In the mood

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“Focus Jessica, what’s wrong with you? He is a murderer and a bastard” it did not matter how many time she recited the words in her head, Mike filled her every thought. She now has to deliver his order on daily basis, what was she going to do? She had thought of every way to avoid Mike but it would be impossible. If Zane was not even more despicable than his cousin, she would date him to expel Mike from her. She sighed and knocked. Her heart raced hearing him respond. “Good morning, Sir” she said with a formal tone, avoiding his eyes. “Don’t you think we are way beyond the formal address?” he asked amused while approaching her. Jessica placed his order on the desk and backed away from him. “What happened between us was a one time thing and a mistake” “A mistake we repeated three times in one night?” he asked amused, making her blush. “It must have been the weather, it was foggy that night. We were both not thinking straight” she bubbled not caring how ridiculous she sounded. Mike chuckled, Jessica was very cute when cornered “Talk for yourself and leave the weather out of it. I was lucid and judging by the perfect cakes you have been baking, you were more than lucid” Jessica opened and closed her mouth, speechless. She could not really blame the weather if she remembered how to make the cake he thought her. Mike was now in front of her and she was trapped between him and the closed door “Admit it, Jess. You are into your bosses boss just like he is into you” he said before burying his head on her neck Jessica shook her head, she will never admit that. She used everything inside her to suppress the moan threatening to escape her lips. He lifted up his head when she did not respond to his kiss on her neck “Okay, prove it” he challenged her. “What?” “Kiss me, a proper kiss will tell if you are into me or not” he explained. Even though she was not responding to his advances, he was certain that the woman he spent a night with a month ago was definitely into him. “I’m not kissing you to prove anything, we are not teenagers” Jessica objected with a straight face, surprising herself. It turned out that her peep talks to herself were working after all. “At least teenagers have guts, what are you afraid of?” Mike challenged her. “I am not afraid of anything, I don’t get manipulated that easy. Now excuse me Mr Spencer, I have work” she said sternly looking in his eyes. Mike moved back to allow her to leave. He will never force her. Jessica walked out and sighed with relief outside. She could resist Mike after all but her celebration was short lived. “So, Commander, three times hey?” Lucas asked mischievously over the mic. He suspected that they missed something between Mike and Jessica the night she slept in his house and he was right. Because Jessica always jams the signal when she sleeps, nothing seemed suspicious but the conversation in Mike’s car that morning felt a bit odd to him, it now made perfect sense. “Oh shut up, Lucas. It was a one night stand” she said, blushing. She knew this would happen the moment Mike brought up their night together. “It sounds like its about to be a relationship to me” Lucas teased. “It’s not” “It would be an advantage if it were, provided the night stand was up you your standard” Lucas responded mischievously making Jessica feel like a naughty teenager. “I am not having this conversation with you!” she exclaimed blushing. Lucas laughed “I’m in you ear, you can’t just shut me up or walk away” he reminded her, amused. “Oh, yeh? Watch me” she threatened, turning on a piercing high pitched sound through her mic. “What the ….?” Lucas exclaimed closing his ears. Spark did not tell them that Jessica could do that. That was definitely intentional, he was sure of it. “Luther and I are not involved, why do we have to suffer?” Peter shouted, closing his ears. “Okay, I’m quiet. Please make it stop” Lucas pleaded, conceding. “Sure. If you don’t mind, I’m going to work now” Jessica said, getting into the café. At the third floor, Mike stood at his favourite spot in front of the massive window facing the harbour. The interaction with Jessica had not gone as he expected. He needed to get her to his bed again, remind her of their connection but he could only do that outside of work. He could not believe his luck that evening when George, his bartender informed him that the woman who slapped him two months ago was at the club again. After ruthlessly shutting down some admirers, Jessica finished her virgin margarita and headed to the dance floor. The loud music, careless drunken youth and some dance moves should get Mike out of her head for few hours at least. She was on the third song when she spotted him walking in. In a panic she grabbed the nearest guy and looked at his eyes. “As of this moment until I leave, you are my boyfriend, Okay?” Jessica spoke fast, leaning on his chest. The guy nodded with a grin unable to believe his luck. The hot girl that turned down most of the guys in the club just chose him. Strangely, the music abruptly stopped. Jessica was about turn and investigate the cause when she heard his unmistakable voice. “Ahem!” Turning around, Mike was right in front of her, her fake boyfriend looked frozen and the rest of the club starring at them. “Babe this is Mr Spencer, my bosses boss” she said leaning on her statue of a boyfriend’s shoulder. “This is my boyfriend, Seth” “Hello Paul, how’s the project going?” Mike said, his eyes on Jessica. “Goo…good ev…evening Sir. I’m sorry I missed the deadline again, it’s almost done” Paul stammered, his boss the last person he expected to meet in the general section of the club. Jessica closed her eyes shutting