Chapter Eighteen

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I sat in mixtures and herbs class, which by the way was actually potions class. They changed the name for my benefit until I figured out what kind of school this was. And I had to admit I enjoyed making potions. And professor Kline made things interesting. Whatever potions we made, we had to test on ourselves. That gave everyone the motivation to pay apt attention to her and to the ingredients that go into the potions. I’ve already seen someone turn themself purple with a potion gone wrong. The potion was supposed to change your hair color, but she made her entire body turn purple for a week.  Lexi although a witch was trying to make a truth potion and ended up making people spill secrets I bet they’d rather not have told. I now knew way more about the people in this class than I ever wanted to know. They spilt all of it. Weird fetishes, crushes, even weird obsessions. Thankfully, she never got close enough to me to spill any of my secrets. The potion worked by proximity. Anyone within ten feet of her spoke whether they wanted to or not. At that moment I was thankful for whatever bond we had.  Right now we were all attempting to make potions meant to lower inhibitions. I wasn’t sure how I felt about that. I most definitely did not want to do or say something I didn’t want to. But class rules, I had to take my own potion to see if it worked. And with this being the first time I have actually attempted a potion I was more than a little wary.  “Who is done with their potion?” Professor Kline asked, clapping her hands in excitement. I swear she enjoyed watching us make fools of ourselves. The smile on her face and glint in her eye told me she not only enjoyed it, but relished in it. Despite the manner in which she taught her class, the method did work.  Hands reluctantly raised in the air at her question. She all but squealed as she pointed at a boy in the back of the class. His eyes widened, as he looked back at her. With shaky hands he lifted the small vile in his hand and washed it back in one go. His face scrunched up, his nose wrinkling at what I’m assuming was the taste of the potion. That made me lift my own vile and smell it. But the only thing I could smell was the spice of herbs and a hint of something floral. It actually didn’t smell bad at all. Maybe I got it wrong, or he did.  I watched the boy closely as his face relaxed, his eyes turning kind of glassy. But that was the only sign it did anything. He sat scarily still, his glassy eyes staring at nothing. People started waving their hands in front of him with no response. Professor Kline furrowed her brow, walking over to him and shaking him aggressively by his shoulders. But there was still no response from him. It was like his soul left his body leaving an empty shell behind. Or like he was somehow locked within his own mind. The professor picked up the boy's vile and smelt it. Jerking away from the vile like it electrocuted her she gave the boy a pained look.  “Class dismissed.” Professor yelled. “You.” She pointed at Lexi. “Go get the headmaster and the healer.” Lexi nodded with wide eyes as she darted out the door. I furrowed my brow as I waited for the last person to leave and opening my power. The boy’s aura was a murky grey, a small amount of bright yellow swirled within it like it was trying to get free, to fight the murky grey that surrounded it. That’s when I noticed the grey was fighting the yellow, forcing it into submission. Whatever this boy made, it was affecting his soul.  “What did he make?” I asked the professor as I strode over to him.  “Somehow he ended up making a soul potion.” She murmured, her eyes never leaving the boy.  “What does it do?” I lay my hands on the boy and gasped at the raw power coating his skin.  “It will lock him inside himself. The potion was always meant as a defensive potion, used only in the most dire circumstances. It will lock you away while it feeds on your soul, gaining strength as it goes so it can continue until your entire soul has been consumed. After it is done, the power will slip away leaving nothing but a shell behind.”  “And you thought it was a good idea to just give a student the ingredients to make such a potion?” I grit out.  “I...I didn’t...This was never supposed to happen.” She stumbled over her words, her odd orange eyes boring into mine.  I growled. “I really hope this stops you from doing something as stupid as making untrained students test their potions on themselves. If this boy dies, it’s on you. I might be able to help him, but if I can’t save him. I want to make sure you know where the blame lay, whose hands his blood will be on.”  I turned away from her and squatted before the boy. His blue eyes were hazy as the potion continued to eat his soul. I tightly grasped the boy's hands in mine and closed my eyes. I pushed my ability into him, feeling out his aura, his soul. It was dim and weak but still there. The boy was fighting it, I could feel his power struggling to keep hold of what was left of him. My heart pinched at what he was going through. I could feel the pain his soul was in, and I have never felt anything like it. I pushed deeper, searching for more of him and wrapping my own aura around his, pulling it forward. He fought me at first, but when his soul felt the power and intention in mine, it willingly allowed me to surround it.  