Playing Games

1323 Words
Gale's focus was on the sights as they progressed toward the village. For a time she had struggled with her thoughts, wanting to turn back a few times, though she fought that urge. She hadn't even said anything about it, not wanting to cause any issues with the rest of the company that she traveled with. Seated where she was on Valor's back, she could have easily turned herself around, gone back to the clearing she had been calling home. However, the need to be around her friends and family was stronger. Lifting a hand, she ran it through the soft strands of hair that had fallen over her face, her eyes flicking upward toward the sky. Through the trees, the blue of the sky revealed the day to be clear. Something she was glad for. Traveling in the rain would not have been ideal.  "What do you think so far?" Gale heard someone beside her. Turning her head, she smiled at the soldier that had dropped back to travel with her. He had a kind face, one that reminded her of Broin, and soft brown eyes. She couldn't see his hair, it was tucked under his helmet. He rode upon a large brown horse, whose head was lowered and its body relaxed. "I can't wait to see the village," Gale responded, the soft smile still on her face. "So far, things seem to be going rather well. I hope that it stays this way," She almost whispered, as though afraid if she said it too loud something might go wrong. The soldier chuckled a little. He hung back, chatting with her for a moment or two before he was called back up toward the front. Lifting his hand, he tipped his helmet a little toward Gale, nudging his horse into a trot as he went back to take his space in the front of the line. Smiling, Gale watched the man go. It was nice to talk to some of the others that made up the group of soldiers and villagers that had come to help her. Gale's expression didn't seem to change for a time, the conversation had put her in a better mood.  Ahead of her a ways, she could hear Wysteria talking to someone, her soft laugh filtering back through the air to Gale. She was glad that Wysteria was doing well. She hoped that Dillan pulled through as well. Thinking about it, she nudged Valor's ribs with her heels, getting him to move a little faster. She passed her father and Broin, who had been conversing about the way to his village. Broin looked to her, flashing her a smile as she passed. "Watch that one, Broin," Harland chuckled. "Why don't you follow her? Make sure she stays out of trouble,"  "Are you sure?" Broin questioned, his gaze still on where it was that Gale had vanished. Harland nodded.  "I'm positive," His voice was light, a smile fixed on his lips. Broin looked to the older man for a moment before he smiled a little himself. He turned his horse to the right a little, taking him up around the other horses and in the direction Gale had gone in. It didn't take long for him to catch up to her, though when she noticed him, she smirked a little. Without a word, Gale gave Valor a sharp nudge. The horse, snorting a little as though he knew what was going on, shot forward. Gale turned and leaned forward in the saddle some, Broin giving a soft laugh.  "Now I see why your father said to keep you out of trouble!" Broin called after her, a laugh leaving Gale as his words reached her over the sound of the horse's hooves striking the earth. Broin had to bump his own horse up a pace or two to keep up with Gale, though Valor seemed to know the ground more than Broin's own horse. He didn't look as though he had to watch his footing as much, thus making him a faster horse. Broin watched in awe as Gale took Valor to the right, the large black horse vaulting himself over a fallen log. Time seemed to slow down for Broin as he watched.  The mist-like fabric of Gale's dress flowed out behind her, her hair flowing back off her shoulders. The smile on her face was like magic itself, as was the soft shine of Valor's inky black coat and mane. Broin had to shake himself out of his thoughts so he could focus on keeping up with her, his horse snorting with each breath as it hurried along beneath him. He wasn't quite prepared when they burst through the trees and onto open ground, his horse whinnying as it dashed from the underbrush. Valor had already carried Gale far ahead of him while he had been stunned by her jump. She brought the horse to an abrupt stop, his eyes widening a bit as Valor reared up, his feathered hooves kicking at the air as he neighed loudly. The sound was a joyous one, Gale laughing as she clung to the horse's saddle. When Valor dropped back to all four hooves, Broin brought his horse to a stop near him. He chuckled, looking between horse and rider. "I don't know who surprises and stuns me more. The horse, or the woman in the saddle," Broin finally spoke. Gale looked to Broin, smiling at him.  "Valor has more to him than I do. He is by far more stunning," Gale spoke, patting the side of Valor's neck as the horse huffed through his nose, trying to catch his breath after the run. Valor flicked an ear, turning his head to look toward the forest they had just come from. He was able to hear the other horses, though they were a little further off than they were. It would be a few minutes before the others would join them. Broin shifted his horse closer to Gale and Valor, letting go of the reins with one hand. Bringing it up, he rested his palm against Gale's cheek, watching her as she closed her eyes and leaned her face into his hand. His already present smile softened a bit before he leaned over in his saddle, softly placing a kiss to her lips, one of Gale's own hands moving to rest against the side of his neck as she returned the gentle kiss that had been given to her. When Broin drew back from her, Gale looked up to him. Her face had once again taken on its blush, the red of her cheeks making Broin chuckle. "I definitely think you have more to you than Valor does. There is so much about you that is tucked away and hidden," He whispered to her, his horse shifting beneath him and causing his nose to bump against Gale's. She smiled quite hard at this, turning her head some to look at the grass between them. Broin brushed her cheek with his thumb, closing his eyes as he exhaled a soft sigh through his nose. There was not a thing about the young woman that he could say he didn't love. She was brilliant, gorgeous, and there was so much about her that was unexpected but pleasant. He looked away from her at the sound of a whistle, turning his head toward the forest.  The rest of the company had just reached the trees, and as he watched, Broin could see them stepping out from the forest. He turned back to Gale, moving his hand from her cheek and tucking her hair back behind her ear, making her look up to him again. The blush was still there, as was her smile. Broin found himself hoping that that was something he could see for a long time after this. He would do what he could to make sure that that was possible.
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