Chapter Twenty Four

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‘The Reaper” Not much is known about the reaper or where the reaper came from and even less is known about their origins. What is known is the reaper is the currier of life and death. They hold the power to heal one from the most deadly of wounds, but can not heal themselves. Instead they have increased healing speeds. Or they can take a soul from another, absorbing it into themself to gain strength. Though a reaper can only take a soul that is close to death. The reaper, like many shifters have increased strength and speed, and is able to go incorporeal to protect themselves. A reaper can see another’s aura and as a courier of life, can interrupt and feel on another’s emotions. A reaper is a neutral supernatural, their empathic power giving them the ability to stay neutral between the supernatural world. With the reaper's empathic abilities the reaper can feel, and absorb others emotions when in close proximity, helping the other gain control or even taking the pain and suffering from others and into themselves. Some reapers can even use others' negative emotions to feed their own power.  With the reaper being neutral, and with their power to take emotions from another, they were appointed the royals of the supernatural world when it first established a monarchy. The reapers held power for thousands of years. With their very essence being tied to the palace in which they resided, only a blood born reaper had access to the palace, and only a reaper can oversee the supernatural world with a neutral view. Not much else is known of the reapers. They were a quiet and secretive race, keeping themselves separate from others to better keep the peace.’ I closed the book with a sigh, leaning my head onto the desk so it rested on the book. I already knew almost all of that. All except the speed part. I’ve never been able to move at an unnatural speed. Well, not until yesterday when I saved Cassius. And I honestly had no clue how I even did that. I remember wishing I was closer to him, wishing I could get there in time to save him before the car left with him knocked out in the back. Then I was just there. I guess I’ll figure it all out with time. It’s not like there is this magical handbook on how to be a reaper. I wish there was though. Maybe then I could find the strength and willpower to leave this damn tower, to answer the door when people knocked.  The only people I am allowing in right now are the few I’ve grown close to. And I am even wary of them. After finding out what I was, the psychic’s words echoed in my ear, warning me of the person close to me that wished to betray me. Knowing what I do now, I was scared. Scared of what it meant to be betrayed by the person I thought was my friend. Sometimes I wish I had never let anyone close to me, that I had kept them all pushed away like I usually did. Then I wouldn’t have to worry, I wouldn’t be here stressing over which person sitting around me wanted to hurt me. Wanted to possibly kill me.  Lexi, Ryker, Mathew, the twins, Caleb and Cassius sat around the sitting area upstairs. Cassius assured me Phoenix was coming, and that he would help in any way he could. I didn’t believe him. Phoenix was a quiet person. Didn’t really like company outside of class. He has still been fighting his darkness as it has still been spreading through him when he was alone. When he had no one there to help him. I wish I knew how to help others emotions. Absorb them the way the book said I could. Not because I wanted more power. I already has enough of that and it scared me. But because I wanted to help Phoenix. I wanted to make his darkness go away, wanted to let him have a chance to be happy again. But there was so much about myself I still didn’t know. An entire other side of myself that hasn’t woken up yet. According to Lilith I would know of this side “When the time was right” I scoffed. Yeah, because she didn’t take her precious time to come to me.  “I already told you. I couldn’t.” Lilith hissed. “I know, I know.” I rolled my eyes at her. “That doesn't mean I didn’t need you.” “I know.” Her voice was now wary. “I would have helped save your parents if I could have.”  All fight had left me. She was right, everyone was right. She couldn’t come to me in the mortal world. There was too much risk for exposure. And she promised me that once we sat upon the throne, the vampire clan would answer for the rogues they have let go unchecked. But I didn’t want an entire race punished for the actions of a few of them. That was like convicting the entire human race of murder, just because one.  I jumped, yelping as a hand landed on my shoulder startling me. It took everything in me not to take that person’s hand and toss them over my shoulder. I knew only people close to me were in here. I turned around, my eyes landing on the silver ones I have been waiting to see. I beamed, jumping from my seat to embrace him. It was still weird to be bonded to three men. And even more strange to openly show I was bonded to two professors. And what was even more strange than that. Hugging the said professors. Or touching them, period. I spent so much time fighting and ignoring the bond between us that being close to them like this made my insides twist.  “How are you doing?” He asked, his large arms encasing my entire upper body as he wound them around me.  I exhaled a breath I didn’t know I was holding as his warmth surrounded me. I didn’t know how much I needed this. To feel him near, to know he was okay. He wasn’t okay though. The darkness in him was edging in on him. The black surrounding his aqua aura where it looked like it was outlined. I opened my power to him, his emotions washing over me. They weren’t as strong as they were last time. The darkness is subtle in his emotions. Instead, concern, hesitance and wariness was eating at him. I didn’t blame him though. I would be wary of me too if I were in his position.  “As well as I can be.” I answered pulling away from him. “How are you?” I sat back down on the chair I was in, watching as he sat beside a very uncomfortable looking Cassius.  “Confused.” He answered honestly.  “Yeah. Me too.” I whispered, closing my eyes and holding my head in my hands.  “Hey. Don’t worry. We will figure all of this out.” Ryker assured me, taking my hands from my face so I had to look into his red eyes. “You’re not in this alone. We are all here for you.”  I gave him a small smile. If only he knew. If any of them did. But I couldn’t tell them what the psychic said. It would give whoever was here to hurt me the knowledge they needed to progress their plans, or to run. If they ran, at least then I would know who it was. But it would also give them the head start they needed to make themself scarce. And I wanted to keep whoever it was close. Keep your enemies close, right? Yeah, I’d go with that. I so didn’t want to punish whoever was going to betray me. Nope, not this girl. I laughed at myself. Yeah right.  “What do you think about all of this?” Cassius finally spoke up.  “To be honest? I have absolutely no idea. This is all so much so fast. I didn’t even know this was possible. I was thinking I was some average shifter or witch. But instead I ended up with this, a freaking reaper. A race that was supposed to be extinct. I don’t know how to cope with this.” I admitted softly. Berating myself for admitting a weakness out loud.  “You’re strong, you’ll cope. And we will help.” Cassius assured me as he came and stood behind me, his hand firmly grasping my shoulder as we faced the others together. My mind instantly shot back to the purple cloud the psychic had shown me. A woman in a throne, the man standing behind her with his hand on her shoulder protectively. Was that me and Cassius? Was that my future? A future I never wanted? A future I never craved? And where were the other two guys? Shaking the thoughts from my mind I lay my hand over his and smiled up at him. “Thank you Cassius.” I turned to the rest of the people in the room. “I still need to finish school. Graduate.”  “You can get private tutors, move into the palace where you belong. It is your home now. It’s been in the royal reaper’s family for generations.” Phoenix told me, his gruff voice somehow like a balm to my fraying nerves.  “I don’t want to seclude myself though.” I shook my head. “The Academy needs protectors now, guards. I can’t leave them exposed like that.”  “Leave guards behind.” Lexi shrugged. “I’m sure the banshee or centaurs would love an excuse to boss a bunch of people around.”  I laughed. Mostly because I didn’t know anything about the personality of those races. They are not one of the races mom, or the Academy, had me study. But if she was right, maybe I could leave some behind to watch over the place. But what would happen if the Academy was attacked by more than they could handle? I would be signing their death warrants. And I really didn’t want more blood on my hands.  “No. That won’t work.” I told them, already exhausted from the conversation. “Should the council and embassy attack they could bring more than they could handle.” I shook my head. “No, I need to stay. I need to make sure the Academy and students are safe.” I groaned. “God I’ve made a mess of things.”  “You were protecting your bonded, someone you care about and is important to you. And you’ve gained a lot of allies in the process.” Lexi tried soothing me.  “I’ve also gained powerful enemies. And I’ve put this Academy and everyone inside in danger.” I countered stiffly.  “Rose.” Paris said scoldingly. “It’s not Lexi’s fault.”  I massaged my temples. “I know, I’m sorry. This is just all too much, too fast. How am I supposed to rule over an entire species of people?”  “With our help.” Caleb smiled, coming to grasp my hands.  “You’re not mad at me? Resent me?” I asked. I felt the stinging of tears at the back of my eyes as I waited for his answer. How could he not? I basically came from nowhere and stole what he’d been training for his whole life. I didn’t want to, never intended to. It was all a sick twist of fate none of us were prepared for.  “No. I don’t.” He kissed my forehead lightly. "On the seat or as a ruler beside you, I am happy.”  “Well. You’ll have the title king instead of councilman.” I teased.  Caleb, Cassius and Phoenix all seemed to tense at once. I furrowed my brow as I looked between them wondering what I said that was so wrong. Did the title startle them? Scare them? Did they even think about what being bonded to me now meant? Would they change their minds now? Maybe I should have kept my mouth shut.  “Are you all alright?” I murmured.  “Yeah, yeah.” Cassius squeezed my shoulder. “It’s just hard to imagine how I went from what I was, to what I will be.”  “I know. But at least now, no one will be after you. Not after finding out you’re bonded to the last reaper. That by itself is good enough for me, even if you didn’t want the bond.”  “Why would you think that?” Cassius asked indignantly. “It’s not what I think Cassius it’s…” “Silas.” He corrected me.  “Fine Silas. It’s not what I think, it was just a statement. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean anything by it.”   “Rose.” Cassi...Silas knelt in front of me. “Don’t question my loyalty for you or how I care for you.”  “I didn’t mean to. Not like that at least.” I dropped my head, my forehead hitting the table making a thwack, echoing throughout the room. Okay, ow. That hurt.  “Rose, stop.” Ryker finally spoke up as he came over to me, grasping me by the shoulders and shaking me. “You are stronger than this. You have been since the moment you arrived. You stood up to Amy on your first day. You stood up to the heirs, and Amy and her friends again to defend me. You dropped Darius like he was nothing but a fly when I told you what he’d done. You can do this.”  “And you stood in my defense.” Cas… Damn it, I’ll never get used to calling him Silas.  “You have also helped me.” Phoenix stood. “My darkness may not be gone, but it is contained.”  “Phoenix.” I shook my head, my eyes meeting his silver ones. “Please don’t lie to me.” “I’m no…”  “Yes you are. I can see your aura Phoenix. I can see your soul and the darkness outlines yours.”  Phoenix froze. “What? I don’t understand.”  I sighed. “Your aura is your soul. Or at least the outer portion of it. I can see emotions inside of the aura, I can see the darkness. Think of your soul as I picture in a coloring book. You know how all the pictures are outlined in black for you to color in?”  “Yes.” He replied, almost hesitantly.  “That’s what yours looks like. It is outlined with darkness, while your aura and emotions fill inside the lines. It’s creeping in on you and you don’t even know it. I can try to help. The book said I can take emotions. I don’t know how to do it, but I can try.”  “Do it.” He said through clenched teeth, his hand outstretched towards me.  I nodded, grasping his hands tightly. I tried to give him my most reassuring smile before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before repeating what I remembered doing with the kid from class. I projected my aura into Phoenix’s. His beautiful aqua color mixed with my purple. They merged like they were meant to be together. I tried to ignore the feel of it and stretch my aura out to the edges of his.  Resistance hit me instantly making me wince as the darkness lashed out making pain radiate through me. My grip on Phoenix tightened. I clenched my teeth and pushed harder. My head started hurting and a throbbing behind my eyes started. I heard as Phoenix grunted and his own grip tightened on me painfully. This was hurting him too. And that. Well that made me mad. This darkness could hurt me all it wanted, but it would not cause my bonded pain.  I felt Lilith awaken inside me, writhing just beneath my skin. I lost my grip on Phoenix as my form became incorporal. The shadowed version of myself surged forward fully incorporating itself with Phoenix’s aura. It felt weird. Like my body had been disposed of reducing me to nothing but my active consciousness. But I felt the power in this form, and it was intoxicating and scary at the same time. I couldn’t focus on that now. Right now Phoenix was my priority.  Expanding my thoughts, or body, aura? Whatever I was, I hunted for the darkness within him. It was like searching for a needle in a haystack as I rifled through all of his emotions, his soul. It felt futile. But eventually I found it. It was inky black and thick. The density of this reminds me more of tar than a darkened emotion. The reliance of this and the intensity of it was unnatural.  As I reached the outer edges of his soul I started to push from all sides. It was hard, and whatever form I was in I felt drained and out of breath, but I still pushed harder still. Slowly, ever so slowly the darkness started to move. I replicated the soul potion, confining the darkness to one small portion of his soul until eventually it was nothing but a dark blob tainting a fraction of the space it once had. With one final deep breath, I pushed. And with a barely audible pop, the darkness was gone.  By the time I had withdrawn all of myself I was left panting heavily, sweat beaded down my back and brow. My chest felt like it was being ripped open as my lungs burned like the flames of hell had been shoved down my throat. My mouth felt like sandpaper, and my body nothing but a pool of jelly.  Unable to hold myself up, I started to fall out of the chair until strong arms wrapped themselves around me, hauling me into their arms. Barely able to open my eyes, I looked into the quicksilver eyes of Phoenix. His eyes were brighter, like a light was illuminated from within him. His face was brighter, his color more pronounced. And the most amazing smile I had ever seen on him graced his beautiful features. Those dimples though!  “Thank you.” He breathed, pressing his forehead to my sweat covered brow. “I’ve never felt more myself than I do right now. Years. Years Rose I have been struggling to keep everything contained. And everyday it has become harder and harder. But you. You took it all away.”  I took a shuddering breath. “ was plan..planted.” I stuttered out. “Som..someone,”  Shock and fury passed in his eyes. “What?”  I nodded, “I..I’m sorry.” It came out as a whisper, I no longer had the strength to keep a conversation going. I just closed my eyes and allowed Phoenix’s body heat to surround me. He was so warm. Warmer than any normal person should ever be and it felt exceptional. I felt like my body was freezing me from the inside out and he was thawing me. I never wanted him to let me go. At least not until I felt warm again. But I was curious as to what he was. I forced my eyes open and looked behind us, my head lolling in the process. Phoenix’s shadow danced like living flames behind him. Massive wings, even larger than the dragon’s flapped once, twice before it wrapped my own shadow within it making me shiver with the extra warmth it gave me. I smiled at the shadow, reaching out to it shakily and running a finger through what I had assumed was feathers. Not feathers I thought. Flames. That’s why it looked the way it did. He wasn’t an eagle or Alicanto like I thought. No. He was something so much better. He was a Phoenix. He was exactly what his name entailed. And I couldn’t wait to see him shift because as rare and unheard of as an Alicanto was, a phoenix was something more. More powerful, more majestic, and more beautiful.  
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