Returning Home

1274 Words
After some time, Wysteria had a few ideas of what might have been the cause of the collar. It could have been the gems, though she wasn't too sure of that. The one thing she did know for sure is it was something that her father had done. What it was, she wasn't sure. Gale had gotten up to go to Broin, leaving Wysteria to her thoughts. The sorceress didn't mind, her own mind had been occupied with other things aside from what might help get Gale home. When she stood to go back to the camp, she noticed a few of the soldiers loading up horses. Furrowing her brow, she started back. "What's going on?" She asked.  "They are headed back to the village. If Gale and I are staying with Broin, they don't need to travel all that way just to go back when we arrive. I think we'll be safe traveling with the two of you and your company," Harland answered. Wysteria turned to him, giving a smile.  "I see. I am glad that you are comfortable enough with us to trust us without your soldiers," Wysteria spoke, Harland chuckling and looking toward Broin as the young man helped get some of the soldiers around.  "I've seen what the two of you can do. I've seen what Gale can do as well, and though she may not be in her dragon form, I'm sure she is capable enough," Harland spoke fondly of his daughter, and it showed in his voice. Wysteria smiled softly, looking around for Gale. She hadn't seen her since she had left where they were seated at the water's side. It didn't take long for her to find the young woman, watching her as she stood beside the forest. She was watching out into the trees, her arms crossed over her breast. Excusing herself gently, Wysteria moved to step around Harland. Going to her friend, she reached to settle a hand on her shoulder.  "Gale, is everything alright?" Wysteria asked, watching as the woman broke her gaze on the forest to look at her. Gale nodded. "I'm just a little worried about the travel back. I didn't see how they brought me here after I transformed, so I don't know how to get back," Gale's concern was clear in her voice, face, and eyes.  "I'm sure it'll be alright. Broin and your father know the way. Besides, if they do have some trouble, I could help them out," Wysteria rubbed Gale's back some before she looked over toward the campsite again. "I'll be right back. They are moving Dillan and I want to say goodbye before he is taken back. They want to move him and the other injured villagers and soldiers so they are ahead of the line,"  "Go ahead. I'll be alright," Gale said with a small smile. Wysteria gave her friend a smile in return before she started back toward the group of people that had gathered around the horses. Gale herself remained as she was near the treeline, though she watched Wysteria briefly before her attention returned to the forest. She was worried that there would be some followers of the Crone remaining or even those of Alerone. Gale sighed, looking to her feet. She felt a little silly worrying as she was, but there was reason enough. With the Crone gone, there was no telling what was going to come of it. There was always the chance that one of her followers might try to take her place. Gale was pulled from her thoughts when someone called for her. Turning, one of the soldiers approached. "Your father told me to come and see if you were ready," He spoke, stopping a little ways away from her. Gale looked over her shoulder toward the forest for a moment before she nodded.  "I am, yes," Gale said, following the soldier as he returned to the horses. She thanked him, watching as he went his own way afterward. Broin stood nearby, checking over the horse he had been helping load up, his attention turning to Gale when he realized she was close by again. He offered her a light smile, the young woman returning the expression before she went to find Valor. The large horse was standing nearby, munching on some grass, his posture revealing him to be quite relaxed. As she approached, his head lifted and he gave her a greeting nicker. Smiling, Gale wrapped her arms around the horse's neck, resting her face against his shoulder. For the moment, she took in the soft scent of the horse before she moved again. Giving him a loving pat, she looked up to Valor. He snorted softly at her as she brushed her hands over his soft muzzle.  "We'll be heading out soon," A voice behind Gale spoke, making her jump a little. Turning around, she came face to face with Broin, her jumpy nature relaxing when she saw the familiar face.  "Alright. I'm not really in any rush. One of the soldiers told me my father wanted to see that I was ready, and I am. I can't deny that I am a little nervous about the trip but..." Gale went silent, brushing her fingers over Valor's coat. Broin nodded in understanding, going over to stand beside her, lifting his hand so Valor could sniff at his palm. He smiled some as the horse lipped his hand, his free hand gently taking place on Gale's lower back. "I don't have anything for you," Broin said, moving his hand to rub the horse on the forehead. Gale turned from the two to her father, hearing someone speak.  "We're moving out," Harland called, Broin waving in return. Once they had signaled that they had heard him, Gale moved to climb up onto Valor's saddle. Broin looked up to her, smiling again.  "I'll be right behind you," He said, giving Valor a pat. "Take care of her," He said to the horse, who seemed to respond with a soft snort at him. Giving the horse a ginger nudge, Gale set him into a walk as she started him toward where her father was waiting. Broin himself went to get one of the horses that hadn't been loaded up, getting up onto the saddle, Wysteria already on a horse and waiting for them as well. She had been talking something over with Gale's father, the older man seeming to be rather focused. Toby was at the head of the group, making sure everyone was prepared. Once everyone was set and Broin and Gale had caught up to Harland and Wysteria, the group set out.  Gale felt the excitement return, though, at the same time, the worry she felt as well had risen again. It wasn't just the worry that someone might try to stop them, but the fear of her returning to her dragon form along the way, or in the village, had come back to the front of her thoughts. With it being Broin's village, and most of the villagers having seen her at this point, it wasn't really that much of a concern, however, what scared Gale was the idea of someone seeing her that was from outside the village. Or the villagers that hadn't seen her rebelling against those that had. She knew how much of superstition dragons had been in the villages around her own, and even in her own village, they were considered something of a legend. And not always in a positive light. Furrowing her brow, Gale tried to focus on the ride, making an attempt to block out some of her thoughts.
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