#Chapter 7 – Sprint

1754 Words

“Wait a second,” Luca says, c*****g his head and looking the larger candidate up and down. “How do we even know we’re looking for the same girl?” I snap my attention to the other guy as I subtly move further back into the pool, seeking shadow. God, if the moon could just slip back behind the Academy… “Don’t be an i***t, Grant,” the taller one growls, advancing on Luca another step. “Do you seriously think that there are two girls wandering around the candidate barracks of Alpha Academy?” “Point taken,” Luca says with a shrug, not giving any ground even though the larger candidate looks like he outweighs him by at least thirty pounds of solid muscle. “But let’s be sure - what’s your girl smell like?” My eyes flick between them as they share notes on my scent, coming to the conclusion th

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