#Chapter 78 – Office Hours

1519 Words

“Please,” Alvez murmurs, gesturing towards – of all places – his desk. As I hesitate, he sinks into his rolling chair, which scoots back a few inches. Seeing my confusion, his smile grows. “I’m unfortunately low on seating in this little room – castles, such wide sweeping halls, such…tiny little workspaces.” My eyebrows raise as he gestures towards the desk again and I realize that he wants me to sit there. But I just sigh inwardly again, doing as he says and lifting myself up onto the desk so that my legs dangle. I cross them at the ankles, leaning forward with my hands pressed to the edge of the desk, watching him warily. There’s such pleasure on Alvez’s face, in the way he lets his eyes rove over me. Is it that he enjoys seeing me unsettled? Or is this just…how he is? “We’ve met befo

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