Love's First Kiss

1332 Words
Broin woke with a start as morning arrived, sitting up quickly from his sleeping roll. Looking around, he felt his panic fade, the nightmare he had been having had been nothing more than just that. Lifting a hand, he ran his fingers back through his hair, closing his eyes for a few seconds before he got up. He allowed his eyes to scan the camp, looking over each member of the group for a moment or two before he spotted Gale. The young woman was curled up beside Wysteria, who was sleeping close to Dillan. The sorceress had placed a hand on Dillan's arm, the care she showed for the young man making him smile a little, though the expression didn't last long. He hoped that Gale's words were true, and they could take Dillan home with them. With a sigh, Broin moved to go over to the water's edge, kneeling down and lifting some water to his face. Splashing the cool water over his skin, he woke himself further. The sounds of footsteps behind him made Broin lift his head. Turning a little, he looked to see who it was that had approached him.  Smiling, Toby gave Broin a nod. "Good morning," He hummed, crouching down beside Broin and washing some of the lake water up onto his arms before he shook it off his fingertips. "How long have you been awake? I've been drifting off and on myself," Broin shook his head a little at the conversation. "Just a few minutes. I thought I heard something but I guess it was just in my head," Broin mumbled, his voice still thick with sleep. Toby nodded. He had continued washing his face and arms, but he had also been listening to Broin as he spoke to him.  "I am hoping that the fighting is done. We all need to go home," Toby spoke after a few minutes had passed, looking over to Broin. Broin couldn't argue on this. They did need to go home. However, their fighting had been for a cause. If they hadn't fought, Gale would still be under the control of Alerone, as well as the Crone. This was something that they all could agree on. Broin turned his head, looking off in the direction that Gale was in. He felt Toby's hand pat against his shoulder as the man stood. "Come on, I'll get something fixed up for the two of us for breakfast. The others should start waking soon and doing the same. Then we can discuss what we are going to do about that collar of Gale's," Broin's expression shifted a little, his mind having fogged over that thought in his sleepy haze.  "Yeah... I don't know how that's going to go. I'm not even sure there is a way to get rid of it," Broin sounded doubtful, something Toby didn't quite like. His hand tightened on Broin's shoulder, making the young man look up.  "You have to keep your head up, Broin. Don't start doubting yourself now. The only thing that is going to do is cause a downward spiral and what are you going to do if you can't get back up?" Toby's words reached Broin's ears, his gaze flicking back down to the water. When Broin nodded, Toby moved his hand. "Now, let's go get something to eat," Getting up, Broin moved to follow Toby back toward the center of the camp where he had started a small fire to cook over.  Gale herself had started to wake by this point, her long hair draped around her shoulders and face. Broin slowed as he neared the area, watching Gale softly before he turned his attention back to Toby, the man calling for his help. Gale yawned a little, rubbing sleep from her eyes before she got up and wandered toward the lake herself. Broin's gaze followed her before he stood. Toby watched Broin, though upon seeing Gale, he didn't stop him from leaving. "Gale," Her name left his lips almost in a whisper, and he was glad that she had actually heard him. She turned around, having been looking out over the water, a smile crossing her lips.  "Broin," She returned his greeting, watching as he stopped a couple of feet from her. For a moment, he stood watching her before he moved a little closer. Closing her eyes, she felt Broin's hand rest on her cheek. She leaned into his touch, bringing a hand of her own up to rest on the back of Broin's. His free hand moved to rest on the small of her back before he drew her into a hug, resting his chin on top of her head.  "We should talk about that collar. I don't want to risk anything happening to you when we try to leave. I'm not sure if the curse is completely broken with that still intact," Broin mumbled, lifting his chin from the top of Gale's head. The young woman looked up at him, an understanding expression on her face, though her eyes showed a little hesitation.  "We also don't know what will happen if we take it off," Gale's voice held a mixture of concern and excitement. Part of her was ready to leave it behind, though the other part of her was worried that without the collar, something bad might happen. Not just to her, but to those that mattered the most to her. Broin's brow furrowed, though he didn't say anything right away. Instead, he looked toward the water. "We can talk about it with the others..."  "Alright. We need Wysteria's input too... she might know more about what it would do. Maybe not the full extent, but she'll know more than we will," Broin sighed as he spoke. Gale nodded once. "All I know is it was intended to keep me from leaving the area. Wysteria was able to make it so I could travel further, and I haven't tried to go very far past the boundaries that had been set for me. With Alerone and the Crone dead..." Gale stopped herself. She didn't want to get her hopes up. Being human at the time had her a little concerned as well. Was it temporary? It hadn't yet reached full moon since her last transformation, and that was what bothered her the most. "Do... do you think I'll change back? I don't want to be in the middle of town and end up turning back into a dragon..." She questioned, beginning to feel a little bit of doubt rise in her chest. Broin took her face in his hands, lifting her head so their eyes met.  "Everything is going to be alright. We can stay in my village until we know for sure. Your father is welcome to stay as well," He reassured her, brushing under her eyes with his thumbs. "I am going to do whatever I can to make sure you are taken care of and that nothing happens to you. You deserve to do what it is that makes you you. To have that taken away from you..." Broin went quiet. He sighed again, resting his forehead to Gale's, closing his eyes. For a moment, she stood with him this way before she smiled softly. Placing her hands over Broin's, she tilted her head just a little further, bumping her nose against his. The corner of Broin's mouth twitched a little into the beginning of a smile, one that grew as he closed the distance between the two of them.  Gale felt her face light up with a deep shade of red, the softness of Broin's kiss making her heart skip. She moved her hands from his, placing them gently against his chest as she leaned against him, taking in the moment and savoring it while she could. Standing by the lakeside, she listened to the sounds of the water and the waking birds. Nothing could replace the way she felt right then and there.
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