Chapter Seven:

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Beta Sam’s POV: It's been a whole, damn week since King Xavier and I arrived at this pack and so far we have come up with nothing. King Xavier isn’t himself and is always pacing about the guest room. I love my friend and King, but he is torturing himself over Flora. Young Alpha Luke has been even more of a pain in the investigation because every time I feel myself getting close to something, he intervenes and the case becomes redundant. Sitting in the Alpha office, surrounded by papers, upon papers, I feel defeated by this investigation. Pulling my hair, I rest my head in my arms. A lot is riding on me finding the money thief and bringing justice to the kingdom. I don’t think anyone really knows the full extent of this missing money and what it is doing to the king. “You look like you could use some help in here, Beta Sam.” I hear Flora’s soft voice coming from the door, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Please, just call me Sam, Flora.” I motion for her to join me. A smile creeps across her face and my wolf feels content, knowing we can be the distraction she needs. I have seen the distant look she holds in front of everyone. Flora is a strong she-wolf, but nobody is strong enough to withstand rejection from their mate, never mind utter indifference. It hurts my wolf and me to see our future queen so lost. The room is filled with a comfortable silence for some time between her and me. It is as if she is offering peace from the investigation and I peace to her broken heart. I look up to see Flora also laying on her arms and looking at me from across the table. She looks like she needs to ask me something and I think I know what. “Flora.” I sigh. “Sam, please. Please just tell me a bit about the King. Why does he not want a mate? Why does he not want me? I remember Sam. I remember the news, the headlines and the chaos all those years ago. Was it all true?” She pleas and I can see the burning need to know in her eyes. How do I tell this woman that the king is a lost soul, who seems incapable of love? “Look, Flora, the media only tells people what they want it to know. I don’t really think I should be the one having this sort of conversation with you. I will try to get King Xavier to speak to you. We both know he owes you a conversation after the other day, but don’t push him, Flora. It will not end well and I don’t want to see my friends get hurt.” I hope she understands what I am saying. I see her nod silently. “I’m not Sarah, Sam.” She whispers. Of course, you’re not, little wolf. You’re so much more than Sarah and even King Xavier must know this, but I cannot tell you anything, for it isn’t for me to say. “Then show him this, Flora. Stop moping around the pack and avoiding his presence. Show him who you are and that you are the rightful Queen. Show him that you are his Queen.” I edge her on. I see the penny drop in Flora’s mind and she smiles at me appreciatively. Flora is a smart wolf, she will know what she needs to do to win over King Xavier. I just hope his stubbornness does not get in the way. King Xavier’s POV: “Come on Sylus, speak to me you stupid wolf!!!” I bark in my mind and fist my hair. It has been a week since I told Flora that I have no mate and it has been a week since Sylus cut me off completely. Whilst I am relieved that I no longer have his snarky remarks and continuous pacing and growling anymore, I cannot shift! On top of my she-wolf issues, the investigation is just about none existent. Dark Moon is nothing but a curse to me! How am I going to explain the missing money to my father, or more importantly, my people, who are already suffering so much? I am their king and I am supposed to be protecting them. I’ve tried to speak to young Alpha Luke, but he avoids me completely. Trying to find him, is like trying to find a ghost. What is his problem? He clearly has no leadership skills and doesn’t know how to conduct himself properly without his father. I must remember to inform Alpha Richard about all of this when he returns from his vacation. The worst is the continuous aching I feel in my chest when I see Flora. She has been keeping her distance from me and won’t even look me in the eye. That she-wolf occupies my dreams, my fantasies, my every damn thought nowadays! How can the magic be so strong? My feelings for her are far overpowering anything I felt for Sarah. “Sarah.” I say to myself. Why did you have to turn something so beautiful, into something so tragic for me? (Flashback) Sarah and I were enjoying a sunny day out in the royal gardens on the mainland. All doubts I ever had before of my mate have vanished, for that doesn’t matter anymore. Sarah is pregnant, with my pup, our future King! My wolf and I have made peace with the weak bond because all that is insignificant when compared to the big picture. I look at her hazelnut, brown hair and her bright, brown eyes that match and I smile. “You, my lady, are everything to me. I cannot wait to have our son.” I purr and bring her hand to my lips. Who would have thought I could be so smitten with such an innocent she-wolf? She pulls her hand away, a little too quickly for my liking, but I shake it off. I have noticed this about her lately. She is jumpier to my touch, sometimes avoids my gaze and spends her nights in the library, instead of in bed with me. I have always put it down to the pregnancy, as they say, women can go through changes with all the hormones and so affecting them. Still, her distance is sometimes very off-putting and makes me feel