#Chapter 52 – Gone Too Far

1644 Words

Luca’s stumbles again as he holds me up with one arm below my ass, the other still around my waist – but I don’t care.  I don’t care at all – don’t care about anything except the taste of his mouth, the feel of his lips pressing against mine again and again. I can only concentrate on the way his tongue feels as he licks me, promising without words all the different ways he wants to taste me, all the different parts of my body he wants to taste –  God, f**k, if we fall to the ground in this damn dream forest, I don’t care –  Might be better, honestly, so I could feel the weight of him on me, pressing me inexorably down, into the ground –  But Luca finds his footing, his grip on my thigh moving upwards to tighten at the soft place right at the crease of my ass. He moans again, that hard

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