10. Sentenced to death

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ZARA’S POV :- “Zara, this is the stupid friend I was talking about, Owen.” Finally, I somehow chewed and gulped the fruit of my mouth and greeted him. “Hello. Sorry for the misunderstanding. I should have chosen different clothes to wear.” I shook his hand to ease up. “Hey! It’s not your fault. I misjudged you. But anyway... I’m really glad to finally meet the girl I have been hearing about for the past five years. You are way more than what he described.” That made me blush. “But what are you doing here? I thought it was your engagement today with the king’s grandson?” I looked at Luca once before my head came down in shame. “It was cancelled because it turned out that the king’s grandson is a cheating bastard. Zara doesn’t have a place to stay now. So, I brought her here to live with us and I will take her back home when I leave.” “Oh! You did the right thing to bring her here. Zara. Our home is your home. So, make yourself comfortable.” I passed him a smile as thanks. “Pal. Look after her, okay? I’ll be back soon.” “Wait. You’re going somewhere? At this hour?” “Yes. I think she needs a few decent clothes with a pervert like you around. It will be quick.” “Hey! Don’t put it on me. Why don’t you admit you’re jealous that I’m admiring you’re girlfriend’s beauty, buddy?” “Fine. I’m jealous. So? I will be right back. Keep your hands away from her till then. Zara. Get some rest.” Luca gave him a pointed look before leaving. “He’s truly jealous, that means his love for you is solid. You’re lucky that a man like him admires you this much.” “But I don’t think I’m worth it.” “Don’t tell that to him. You’re the first person I saw him being possessive like that. It will hurt him if you insult yourself in front of him. Be proud of who you are. Like we do..” I gave him a smile with a gentle nod. Luca was supposed to return in an hour or so. But the night passed by and he didn’t return. Soon hours turned into days and there was no sign of him. He never returned to the apartment again. I tried to call him, but never got hold of him. I was barely seeing Owen in those days too. And every time I tried to ask him about Luca, he just gave me a disappointed look with no answers which made me really worried about him. “Owen. Stop. Enough with this silence. You’re not going anywhere without answering me today.” Blocking the door, I demanded answers from him. “What do want to know?” “You have to tell me what’s going on. Where’s Luca? It’s been three days and there’s no sign of him anywhere. I can’t even reach his cell. I know you know about his whereabouts. So, stop avoiding me and tell me where he is. You can’t escape from me this time. I want to see him. I want to talk to him right now. Tell me what happened to him... Speak up, damn it..” I pushed until he finally broke. “Fine. You want to know where he is? I’ll tell you where he is. He is in the king’s privet prison. He attacked the king’s grandson and tried to kill him. He was captured on those charges and got sentenced to death by the king himself. That f*cking bastard had to fight a royal like an i***t. I’ve been trying my best to get him out of there, but with no luck. They are not even letting me see him. He f*ckd everything up. I think they are going to hang him now for that crime.” My heart skipped a beat to hear that. Luca was charged for a crime he didn’t do. He was only trying to protect me. And now he’s going to be hanged for my mistakes. I was pacing through the living room, while Owen was sitting on the couch trying to find a way to get Luca out. But none of us had any idea what to do because it was now in the hands of the king. He was caught for harming the king’s grandson. There’s no way they will spare him at any cost. “Okay! I think we have to talk to Luca first. We have to know what else they charged him for. I’m sure Caleb must have gone to see him and said something about why he blamed him for that night, considering his arrogance. And if he knows that Luca is my friend, he will put him in more trouble. If it turns out that the king doesn’t know the whole truth, I will talk to him myself and tell him everything about why Luca attacked him. Although I’m sure they don’t want to see my face after what I did, I will try my best to beg for his life. It’s all we can do to save him now.” This was the plan I could finally come up with. “But they are not allowing any visitors. How are we supposed to meet him when we can’t even get access inside the place?” “Maybe I can. I’m still the king’s grandson’s mate, and my mate was attacked by him. I would like to see the one who tried to hurt my mate.” He understood my plan and the next early morning, we were on our way to see Luca. To give the impression of a brat to convince them that I mean only business, I chose a dress from Owen’s collection. A black satin mini dress with a heart-shaped front, pairing it up with sunglasses and high heels, I was out to show off. I was sure that my look would convince them that I was a royal’s mate. “Open the gates. I am here to see the guy who dared to attack the king’s grandson. Hurry up.” “I’m sorry, miss. It’s the king’s