inferior. “Um, I am going to go have a bath, my king.” She looks away from me. A smile forms on my lips. “Let me join you.” I whisper in her ear, but she jumps up at my remark. “No, no, my King. I – I, um, I am not feeling well. I will see you later?” Sarah gathers her things and begins her walk towards our home. I sigh at her actions. When we found each other as mates, she couldn’t keep her hands off me. “Well, at least our bond is weak.” My wolf chimes in my head and I nod. It honestly feels like it’s getting weaker and weaker every month. I don’t even know how long I lay on the picnic blanket in the sun, but I could feel the sunshine move behind a cloud. Opening my eyes in confusion, I see Sam standing in front of me. “Penny for your thoughts, Xavier?” Sam remarks and I pat the space next to me. “Ugh, Sam. I don’t know anymore. Sarah has been really distant with me and our bond is just becoming weaker and weaker as time passes. How is that possible Sam? I am in love with her and she is carrying my pup, but everything you hear about mates is non-existent.” I close my eyes and think about everything I have told my best friend. There is a moment of silence and I look at Sam. “Look, as your beta, I think you have a duty to your Luna and our Queen” He begins. “But, as your best friend, Xavier, I say what the hell man. She is your mate and you didn’t look at one female before her. You are the alpha in the relationship. Go to her and show her who is in charge man. Maybe your hesitation is rubbing off on her and she needs some reassurance.” Sam ends and pats my back. He is right! I am moping around like a teenage girl instead of giving my mate all the love and passion she deserves. No wonder she is so distant. “Sam, you’re right. Thanks, man!” I say whilst standing. “I’m going to go to her right now.” I smile at my words. An idea comes to my mind. I am going to sneak into her room and remove all my clothes. She will be soaking in the steamy bath and I will join her. Maybe I can give her a massage to help her feel better. Yes, this is a great idea! I begin my march up the stairs towards the castle and our room. There is an extra bounce in my step, as I decide to once again, embrace the love I have for my mate. I notice there are no guards outside my bedroom door, which is strange. They know they are supposed to watch over their queen at all times. I walk into my room, but there is radio silence and I can see the bathroom is unoccupied, as the door is open. Where is Sarah? “Maybe she is in the queen's quarters?” Sylus asks, but why would my mate choose to bath there, when this is her room now? Nevertheless, I make my way to the other end of the castle, my initial excitement and passion dwindling with every step I take. Maybe this isn’t such a good idea? The guards see me approaching them and give each other a pained look. I see the hesitation flash through their eyes and this makes me curious and unsettled. My heart is thundering even louder, as I feel the air thicken around me. “Move!” I order them. They step to the side. The bedroom is quiet and neat. The bed is almost untouched, except for one of the pillows that are creased. At first impression, you would think nobody was here, but if you listened carefully, you would hear it. The soft, orgasmic moans of my mate, coming from behind the bathroom door reached my wolf ears and Sylus immediately took control. My eyes were as dark as night and we could smell not only Sarah’s arousal but the thick smell of s*x. “I have had enough!” Sylus demands and breaks down the bathroom door, earning a loud shriek from Sarah and another male wolf. There, on the bathroom floor, is my mate and mother of my pup, spread-eagled and bobbing against another man. I can sense it, the s*x all over the bathroom. “They have been at it in here before today!” My wolf growls to me. I want to lose control. I want to grab this male wolf and rip him to shreds. I want to throw Sarah in the dungeons, but I know I cannot. Not with my pup in her belly and not with me needing to be a fair king and hold a trial. I cannot control the thudding of my heart, as I watch my whole life spiral in front of me. I look to Sarah, demanding answers, but her gaze is fixed on the male wolf underneath her. When she looks up, I do not even sense remorse or guilt, but rather fear, shock and a slight glimmer of relief. I hold onto her gaze. “Sarah, why?” I ask, trying to sound collected and not let the emotions get the better of me. She looks away and I can see the tears welling up in her eyes. I notice the male wolf running his thumb across her cheek as if to comfort her. This sets me on edge and I feel the last bit of control snap inside of me. Sylus takes control once again and grabs the man, pinning him against the wall in all his naked glory. How dare he comfort and touch what is mine? “Sylus, no! Let him go!” Sarah begs with tears streaming down her face, but this only angers Sylus more. “Why should I, mate?” Sylus sarcastically replies to her failed pleas. “B-because, S-sylus. H-he is m-my m-mate and f-father to m-my p-pup!” She breaks down into a crumpled mess in front of me, whilst holding her rounded belly. (End Flashback) This memory never fails to pain me. The day that love became a curse. I’ve never known it to be anything else. Now here I am, back in Dark Moon, the very pack that put together the spell to bind me to Sarah in a fake bond and another she-wolf is claiming to be mine. I shake my head. How will I ever know the truth ever again after what Sarah pulled?
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