Mike’s face out, deflated and embarrassed. Only if the ground could open and swallow her that moment. Mike nodded, his eyes still on Jessica “Good to know” Paul looked at his boss and at Jessica, everything starting to add up. Jessica probably chose him to make Mike jealous not knowing that he was his employee “I think I forgot to sign something, I’m gonna go now” he said rushing off. He had no intentions of stepping on his boss’ toes. “Aren’t you taking your girlfriend with?” Mike asked amused. “She’s not, Sir” Paul shouted, running off and leaving the club. Jessica was left standing with Mike. “I think ‘Seth’ just dumped you” he said with a smirk. Jessica kept her head down, too ashamed. Hearing his tone was enough, she did not need to see his smug. “It’s okay, I can be your rebound” he said mischievously, standing behind, signalling the DJ to play again and wrapping his arms around her. The music started blasting again, Jessica debated her next move. If she stood still, the eyes will be on her again. Mike would definitely follow her out if she decided to leave. In the end she decided to just dance with him until she figured out what to do. “I must say you heal very quickly from a broken heart” he teased, shouting on her ear. Jessica ignored him and continued dancing until an idea came to her. “I need a bathroom” she said and walked away without waiting for his response. Mike watched her go, he was getting used to her walking or running away from him. While it was an exciting chase, he needed to make it stop. Jessica was also getting too desperate to get away from him, she even allowed Paul dance and touch her. The image of her leaning on Paul’s chest and shoulders made him flinch. Outside the club, Jessica sighed thankful for the back door. “So you got dumped by Seth?” Lucas asked on the mic, amused. “Shut up and only use the mic when its absolutely necessary” Jessica responded looking around for a cab. Lucas laughed “This is necessary, I’m consoling you. Break ups are not easy” “Taxi!” Jessica shouted, ignoring Lucas. “Damn it” she cursed under her breath. The street behind the club was not as busy and had fewer cabs. She sighed when a black Sudan stopped next to her. The driver rolled down the window “Where to Ma’am?” Jessica looked suspiciously at the driver. The car was too exquisite to be a cab but she relaxed when she saw a middle aged woman on the passenger seat “Seventh avenue” she said. “This is not a safe street for a lady. Get in” the driver responded. Jessica, desperate to get away from Mike opened the door and got in. What could possible happen to her, she is a SEAL with three police officers on her ear. “Hi” Jessica shook her head and started laughing. This man was just everywhere and a step ahead of her. “I’m glad you find this funny” Mike said, unimpressed. Had his bouncers not informed him about her escape, he would still be waiting for her in the club. “You are stalking me, that’s actually illegal” Jessica accused. “Okay” “No, it’s not okay!” she exclaimed. Something was wrong with this man. “I have not had s*x for a month now, that’s really long for me. I am hoping you end up in my bed because tonight I’m in the mood to please. Your eyes dilate when you see me. The right side of you neck is more sensitive than the left, kissing your ears makes you ticklish. Your gorgeous loyal breasts get erect every time I get close to you. I plan on rewarding them with a kiss or two for sticking out for me. Kissing your navel, sexy thighs, my tongue ready to stroke that clit and drink from your precious well. I’m pretty sure you would be begging to met my spear before night fall. Babe, I know how to please you and tonight I’m in the mood” Mike seductive husky voice filled her every fibre, his words becoming vivid imaginations in her head. “We are here Ma’am” the driver announced, stopping the car. Mike gave her a piece of paper before she got off the car only to stand on the side of the road in a daze, her heart racing and underwear damp. “Holly crap! I’m using those words on my girl tonight” Lucas exclaimed. Jessica sighed ignoring Lucas and running to her flat. Opening the door, she kicked off her shoes and threw herself on the bed. This was going to be a long weekend. “You do realise that he will get someone else if you don’t take the bet? The guy has starved for a month already” “Shut up Lucas! I need Peter’s opinion on this”Jessica snapped. Lucas was too childish, Luther too junior, she desperately needed a way forward. Peter understood her predicament “Look Jess, you are obviously attracted to each other. So far we have nothing on Mike, which means he is either very smart or innocent. Either way you would need to get closer to him. If he’s innocent, maybe you two could continue exploring this when the mission is over. If he is our guy, we will only nail him if you are that close to him” Jessica nodded “Okay” “Does that mean you are getting pleased tonight?” Lucas asked curious. “You are by far the most irritating person I ever met Detective Lucas More” “You love me Jess, I am growing on you” Lucas teased. An hour later, Mike looked at his phone and smiled “Jess” “How do you know it’s me?” she asked, surprised. “You are the only private caller with this number. Pick up at seventh avenue?” he asked confidently. “That’s presumptuous!” she exclaimed, hating being so predictable. “Give me ten minutes” he instructed with a husky voice intentionally making it deeper. “Okay” “Bring change of clothes” “Too forward Mr Spencer” He laughed “I am confident that you won’t want to leave my side. On second thought, you can wear my shirts” he suggested, already imagining her wearing his shirts.
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