
1345 Words
Several days had passed since the time of Broin and the villagers' arrivals. In that time, they worked on preparing themselves for the upcoming battles with the help of Wysteria and Gale, each taking the time to learn the advantages and disadvantages of each. Wysteria stood beside Gale, who was sitting in the trees. "What do you think?" Gale spoke, having been watching the men as they relaxed. It had been a hard few days, they deserved the chance to settle. Wysteria looked up to the dragon. "I think they might have a chance. They seem to do well against us... though at the same time..."  "We aren't giving full force with abilities that could kill them," Gale finished. Wysteria gave a small nod.  "Exactly..." She whispered, sitting down beside Gale and leaning back against her leg. She lifted a hand and rubbed her eyes, drawing in a breath and exhaling softly before she spoke again. "I think given the chance, they will do just fine. They'll fight harder when they are faced with the real challenge," Wysteria rested her hands on her lap. Gale was about to speak when something drew them both from their relaxed state and into a state of alertness. There was a shout to their right and the sound of running feet before something else was heard. There was a growling hiss, one that Gale recognized.  Jumping to her feet, Gale burst from the trees and toward the sound. The sounds of fighting reached Gale's ears as she hurried her way toward the camp, snarling as she rushed the creature that was causing all the chaos. However, as she reached it, something hit the side of her face, making her vision go white for a moment or two, her head aching as though something solid had struck her. When she could see again, she turned her head to snarl in the direction of the attack. The wizard, Alerone, stood just behind the creature. Lowering his wand, he narrowed his eyes at Gale. "You have destroyed what was mine... and what I had planned... now I will take from you what means the most to you..." He spoke, his voice growling as he started toward Gale. Gale drew in a breath, and as she began to exhale a flame in his direction, there was a screeching sound behind her. Turning around, she watched as Wysteria shot a bolt of electricity toward the creature, striking its face. The creature backed up, snorting and shaking its head. Alerone had noticed this as well, narrowing his eyes. "And you as well? I knew you would be nothing but trouble..." He spat. Wysteria lowered her hand, stopping beside the dragon. The sounds of fighting behind her continued. "Your mother should have let me destroy you while I had the chance..." "Go help them... I'll take care of this," Wysteria spoke, her eyes locked on her father. Gale turned, doing as she was told. Leaving Wysteria to fight against her father, Gale joined the fight against the creature. She could see that a few of the villagers had already been injured, though, for the most part, it had been kept busy, distracted by Broin and his bow. Her friend had tucked himself up into a tree where the beast couldn't reach him, several arrows already stuck in its leathery hide.  Gale rushed at the creature, grabbing one of its back legs as it grabbed one of the villagers. Letting out a roar, it turned on her, letting go of the villager and snapping its jaws at her. Gale hissed, pulling her head back away from the snapping maw, reaching out to slap at the beast's head before she shoved it aside. The villagers backed quickly out of the way, trying to stay out from between Gale and the creature's feet and tails. One villager tripped up, falling forward onto his hands and knees. Struggling to get up, the creature turned on him, growling viciously. As it lunged forward to try to grab the struggling man, Gale lashed out, shoving its head down into the dirt and grabbing the man by his shirt. Lifting him off the ground, she took a few steps and set him down out of the way, letting out a roar of anger as the beast bit down on her tail. Turning, she drew a breath and exhaled white-hot flames into the creature's face.  When it released its grip on her tail and began to back up, Gale upheld the flames until she needed another breath, the beast screaming in pain as it shook its head. Something that sounded like a mini-explosion echoed to the right of them, Gale having to squint a little to be able to see what had happened. As she watched, Wysteria and her father had their own quarrel, bright light flashing between the two of them before a blinding purple made her turn her head. When she was able to turn her head enough to see what had begun to happen, she could see Wysteria advancing on her father, the purple lightning blazing from the young woman's hand making her look like some ethereal being. Her eyes were glowing as well, showing that she was channeling herself rather hard. Wysteria's father backed away from the assault, his staff raised, and a barrier keeping him from being directly hit with the lightning. However, Gale could see it was beginning to slip. Turning to her own battle, she could see the creature had stopped its flailing and was now laying heavily on the ground, its breath escaping its muzzle in gasps. The fire had all but destroyed the scales on its face, leaving it charred and badly wounded. As she approached, Gale gave a low, steady growl at the beast. As one last attempt, the creature tried to grab at her front leg with its teeth, though the bite didn't land hard, and barely caused a ruffling of her fur. Placing a forepaw on the beast's head, Gale held it down and delivered an ending blow with a bite to the neck, putting the beast out of its misery.  As she did so, Gale felt something sharp against her side. Letting go of the beast, she let out a growling snarl, turning to face the sharp sensation. Another, although smaller creature, had launched an attack. This one looked like the first, its long dark body writhing across the ground like a snake, though its front legs had latched onto her side, its hissing maw trying to find purchase at her wing. Gale grabbed the creature in her jaws, giving it a hard shake before tossing it aside and looking to see the villagers fighting off more of the same.  Broin shot an arrow past Gale, a screech signaling that one had been about to try where the other had failed. She turned to him, watching him a little before he nodded. He turned away to help the others, Gale turning to watch Wysteria and her father. Alerone was on the ground on one knee, his staff laying on the ground. Standing in front of him, Wysteria had a hand raised. Before she could set her father ablaze, Gale called for her. "Wysteria!" She called, hurrying to her. "Wait..." She spoke, the young woman looking up to her.  "He has to pay for what he did to you, Gale..." She whispered.  Gale shook her head. "Not like this... he will pay for what he has done, but not like this..." Gale responded, looking from Wysteria to her father. The man watched the two of them before he looked to his staff. Before either of them could move, he grabbed the staff, sending a shock directly into Wysteria's stomach. Gale flinched, and before she could stop herself, she lashed out, grabbing the Wizard's arm in her teeth. Ignoring his pained cries, she lifted him off the ground, throwing him to the side before she turned back to Wysteria. The young woman lay motionless on the ground, smoke rising from her burned clothing.
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