Chapter Sixteen

2624 Words
I was still angry the next morning. Angry and confused and wary. Everything has changed after my parents death and I wasn’t so sure it was all for the better. Yeah my friends were great and I loved the classes even if they were mostly repetitive. I loved the tower my uncle had made for me and I even loved the fact that I was all but pining over two professors, and maybe a certain student but I’ll never admit it. It all meant I was able to feel something other than the anger and hatred I had been feeling since their deaths.  But the psychic’s words kept swirling around in my head like a record set on repeat. She said someone was deceiving me, someone I have grown close to. And I hated the idea of that. I hated that I had let someone looking to betray me close to me. And I couldn’t just cut everyone off because of one person. One person who I had no idea who they were. Everyone seemed so genuine and no one's aura told me they meant any harm. No one's aura spoke of deceit.  So how could this person be hiding from me so well?  And great change was coming? Really? Change has already come to me in the form of murder and knowledge the supernatural was real. And that’s not to mention I was apparently some kind of supernatural and I was in school with them. How is that not change enough? Why did more have to come my way? Was the universe intentionally messing with me? Was the universe playing with me? Or did it enjoy seeing me wallar around like a fish out of water?  Then there were her words about an awakening and a search for inner truth. Ha! Like I haven’t been searching for who and what I was since I got here. Since I figured out I was a supernatural and had a father and brother I couldn’t inform of my identity. But she was right. I wanted to know who I was. I wanted to know where I came from, I wanted to know my birth father and my twin. I wanted to know all of it. But my search for inner truth was not going well. No matter what I always came up empty handed. My father was a warlock, my brother was a warlock, my uncle was a warlock. But my mom wasn’t a witch. No one knew what kind of supernatural she was, not even her brother. So now no one knew what I was. Not even me. All I knew was I had to be what my mom was. And that really sucked considering not knowing was driving me insane.  And what was with that purple smoke display? Who were all those people? Was it the past? The future? Whose life did I witness? Because it most certainly was not mine. All I wanted was to come to this Academy and finish my schooling so I could just leave and go find my parents' killers. I wanted to track them down and rid the world of their evil. There is no telling how many more people have been killed because I hesitated that night. And I would always carry that guilt with me.  I groaned. Why was all of this so hard and confusing? None of this was supposed to happen. I was supposed to be home with mom. Studying, doing my school work. I was supposed to be having breakfast with my parents and family dinners. I was supposed to be finding colleges and figuring out what I wanted my career to be. Which was teaching at a local colleague. I wanted to teach mythology and supernatural superstitions. I had thought about asking about a position here after I graduated. At least then I would still be doing something I had always planned. That much of my past may not be as lost as I thought.  And as much as I liked it here, I liked the classes and most of the people. I did not like the way they did things. They were all mean and cruel. Always thinking about themselves above anyone else. No one seemed to care about other people's feelings or even their lives. Like Professor Cassius. He was sentenced to however long in prison for killing killers. For saving countless lives. Saving women and possibly men from having their lives destroyed by the acts some of them wanted to commit. He gave those people what they deserved and was punished for it.  Now. Because his “Talents” were required they brought him here, planning to use him like some kind of shiny new toy. And when they’re done they plan to throw him back into prison like trash. That just wasn’t right. You don’t use people like that. And I actually felt bad for Cassius. He didn’t deserve the treatment he was receiving.  Then there was Ryker. He was an outcast because of his eyes. His freaking eyes. How did that even make any sense? So what if his eyes were red? It was just a color. And yeah, I admit there might be a lot about this world I didn’t know about. And yeah it frightened me. Though I would never admit that. But surely an eye color couldn't make everyone act like that towards him. He was such a good man. He was kind and protective. He stood by you. He didn’t turn his back on you. Which is why I was pretty sure if his brothers were to ever need him he would be there without question. Just because that was the kind of guy he was.  Maybe if I took the seat from Xavier I could change things. Maybe I could make a difference and make this evil place learn from their mistakes. But Cassius and my uncle said I could be killed. And without any magic or supernatural to help protect me then I was nothing but a sitting duck for all the heirs and their parents. They could all probably kill me without blinking. But then again the magic orb didn’t do anything to me so maybe I wasn’t so hard to kill after all. Maybe something about my suppressed supernatural kept me safe from harmful magic. But what did I know?  I decided to finally get up after spending half the day in bed wallowing in my worries and anger. I went and showered, trying to wash all memories of yesterday away. I needed to forget the psychic’s words. There was no reason to worry about them. Not right now at least. None of it would really make a difference until whatever I was decided to show itself. Which was really starting to irk me too. What would it take for whatever I was to awaken? Surely I had been through enough that it should have shown itself already. Everything I have been told or read was that your supernatural side was very protective of their counterparts. Whatever it didn’t matter. It would rear its head soon enough.  I really didn’t feel like going down to lunch so I stayed in my room and went through some of the things mom and I had collected. I pulled out the first witch’s grimoire. I’ve never read through all of it. I always got caught up on things that I would be able to accomplish. I would stop and practice that certain spell until I had perfected it. By then moving on through the rest of the book had been put on the back burner, forgotten. But now I had time to spare. I wouldn’t be distracted by constant classes and fighting lessons. Now all I had to do was go to class and I could come back to my room and read through this grimoire. Then I could move on to a book neither of us had opened yet. We didn’t know what it was and mom told me to leave it alone until we knew. But she wasn’t here now, so I could do with it what I will. Right after I finish this book.  