Comfort of Friends

1390 Words
Gale held tightly to her father for a time before they finally broke their embrace. Looking up to her father, Gale felt one of his large hands brush away her tears. Sniffling a little, Gale closed her purple-blue eyes, leaning her head into his palm. Smiling softly, Gale's father watched her until he looked toward Broin, who stood nearby with a tender expression on his face. Looking back to his daughter, Gale's father moved a little to rest his free hand on her opposite cheek. "Go to him," He said to her, giving her cheek a soft pat. Turning when he let her go, Gale looked to Broin. She watched him for a moment before he held out a hand to her. Lifting a hand to wipe away the stray tears that ran down her cheeks, Gale moved to go to Broin. She took his outstretched hand, resting her free hand against his chest as he pulled her into his arms.  "I'm here," Broin whispered, resting his head against the top of Gale's. He lifted it when he felt a hand on his shoulder, turning his head to meet Gale's father's gaze. The two watched each other for a moment before her father began to speak. "I don't think I've heard your name," he spoke, not able to recall right away if he had heard Gale, or anyone for that matter, say his name. Broin looked down to Gale, the young woman having rested her head against his chest where she felt the safest. "Mine is Harland,"  Broin offered a polite smile before he held out a hand. "Broin," Harland shook Broin's hand in a firm, but friendly manner before he returned his gaze to Gale. He seemed to be thinking about something for a moment before he finally started to talk again, his voice holding a caring note to it.  "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't know where my daughter was... I wouldn't even know if she was still alive," Harland reached out to set his hand against the back of Gale's head, brushing his fingers gently over the soft white hair that grew there. "Not only this, but she seems to feel safe with you. Given this, I trust that you will do the right thing and take care of her," He finished, his gaze remaining settled on Broin. The young man nodded.  "There is nothing that I wouldn't do for her," Broin all but whispered, resting his face softly against her hair.  "Good, because she needs someone like you to protect her. She has a wild spirit, and I don't want to make her forget what that feels like. However, I do want her to be safe," Gale's head lifted, her gaze reaching her father. Their eyes met and he smiled lovingly at her. "I know you promised that you wouldn't wander, but I don't want you to simply stay in one place all the time. Especially after this. With Broin, I know that you will be safe," Gale turned her head to face Broin again, the soft smile on his face making her face warm up with a light blush of color. Broin leaned forward to rest his forehead against Gale's, closing his eyes as their skin and noses met. He drew in a breath, taking with it the soft scents of the woman in his arms. Harland stood as he was for a moment, watching Broin and his daughter before he smiled, turning to go back to where he had been seated at the fire. Settling himself in, he leaned back against the sleeping roll he had been rested upon, he sighed. He was confident that he had made the right choice. Broin, above everyone else, had been the one person that protected her the most. He watched from a distance as the two of them spoke, Broin's hands gently placed on his daughter's shoulders as she watched the man that stood before her. Chuckling, Harland crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes to get some rest.  Gale sighed, nuzzling her nose gently against Broin's chin, though after a moment, she turned her head to look toward the direction Wysteria had gone in, wondering herself how Dillan was doing. Reading her expression, Broin softly moved back from her. "Let's go see how Wysteria is doing. She took it a little hard when I told her how Dillan was," He said, his tone concerned. Gale nodded, taking his hand in her own before she started off. They slowed to a stop when they reached Wysteria, who was sitting beside Dillan in silence.  The young sorceress held Dillan's hand, which had been placed in the center of his chest. In the state he was in, Dillan looked like he was asleep. His expression was relaxed, almost peaceful. Neither Broin or Gale spoke for a moment or so before Broin gave a gentle clearing of his throat. Wysteria looked up, lifting her free hand to wipe away a few tears that had been present. "Hello," She said softly, her gaze returning to Dillan. Gale let go of Broin's hand, going to Wysteria's side. Seating herself beside her, she reached and placed a comforting hand on the woman's back. "Toby said that he should be alright, he just needs to rest," Wysteria said quietly, brushing her thumb over the back of Dillan's hand. "I just... I just hope that that's what's really going on. The Crone didn't hit him with all she had... he wouldn't have made it this far if she had..." She fell silent again, lowering her head. Gale looked up to Broin briefly before she spoke. "If that's the case, then he has a good chance," Gale's voice was careful but comforting. Wysteria turned her head a little to look at her. She watched her for a moment before she let go of Dillan's hand and turned to face Gale better, wrapping her arms around her friend's shoulders. Gale followed in kind, rubbing Wysteria's back in a tender manner. "When we leave here, he will be leaving with us. You will see," Gale whispered, her eyes on the young man for a moment before she turned them to Broin. He stood where he had been before she had left him, his eyes on the two of them before he looked away, a frown having formed on his face. He knew Dillan better than either of them, and Gale knew this. She knew it wasn't easy on him either. Gale turned her head to Wysteria, putting her focus on her friend for the time being. Wysteria had begun to cry quietly, her quiet sniffles reaching Gale's ears. "It's alright," She hummed to her, once more sounding like a mother talking to a child, her voice hushed and soothing. "He is going to be alright," Broin shifted his footing a little, deciding to leave Gale to help Wysteria. There wasn't much he knew to say or do in the matter. He walked back to the fire and seated himself down, Toby joining him shortly, the older man placing a hand on his shoulder and giving it a pat. "Wysteria has a heart of gold," Toby said, Broin nodding in agreement. "And you have got yourself a beautiful young woman there. Treat her well,"  Broin chuckled softly. "I plan to," He sighed, lifting a hand to rub his face. He hadn't realized how tired he was until the adrenaline of the events that had taken place had begun to wear off. Toby gave his shoulder one more pat before he himself leaned back to watch the fire. "Hopefully, she can stay as she is. We haven't seen anything from the collar and we haven't tried to take it off yet..." He mumbled, Toby shaking his head.  "Worry about it in the morning, Broin. You need to get your rest. I should go check on our friend here one more time before I do so myself," Toby stood up, giving Broin one more smile before he went to do just that. Broin watched the fire, losing himself deep in thought after a few minutes before he finally fell into a much-needed sleep. Tomorrow was going to be an eventful day, and he wasn't so sure he was looking forward to what it might have in store.
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