eight:

1684 Words
Future Alpha Luke’s POV: The past week has been a blur at Dark Moon Pack. Whether that’s the whiskey speaking or time is actually moving, I don’t know. All I do know is that if I do not get these royals out of my pack in two weeks, my father will have my head for breakfast! That and I also know he will NEVER make me alpha if I don't somehow find a way to satisfy the King and his mutt Beta. I know my behavior has been off the charts this past week. I am not normally such a drunk mess and hot-headed wolf, but what am I supposed to do? I cannot go to jail or be executed over money that was supposed to be taken unnoticed! Why does that stupid king even need that money? I was told the royal guard will never notice small amounts being taken from their accounts, yet here they are, three years later and over 20 million dollars missing. To make matters worse, I haven’t been able to take this month's share from the account and my business is suffering because of it. That beta Sam has eyes at the back of his head and I need to stay on my toes. “I don’t care if you need to kill someone Victor, get me that money now!” I scream into my phone and slam it down onto the ringer. I can feel the veins in my head throbbing in irritation and stress. I scroll through the email on my computer and cringe at the negative red symbols on my business accounts. My damn business is sitting in arrears now! I need to get the King and his Beta off my pack’s back as soon as possible, but what can I do? They want to find the thief and being royal, they have access to anything and everything they wish! A knock on the door gets me out of my stressed haze. I can already smell who it is before the door even opens. “Alpha?” Pippa smirks and walks into my office, showing off her silky legs and well-endorsed bosom. I don’t know how Kyle got so lucky to have this bombshell as a mate. Little does he know that Pippa sneaks into my office every now and then to blow off steam. I want to feel bad about doing this to my friend, but why should I? She isn’t entirely happy with him but keeps him around because she knows better than to play around with the Moon Goddess. I look at the outfit she has chosen. Something ten sizes too small for her, making her look like the perfect little minx that she is. I can feel my member getting excited already. “Hello, my little Pip.” I purr. This girl always gets me going. “You look a bit stressed. Can I help you?” Pippa flutters her fluffy eyelashes, making my wolf purr in excitement. She notices my wolf flashing at the surface and sits on my lap, pushing down extra hard against my groin. I chuckle at how sneaky she is. “I am more than stressed Pippa. Remember the business I was telling you about with Victor? Well, it’s not doing too well at the moment.” I say pointing to the bank account numbers flashing across the screen. I watch as her little pixie face stares at the numbers on the screen and her brow lifts into a shocked and raised frown. Even her lips are pointed and pouty at this new information. Damn, she is so sexy. “The Royal Guard are onto me, Pippa. They know someone is stealing their money, but they don’t know what for. If I cannot get them off my case, I won’t be able to pay my men and the prostitutes will speak. It will be the biggest news of the century and everything that we know and love will be taken from us.” I retort, adjusting her to push down harder on my member. I know we are in the middle of a serious moment, but I also have physical wants and needs. Pippa looks at me blankly, her eyes searching and confused. I could kiss her blushed cheeks and suck on her lips. “This includes you, Pippa. Remember that if I go down, you will come down with me. You wanted in on the business and I put you in charge of finding the girls for my clients. Imagine how beautiful you will look splattered across all WereTimes for being involved in one of the biggest were trafficking scandals of the millennia?” I smile evilly at her. I can see her face has lost all its color thinking of my question, but she quickly shakes her head in recovery and crashes her lips to mine. “Leave it up to me Alpha!” she breathes in between kisses. Goddess, this she-wolf drives me crazy! Pippa’s POV: I walk out of the office wiping my lips after pleasing my alpha. I can still taste his savory seed dancing on my tongue and his masculine musk hovering over my skin. I better get some mouth wash before I see Kyle. I sprint back home and get cleaned up. I jump in the shower, lathering up all over my body and washing away the evidence of my secret affair. I climb out and wrap a towel around my body. For as clean as I am right now, I feel like this situation with Alpha Luke’s business is a downright mess. “You shouldn’t have gotten involved with that disgusting man in the first place! He isn’t mated and he is hurting other women!” my wolf growls at me, but I shut her off. I have no time for her nonsense! I know he’s kidnapping other she-wolves, drugging them up and selling them off for s*x, but he promised me that if I cooperate, he would use the profits to find the one thing I want. A cure to the mate bond. A cure to make a mate-bond go away and never come back! Goddess knows I don’t want Kyle. I can hear my wolf growling and snarl at my thoughts, but I don’t care. I want to be with an Alpha and Kyle is just not good enough for me. Sure, Kyle is good-looking and a good person, but I deserve more than that. I need to think about my life holistically. I am not cut out to just be an obedient and loving, little housewife, who makes supper and carries pups. I was born to be a leader, who dominates alongside an equally dominant man. I don't want to make love and feel giddy. I don't want flowers and chocolates. I don't want a big white house with rows of flowers. I want rough, aggressive s*x. I want power and passion. I want to be in charge. “Hey, baby.” Kyle walks into our room looking tired after his training. My wolf yips at how handsome he looks after his workout. I look at the drops of sweat coming off his body, but it only gets my wolf happy and does nothing for me. Alpha Luke satisfied my needs quite well already. I feel his gaze searching me, his eyes wandering over my towel and wet hair. I want to hide away from his stares, but I also don't care. He knows we only have a quicky on Sunday mornings and never any other time. I look up at his kind smile, as he invites me in for a hug and a kiss, but I decide to shrug my shoulders instead. I would rather not let him in, considering my plans to leave him at some point soon. I can see my dismissive response has him feeling alone and sad and a small thread of guilt and sadness fills me. I shake my head to get rid of the feeling and I see him walking into the bathroom. "I am going to have a shower then." Kyle sighs, his eyes longing and pain-filled. A panicked realization fills me at his words. I follow him into the bathroom, remembering I left my clothes from earlier on the vanity and they probably smell like Alpha Luke. I grab them quickly, but Kyle grabs me into a warm embrace before I can discard them. He is sneaky, to pull me in for a hug when I am not expecting it. I hold him back, but with the clothes in my hands behind him. I feel all the tension leave his muscles as I hold him, but I cannot stop the feeling I have of wanting better. As he lets go, I throw the dirty clothes into the wash basket and look up to see his loving eyes lingering over my face. My action distracts him for a second and he looks at the washing basket then back at me. He is still smiling, but I can see it in his eyes, a flash of hurt and betrayal. I peck his lips quickly and walk out of the bathroom before I get caught up in anything with him. I cannot allow myself to feel bad for him. He is lucky I have him here with me in the first place. I walk to the kitchen and begin a brew of chai tea on the stove. How can I get rid of King Xavier and Beta Sam before they find out the truth? I cannot afford to get caught and go to jail. Imagine these perfectly manicured nails behind bars? What a waste. Staring into the flame on the stove gives me an idea. I feel the heat from the fire burn against my cheeks and I can smell the fumes entering into my senses. As I look further on, I see the point of ignition and remember how easy it was to get the gas burning. Only some petrol and a match stick can fix this mess.
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