#Chapter 79 – Mate to the Rescue

1389 Words

Alvez glares at my mate, who leans his heavily muscled body so, so casually against the wall by the window. And I realize, quite suddenly, that Alvez is playing a very, very tricky game here. Because while he is the professor, and does have power over Jackson… I mean, he can’t exactly make Jackson do anything, can he? If it were me barging into an office and refusing to leave, Alvez or really any Alpha in the castle could just sling me over their shoulder and hurl me out of the room.  But Jackson? He’s so physically powerful that the only person who even really has a chance of tossing him bodily out of this office would be Rafe, and then they might have to call in my dad for backup.  And Alvez is clearly very aware of this fact as he leans against the open doorway across the room, gla

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