order not to let anyone visit him. We can’t let you in.” “What did you say? You said no to me? Do you know who I am? I’m Caleb Moor’s mate. And I demand to see the one who dared to hurt my mate. I’m going to f*ck that little cunt for even thinking about hurting my love. Open the gets now.” I was really nervous inside, fearing that we would get caught by the way they were checking me. “Hey! How dare you to stare at her? Didn’t you hear who she is? She’s going to be a part of the royal family any day now and I don’t think the king would like hearing about how you looked at her. So, if you don’t want your heads on a platter, open the gets before she gets mad. Besides, it’s not like she’s asking you to release that bastard. Do it now..” The two guards discussed something with each other before looking back with expressionless faces, which made my breathing halt for a moment. “Okay, madam. I will take to the cell he’s been locked in. Please, come this way.” It worked. My plan worked. They took us to the cell they kept Luca in, and the very condition of the place was creeping me up. But then I saw him and my heart screamed in pain. He was sitting in a corner of the dark and mossy cell, with no clothes on, except shorts. There were several cuts and bruises on his body from the torture he’s been enduring in here. He looked so tired and weak. “Now excuse us. I need to talk to this bastard alone.” “But..” “You are speaking up on me again? Leave before my bodyguard rips you apart.” In the queue, Owen let out a growl, warning him to dare speak up for me. The guard is an omega werewolf while Owen is an alpha, supposedly working for the king. He wouldn’t dare challenge him. “Okay. I’ll leave. But madam, don’t get too close. It might put you in danger.” With that, he bowed at me once before going back to his duty. At last, I could breathe a sigh of relief to make it all the way here. “What the hell are you two doing here? How did you get in?” Seeing us, Luca jumped up on his feet and rushed near us. But before I could answer him anything, Owen caught hold of his neck with both hands through the bars. “What the f*ck were you thinking, Hugh..? How dare you to do such a stupidity? Do you know how this is going to affect our business? You just ruined everything. So, before they hang you, I will kill you and satisfy my anger. Die you bi*ch.. Die..” I pulled Owen away from Luca to stop wasting the little time we had. “Stop playing around. This is serious. It doesn’t matter how we got here. We need to know how ‘you’ got here. Why did they catch you? Did they say what are the charges?” “I’m not sure. I was searching for an open shop when they found me. They just said that they are locking me up for attacking a royal and trying to kill him. But Caleb came to see me later..” “Did he say something? Does he know that we know each other?” “I don’t think so. He said something about using me to pull himself out of a well. But he was really trying to kill you that day. He was mad at you for breaking up. If I didn’t stop him that day, he would have ended your life right there.” “Sh*t. I messed up. I messed up big this time. He’s using you as a distraction so that his grandfather forgets about the matter of him cheating on me and all the stuff I told everyone that night. I’m sure they brainwashed the king by now about how you tried to kill him to earn his sympathy. There’s no way he’s going to release you after that. I can’t believe this. You got in this trouble because of me. They’re going to kill you for my fault. How can I do this to you?” “Hey! No matter what happens, don’t blame yourself for it. You’re not the one who did this. It was my choice to protect you. It was my choice to fight with him. You did nothing wrong. Even if I die today for protecting you, I will die with pride. So, never let any guilt or regrets take place in that kind heart of yours..” My eyes teared up hearing him. “Oh, Luca. I wish there was a way to get you out of here. Or at least break you free. I prefer to keep running my whole life with you, than lose you like this. Look at you! I can’t see you in pain because of me. How can I ever forgive myself if something happens to you.” “Wait... You.. You want to run away with me? You want to spend the rest of your life with me?” There was a shine of hope in his eyes hearing my words. “Do I have another choice? You are the only one I have now..” “Both of you, stop dreaming. You had the option of running away together. But not anymore because he’s about to die. Buddy, we know the truth that he attacked Zara first. But is there any way to prove that you were only defending her and yourself? Anything... A witness, a surveillance camera, a car dash camera, or anything?” “We were on a playground in the middle of the night. There wasn’t anything around.” “F*cking hell... Sh*t.. You’re going to die. There’s no way out now. You stupid moron. You selfish.. dumb.. bastard. I don’t want to see your face anymore. You deserve to die. Nothing can save you anymore..” Owen was so disappointed hearing it, that he got out of the prison to breathe. It seems like there’s truly no way to save Luca anymore.
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