I completely engulfed his aura with mine and pulled. I pulled with everything in me. The rest of me was fighting off the potion. My weird healing ability sweeping through him and shoving the murk out of him. I felt as it leaked out of his pores and dissipated into the air around us. When I saw and felt the murk was gone, I withdrew my aura from his, making sure I got every bit of myself before I felt myself come back to myself.  I dropped back with a gasp, my back hitting the hard floor as exhaustion washed over me. I didn’t even have the strength to stop my head from impacting with the stone floor, only brace for impact. But it never came. A hand caught me before I could give myself a concussion. I looked up and midnight eyes met mine, an orange aura flaring around me wildly. All I could manage to do was smile up at Professor Cassius in thanks. My body was exhausted, my muscles complete jelly. I was unable to move any part of myself except expression. But I wanted to know if the boy was okay, if he lived. I felt my weird healing power washing over me, but it wasn’t enough. Not after healing the boy.  “He’s fine.” Cassius assured me, his eyes full of concern as he looked down on me. “He lived, and is as good as new. The healer is looking him over now. It’s you we are worried about.”  “Where is she?” I heard my uncle roar. I flinched at his tone. It was angry and filled with panic. I wondered how he knew I was involved. I felt as his rainbow aura closed in on me. “What happened to her?” He asked, pulling me from Cassius onto his lap. I immediately missed Cassius arms, my body going cold from the lack of his body against mine. A hard shiver went through me, and I looked over to the professor almost longingly.  “She healed the boy.” Professor Kline murmured. “She exhaled him from a soul potion.”  “No one can survive a soul potion. It was designed to kill. Slowly, painfully.” My uncle whispered, his hazel eyes boring into me. But I wasn’t looking at him, my eyes were locked into midnight eyes that were completely consuming me.  “She did.” Professor Kline confirmed. “I watched, I felt the power the girl emitted as she healed him. Headmaster, whatever that child is, she needs to be protected. People will come for her, covet her.” “Prof…” My uncle was cut off by the door slamming against the wall with a loud CRACK. I couldn’t look but I was sure the door was no longer hanging on its hinges. The air thickened as whoever burst in the room stomped towards up. I immediately knew who it was as the scent of smoke and rain hit me, and an aqua aura washed over me like a warm blanket.  “What happened here?” Phoenix roared, his large frame coming into view as his shadow completely covered me. I saw his eyes darting from me to the boy who was now sitting at his chair staring at me wide eyed. His blue eyes were clear now, his color returning to his face as his soul calmed itself down and settled back to how it should be.  “Professor Kline had the students make a potion that lowers inhibitions, but this boy somehow made a soul potion. And by some miracle Rose was able to save him, heal him.” Professor Cassius murmured, his eyes still on me. I moved my eyes from Phoenix’s silver eyes to Cassius’s midnight ones. Why had both of them come? Were they summoned here? Did my Uncle ask them to be here?  “She is weak.” Phoenix said, his tone tight. “She needs to rest.”  My uncle furrowed his brow as he looked from me to phoenix, realization of my lack of movement sinking in. “Rose are you alright?” I tried to answer him. Really I did. But I was still unable to move, and it was really starting to get to me. I wanted to reassure him I was okay, and that professor Phoenix was right. I just needed rest. I smiled to let him know I was okay, but also pleaded with him to just take me back to my tower. To let me go to sleep.  “Cassius.” My uncle said, his tone hard. “Take Rose to her room. Make sure she gets in bed and rests. Stay with her if need be, her tower has spare rooms. It is your job as her Counselor and her guide to make sure she is safe.”  Professor Cassius nodded curtly, taking me from my uncle and pulling me into his arms. He grasped me tightly, pushing my body against his firmly. His warmth surrounded me, as the scent of fresh snow hit me. If I was able to move I was sure I would be snuggling into his arms like a child, burrowing myself into him. I wanted to. God help me how I wanted to. But I was so glad I was unable to. I don’t think that would send such a good message to him or to my uncle. I should't want him, I couldn’t. But I did. I wanted Cassius, I wanted Phoenix, and I wanted Caleb.  “I’ll take care of her.” Phoenix stepped forward. “Professor Cassius and his skills are needed here.”  I swear I heard Cassius growl as Phoenix closed in on me. Cassius's arms grasped me tighter, crushing me against him. But Phoenix didn’t budge, just moved closer, his silver eyes swirling like quicksilver, emotions I couldn’t describe blazing in them. “Her safety is my responsibility, not yours.” Cassius growled.  “You’re needed here.” Phoenix snapped back.  I felt myself gaining control over my body, my healing slowly taking effect as it returned my ability to move back to me. I knew I still couldn’t hold my own weight, and I needed someone to carry me to my room. But I won’t have two professors arguing over who is going to do it. As I looked between the two of them, I noticed my uncle watching them closely. I also saw Ryker and the heirs gathered at the door like peeping toms. But it was perfect. Ryker could take me back to my room and then no one would be arguing over me.  “Let Ryker take me.” I managed to rasp out. “I’m sure both of you are needed here. Ryker has stayed in my tower before and he’s my friend. He will make sure I’m okay.” Ryker came in when he heard me, his face grim and fierce as he stood before Cassius all but demanding for him to hand me over. But again, Cassius’s grip tightened. A low and almost inaudible growl emitting from his throat. “I’ll be fine Cassius.” I said gently, turning to look into his midnight eyes. I placed my hand on his chest, trying to recreate what happened before. But this time I sent my emotions to him. I opened myself completely to him to let him know I was okay and that I’d be fine with Ryker.  “I need to know you’re safe.” Cassius said lowly to where I was the only one able to hear him.  “I am safe. I just need to sleep.” I murmured, a small smile tilting the corner of my lips. “You can come check on me after all of this is over if it will make you feel better.”  His eyes brightened at that a little and he nodded, sliding me into Ryker’s waiting arms. His grip on me instantly became tight. Almost protective as he clutched me to him. He was holding me like I was his life line, like I was anchoring him here. I turned to Phoenix, his silver eyes alight with what seemed to be a living flame. “I’m okay.” I tried to assure him, smiling over at him as brightly as I could. “Thank you for coming, for worrying about me.” I turned from Phoenix to my uncle who was looking at me with a mixture of concern and fear. I reached my arm out to him, and he took my hand standing from his kneeling position. He gently ran his hand down the length of my face, his eyes shining with unshed tears. “I’m okay Uncle Jack.” I smiled. “I just need to sleep and regain my strength. I’m just weak right now, I’m not hurt.”  “You can’t ever. Ever do this to me again.” He said firmly, his hand cupping the side of my face. “I will not lose you too Rose, I can’t.”  “I’m sorry. He needed help, and I couldn’t let him die for some stupid mistake. He never should have been allowed to test the potion on himself. No one who is untrained should ever have to test their potions on themselves.”  “You’re right. And I promise this will never happen again. No student will ever test their potions on themself ever again.”  I nodded and turned to Ryker. “Take me to my room please.” It came out as a whisper, exhaustion washing over me again making my eyes flutter closed. I felt as Ryker began walking, his arms tightened on me as he tried not to jostle me too much. The heat radiating from him warmed my cold body.  “You can’t take her to her room.” I heard Caleb say from a distance. “You know mother and father are waiting for you.”  “What do you expect me to do? She asked for me. Me. Caleb. I can’t abandon her when she needs me.”  “I will take her. You know you will be punished if you do not go to them.”  Ryker growled, but I felt as my body once again changed hands. Caleb’s green aura instantly engulfed me, wrapping around me and encasing me inside of it. He felt good. Being in his arms felt natural, like I was supposed to be here. He felt almost like home, the place I belonged. And I never wanted to lose this feeling. I haven’t felt such peace since my parents were killed. And I found myself burrowing into him deeper, a content sigh escaping me.  “You better take care of her.” Ryker growled.  “She will be safe. I will take care of her, you have my word.” Caleb said calmly.  As Ryker’s presence disappeared, Caleb started walking. I was still somewhere between sleep and wakefulness. But I was awake enough to feel Caleb’s arms grasp me tightly. Awake enough to feel his lips brush across my forehead like a feather. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you.” He whispered to me. “You’re safe with me.”  I instinctively wrapped my arms around him in turn, brushing the side of my face along his chest until I found somewhere I could rest properly. I snuggled deeper into him, feeling the honesty in his words and the truth in his grasp, his aura. I felt safety with him, I felt content. And as we entered my tower and he laid me down, I pulled him down with me. No way was I going to lose this feeling. He would lay with me until I fell fully asleep whether he liked it or not. Because I was not willing to let him go just yet. I was not willing to lose the security I felt.  I hear Caleb chuckle as he lay behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me against him. Ah, yes. That is perfect. I turned over to where we were face to face and snuggled down into his chest. And with a small and content smile, I felt myself slip into the darkness. 
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