I went down to the kitchen and grabbed a cold coffee from the fridge, and some popcorn. Before I settled back onto the couch in the entrance room, pulling my feet under me and throwing a blanket over my lap. I had everything I needed to sit back and read for however long I needed to. In all honesty I didn’t know why I wanted to read this all of a sudden or what I was looking for, but something was just nagging at me to pick it up. I opened the old cover and reread the entry. I was sure this book was meant to be kept in her family. She never intended or wanted it to be in the hands of another.  To protect, to heal and to help. These are the ideals I uphold as the first witch. These are the ideals I pass to my daughter. And her to her daughter and so it continues until my bloodline is to become nonexistent. As this book is passed through the generations each daughter shall add their own power, their own spells. If the day shall come this book leaves the Hallewell family, a protection has been placed upon the book to protect the power the family wields.  There was more, but it was smudged and I have never been able to make the words out. But that wasn’t what confused me. She said a protection was placed on the book if it ever left her family. That means I shouldn’t have been able to open or read it. I was not a Hallewell, I was a blackthorn. And my mom was a Blackthorn. And she was an Asheton before that. Same as Uncle jack. He was Jack Asheton. So me being able to get through the book always surprised and awed me.  Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not complaining and I am grateful I was able to get through it. I have learned to cast locking spells, protection spells. I’ve learned a spell that blocks my life force from someone. A silencing spell. There are so many things a non witch could do and I wanted to learn them all. Hey, maybe there was a truth spell I could use. One I could cast in myself that makes anyone who comes into contact with me tell the truth. Wouldn’t that be helpful? Flipping to where I stopped last time I began. So many spells. Ones that created money. A teleportation spell. A potion that made hair grow, and one that lowered someone's inhibitions. There was one that caused illusions and one that made you see your worst nightmares. More and more as I flipped through the pages.  Some were dark. Like really dark. And had nothing to do with healing, protecting or helping and everything to do with death. There was a spell that made the victim kill themselves. A potion that slowly made the person lose their mind until they couldn’t take anymore and they took their own life. Then there was a spell that caused the person to receive thousands upon thousands of cuts until they died of blood loss. There was even one that caused instant death.  How could this book go from healing spells and potions. To murder and torture? Who even added these? And why would anyone use them? I know I would never want to cause such a thing to anyone. No one deserved to have something so vile inflicted upon them. And whatever witch created these I was more than happy to not be related to her.  I sighed in relief when a knock made me close the book. I didn’t know how much longer I could handle reading such evil things someone created. Clutching the book close to my chest I walked over to the door and pulled it open to reveal Uncle Jack. His face drawn into a frown and his brows creased tightly.  “Hey Uncle Jack. Is everything okay?”  He pulled me into a tight hug. “Cassius told me he found you walking down the side of the road.” he said lowly. “What happened?” He asked, pulling back but keeping his hands on my shoulders.  “I left the bar. I needed some air. But a psychic caught me and by the time I was done there it was already dark and I had assumed they all left already. I didn’t know of a taxi service and I had no other way back so I started walking.”  “Never. Never walk around like that alone.” My uncle scolded, his tone stern. He had never used that voice with me before.  “I’m sorry.” I murmured, looking down at my feet. “I didn’t know what else to do.”  “Rose, look at me.” He urged, his voice softer now. “It is dangerous out there alone, especially for you since you don’t know your supernatural yet or know your magic. I don’t want to lose you too.”  I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face in his chest. “I’m sorry Uncle Jack.” I whispered. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”  “It’s alright. You’re safe, that’s all that matters.” He kissed the top of my head and pulled away. “Just make sure you’re always with someone when you’re out after dark.” He looked down at me with a soft smile. A smile that fell away the second it landed on the book in my hands. “Where did you get that?” He asked in a strained voice.  “Oh.” I looked down at the book and tightened my grip on it before looking back at my uncle. “It’s one of the books mom and I found. I told you we went hunting for ancient texts and scrolls. This is one of the many.” I admitted.  “Rose. Do you know what that is?” He asked.  “Well, yeah. It’s the first witch’s grimoire.” “You can read it? Open it?” His eyes widened.  “Well yeah.” I shrugged. “I’ve been reading through it the past few hours. Though the book never says what her name is, other than Hallewell.”  “The Hallewell line was thought to have died out eighteen years ago.” My uncle looked me over carefully. Almost like he was taking in everything about me all over again. “Rose. Do you mind if I run some blood tests on you?” He asked hopefully.  “What? Why?” I balked, stepping away from him.  “It’s just a theory.” He told me, shaking his head. “I don’t want to worry you if it turns out to be wrong. I promise no harm will ever come to you and nothing other than a few tests will be done.” He vowed.  “Alright.” I nodded heavily, not really sure what to think. But I knew my uncle would never hurt me. And I also knew he would not be asking this of me unless it was vital information for me to know. So I was going to trust him. I was going to let him take these tests and when whatever results came in, I was going to trust him to explain it to me. Because I was hoping the thought swimming around in my head, and the feeling in my gut was wrong. 
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