#Chapter 100 – Bonded

1729 Words

It takes me a long time to fall asleep, overwhelmed as I am by my new bond, the closeness of my mate, the secrets that we’ve passed between us that still ring through my mind. But as the minutes pass I feel my eyelids getting heavier and heavier, encouraged by the steady movement of Jackson’s hand over my hair.  When I do finally fall asleep, my head pillowed against Jackson’s chest, it’s the deep, true sleep of one who feels both weary and completely safe. I sleep so deeply that when my eyelids flutter open in the morning, I have…no idea where I am. Even though I am…completely comfortable.  I frown, not understanding, and curl into the warmth of what I assume is my mattress, though it’s a little…firmer than I remember? I’m not sure.  There’s a light chuckle, though, that makes me look

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