
1350 Words
Gale paced around her territory near the lake for a time after the incident with Alerone, her ears back and her teeth bared. She knew this was going to cause a problem, but she had had enough of being tormented, and in a form when she could do something about it, she was damn well going to. Letting out a low growl, she looked back toward the woods, smoke rising from her nostrils. Gale felt a wave of anger that she had never felt before rising in her and it made her feel sick. Snorting a little, she went over to sit at the edge of the lake, the rain having grown heavier. It made her fur slick flat and her mane and tufts sag, as well as having made her feathers stick together and grow heavy. This in itself annoyed her, adding to her anger toward the Wizard.  Wysteria's voice drew her from her rage, making her turn around sharply as she got to her feet. Wysteria looked up at her, a worried expression crossing her face. "Gale? My father... he said you attacked him..." She started, looking from Gale to the forest she had come through. "My mother isn't very happy about it... it's taking my father everything to keep her from coming after you... please... you have to be careful. I understand that it wasn't your fault, I know that you wouldn't do something like that unprovoked but please... for your sake and the sake of your friend..." Gale shook her head, cutting Wysteria's words off. "I'm done being your father's puppet. If your mother wants to come and try to fight me, then I am prepared. I will not stand around and allow him to torment me any longer," Gale growled, Wysteria's lips turning down in a frown. Turning away from the young woman, Gale sat down at the edge of the lake again, her ears pinned back hard against her head. Despite the rain that slicked her fur and mane, Wysteria could still make out the portions of her fur that were bristling with anger. And she couldn't blame her. She couldn't disagree with anything that she had said either. Slowly, she moved to stand beside Gale, reaching to settle her hand gently on the side of the dragon's neck. She knew in the state Gale was in, it was a risk, but it was a risk she was willing to take in order to try to calm her. Gale sighed. "I am here to help you. If she does come... I'll be right here. I know it's a risk for me, and you as well, but I'll remain here with you. I think it's time that my mother and father see the error of their ways. This is not the way to go about trying to bring forward dragons again..." Wysteria's voice was soft, and if Gale's hearing wasn't as well as it was, she might not have even heard her over the driving rain. She looked to the young woman, her hair and dress dripping wet with the rain. She regarded her for a moment before she lifted her wing and held it over the young woman, who looked up to the feathered appendage. "As much as I hate what my father did to you... the form that the spirits have given you is a fantastic one. My mother... she was cursed with the figure of a dark dragon. I think when people see you, they will follow you. You are a dragon of light, not of darkness," Wysteria's words hit a part of Gale's heart that made her muzzle turn in a soft smile. "You really think so?" She questioned, turning her head a little toward the water, watching as the droplets of water rippled across the surface. Wysteria nodded, reaching up to touch the feathers of Gale's wings, stroking her fingers over their wet surface for a moment. "I do. I know I will," Wysteria spoke, a fond tone to her voice that made Gale's heart swell.  "Thank you," She whispered, leaning her head to bump Wysteria's shoulder with her nose before she lifted her head again. She sat as she was for a few minutes, her wing shielding Wysteria from the rain to keep her from becoming any more soaked than she already was. Something drew her attention from Wysteria, however, and out over the lake. Something in the water made the surface bubble a little before it stilled, the only break being the rain on the surface. Lowering her head, Gale let out a low growl. Ignoring Wysteria when she questioned what was wrong, she moved her wing and acted out of instinct to move her back away from the water's edge. "Gale? What..." She started, though her question was answered when something lunged from the water and tackled Gale backward into the mud and grass. There was a hiss, and the heavy sound of snapping jaws as Gale held the creature back off her and away from her throat. It was a large beast, shaped like an alligator. As she threw it off, there was a blast of blue light that threw the creature to the side. Turning her head, she could see the light fading off into Wysteria's hands. She jumped up, looking toward the creature as it stood, growling thickly at the two of them as it turned their way, smoke rising from its scales. "That's one of my father's creatures..." Wysteria spoke, her hands lowering. The beast snorted in their direction, seeming to gauge them before it lunged forward again, its maw popping closed just short of Gale's leg. She reared up with a roar, dropping back down with her forepaws directly on its jaws. The beast hissed, bringing its tail around and hitting her heavily on the side. Gale, having had the wind knocked out of her, grunted as she stumbled to the side. Wysteria rushed forward, shooting a bolt of electricity in the creature's face, a screeching growl leaving the beast as it shook its head. Backing up, it continued to shake its head, steam rising from its scales and revealing a scorch mark that traveled from the end of its nose where the bolt had struck and up over its right eye. Gale watched as Wysteria approached the creature, her hands balling into fists. "Wysteria..." She managed, though the girl didn't answer. Her attention was focused on the beast in front of her. "If you know what's good for you... you will go back into the lake where you came from and leave here..." Her voice echoed in the air around her, sending a chill down Gale's spine. Ignoring her warning, the creature launched itself forward again, thinking it could take the young woman down. As it drew closer, Gale got to her feet to try to get to her before the beast did. However, Gale found herself sliding to a stop as a blinding flash of light erupted from the slender figure. There was a hellish screech as the beast was hit with full force, the sound of splashing water reaching Gale's ears as she shook her head to try to clear her vision. When she could see again, she and Wysteria were left alone. Turning to Gale, Wysteria was about to speak but was cut off.  "Impressive, child..." The cold voice reaching the two of them. Feeling her heart sink, Gale turned her head to come face to face with a large black dragon, smoke rising from their nostrils. The she-beast gave the two of them a toothy grin, a guttural growl leaving her throat. "What would your father think if he saw you protecting his attacker, hmm? You are no better than she is..." Grimora hissed, advancing toward them. Gale moved, putting herself between the two of them.  "You will have to get through me if you want to get to her..." Gale warned, baring her teeth. Smoke began to plume from Grimora's muzzle as well as her nostrils this time as she gave a low, growling laugh. "Gladly..."
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