
1270 Words
Wysteria remained with Gale for a time, going over what she had discovered with Gale. She soon went silent, however, looking up to the sky. She had spent the day with her, and the sky was beginning to darken a little with storm clouds. Gale flicked back an ear. She hadn't yet been through a storm in her current form, and that she knew of, there was really nowhere that she could take cover from the storm. Wysteria stood, looking up to the dragon after a few moments had passed. "I should be going. My mother will be looking for me before too long and I don't want her to find me here with you. The only thing that will do is cause a problem for you," She said, brushing her hand softly over Gale's furred shoulder. "Alright. I am going to try to find somewhere to stay dry if it's possible," Gale mumbled, nudging Wysteria's arm before the young woman left her side. Gale looked up to the sky once more, the distant rumble of thunder reaching her ears. Wandering her territory for a little while, she found nowhere to tuck herself away, and she didn't want to risk the chance that someone would be by. Instead, as the first drops of rain began to fall, she moved to lay in the trees just beyond the lake. Resting her head on her paws as she lay down, she sighed. She could smell the ozone in the air from the lightning. It was a smell that she enjoyed as a child, and she still found it to be pleasant. The only part she didn't like now was having nowhere that she could stay dry and watch the rain.  It didn't take long before the storm grew heavier, Gale's fur soaking through to her hide. Standing up, Gale shook off some of the water before she sat back down again, listening to the rain and thunder as she watched the droplets and the lightning. After some time, she spotted a figure in the distance when the lightning flash illuminated their shape against the mountains. Ears back, she watched as they approached her, the figure becoming more familiar as it grew closer. It was the Wizard. Alerone, Wysteria had called him. She bared her teeth, though she hadn't bothered to growl. He wouldn't hear it anyway over the driving rain. "Gale," Alerone spoke, one hand holding his hood up, the other clutching his staff. "How are you holding up in this miserable weather?" He questioned her, though she could tell the concern wasn't genuine. There was a snide manner in which he had asked.  "What do you care?" She snapped at him, rising as though to walk away from him. She didn't have the will to fight with him at the time, wanting to simply get away from him. He didn't have the creature with him from the looks of it.  "Oh but I do. Wouldn't want my favorite beast to catch a cold," He spoke. Gale could hear the grin in his voice. Lowering her head, Gale released a hiss of irritation.  "Leave me alone..." She growled. She had to stop herself, having almost used his name. That would have been a giveaway that someone other than Broin was talking to her, and she didn't want to put Wysteria at risk. She had reason to believe the girl, especially after she had found that the collar did in fact lose its ability to block where she could go. All she had to do was wait for Broin and the end of the month and she could go see her father. Keeping this thought in mind, she started to walk away from Alerone again. However, he followed behind her.  "You seem distressed. Is there something on your mind that you would like to discuss?" "Not with you..." Gale's response was short and began to further show her irritation with the Wizard. This seemed to be what he was waiting for.  "Now now, is that any way to speak to someone that has given you a gift?" He questioned. Gale, losing her temper, spun around and snarled almost directly into the man's face.  "A gift!? You call this a gift!? I am trapped here! You took me away from my father, my home! You made me into a beast that is hated and treated like a superstition!" She roared, her wings raising as if her instinct was trying to make her appear bigger. She was already rather large, but that didn't stop her. Alerone hadn't so much as flinched, though he had taken a step back when she got in his face. She could see his smirk under his hood when lightning flashed. "I turned you into a beast with great power, and once you learn to use them, I will unleash you upon the world and show them what they have taken away from this realm. This place was once full of dragons. They were great beasts, full of fury and what it truly meant to be alive... to have power..." Alerone stepped forward toward Gale. Reaching out, he made the attempt to set his hand on her nose, though Gale snarled and drew back from his touch. He lowered his hand, though his smirk remained. "One day you will come to realize this," He hummed, and almost as though taunting her, he lifted the staff and gave it a light flick as the end began to glow a little, taking on the same light as it had when it had drawn her from where she had been back when she was seated with Valor on the grassy hill.  Ears back Gale watched the staff for a moment before she lunged forward, grabbing it in her teeth. Alerone tried to pull it away from her, letting out an angry shout as he felt his grip loosen on the staff. Reaching out, he grabbed the fur on the side of her jaw, an electric sensation flooding through Gale's jaw and radiating down her body from his touch. This further drew out her aggression, her teeth clenching down harder on the staff until she felt it begin to give under her bite. The next wave of electricity made her go numb, as though she had been struck by a bolt of lightning. Letting go of the staff, Gale roared, her vision blinded for a moment before she turned and snapped her jaws. She felt something crunch beneath her teeth, the metallic flavor of blood filling her mouth. It was after this she heard the angry, pained shouts of Alearone as he stepped away from her. Gale's vision began to clear, and as it did, she dropped whatever was in her mouth. Looking down at the space between her paws, she saw his hand. Looking to the receding Wizard, she could see that his arm was clutched to his chest, his painful cries reaching her ears.  Normally, Gale would feel bad for hurting someone, but the Wizard... there was no remorse for his pain. What he had done to her... made her endure... she felt no sympathy. Part of her found herself hoping it was a slow and painful recovery if there was one at all. Growling, Gale lowered her wings, drawing her tongue back over her muzzle, clearing away the blood that had gotten on her upper lip, Alerone looking back over his shoulder toward her one last time before he vanished into the trees. Lifting her head, Gale let out a roar as though to warn him that this was not the end.
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