#Chapter 8 – Breakfast

1519 Words

“Would you get up!?” I start awake to see Rafe’s face peering over the edge of the bunk, frowning at me. “Seriously, Ari! The bell rang like ten minutes ago – I have no idea how you’re still asleep!” I glare at my brother a little, already in a bad mood, wondering how he’d feel if he got about two hours of sleep after getting the crap beat out of him the day before. Rafe rolls his eyes at me and hops down, getting ready for the day. I was up for hours after I got back in bed last night, trying to figure out how I feel about all of this. At the core of me, I know that keeping my secret is the most important thing. But still… Two mates, in the same place, at the same time! And me here by what feels like chance – God, it’s almost like…fate or something.  I mean, our family does have a h

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