#Chapter 51 – Fighting with my Mate

1481 Words

Luca’s lips just barely, barely brush mine before I gasp and shove him away.  “Luca!” I shout, stumbling backwards a few steps and staring up at him with wide eyes. “Oh my god, Ari!” he shouts, digging his hands into his hair and turning from me in frustration, clenching his jaw. “What – are you – seriously!? What are we even here for if we’re not going to –“ “Luca!” I shout again, stomping my foot and going completely rigid with my own anger. “You are not being fair – you told me to come here tonight for a conversation, and then you try to –“ I hesitate now, stumbling over my words in my embarrassment, “what, make out with me!?” Luca laughs an ironic little laugh and turns back at me, glaring. “Well, isn’t that the point, Ari? What do you want from me? Why are you pulling me into a se

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