#Chapter 101 - Scream

1682 Words

My scream only intensifies, combining with my moan of pain as I grab my leg and fall to the forest floor. I’m panting with agony as I lay in the dirt and the leaves, my eyes pressed shut for a moment before I glance down at my leg, my hands quickly coating in my own blood as they go directly to the wound –  Trying to do something, to end the pain, to apply pressure, something –  But there’s nothing – god, I think the bolt hit bone, I think it cracked it –  I’m still moaning horribly when a shadow falls over me, and I look frantically up to see Wright standing above me, drawing back the crossbow’s string, that ugly sneer still on his face, though mixed with victory now.  “You deserve this,” he snarls, glaring down at me. “Every inch of pain – laying in the dirt, finally recognizing your

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