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Gale stood over Wysteria in a protective manner as more of the creatures began to show up from the forest. Gale snapped at any of them that drew close, trying to keep them away from Wysteria. Like a switch had been flipped, after a few minutes, the creatures had turned and began to flee. Looking up, Gale could see the Wizard getting to his feet, though his movements were slow. Several of the creatures had moved to gather around him, his eyes moving to Gale. She gave a low growl, baring her teeth at the man as she lifted her wings. He regarded her for a moment before he lifted his staff. There was a blinding light before Gale's collar began to glow as well, sending a wave through her that almost made her feel sick.  Unable to control herself, Gale's head turned toward Wysteria, a rumble of a growl leaving her throat as the young woman began to stir. Broin looked over to the two of them from the creature he had been retrieving an arrow from, a worried expression crossing his face as he furrowed his brow. Gale's muzzle had opened and her teeth were bared at the young woman beneath her. "Gale?" He called, moving to start toward her. Wysteria's eyes widened a little as smoke began to rise from Gale's nostrils. "Gale!" Broin shouted, his walk turning into a run as the dragon began to draw in a breath. He jumped onto Gale's back as he reached her, drawing her attention away from Wysteria. Gale let out an angry roar, turning to snap her jaws at Broin, the sound ringing in his ears as her jaws closed just to the right of his head. "Run!" He shouted at Wysteria, the young woman getting up and stumbling away from the two of them.  Broin wrapped his arms around Gale's neck as the dragon threw her body to the side in an attempt to shake him off, her collar glowing with violent light. Broin caught a glimpse of the Wizard, his eyes glowing as well as the end of his staff. He couldn't reach his bow, having to hold tightly onto Gale. The dragon took to the sky with a snarl, turning herself over in the air and flying upside down, trying to shake him loose. Broin felt his grip loosening a little, though he swung his legs up and wrapped them around the base of her neck. With a screeching roar, Gale shook her head and neck, dislodging him over the lake. Broin hit the water on his back, the wind exploding from his lungs as he struck the surface. Gale turned, hissing at the water before she started back toward the Wizard and Wysteria.  "Let her go!" Wysteria shouted at her father, who had turned to watch the dragon over the lake. He turned his head, his eyes settling on his daughter before his face broke into a vile smile.  "You have gotten in my way one last time..." He spoke, his voice cold. He moved the end of his staff in a circle, a roar exploding overhead as Gale flew back in their direction, the villagers running to get out of the way as flames spewed from Gale's open maw and setting the ground ablaze. "I will destroy you... one way or another... and what better way than to have your "friend" do it for me..." With these words, Gale landed heavily behind Wysteria, a snarling hiss expelling from her lips as she approached. Wysteria turned around, a look of dismay on her face.  "Gale!" Wysteria spoke, trembling a little as she watched her friend stalk forward as though she were watching a deer rather than someone she knew. "Please... Gale... it's me..." Wysteria tried to plead with the dragon, though her efforts were in vain. Gale's glowing eyes narrowed, her nostrils flaring as she snorted. "End her, Gale... use your power..." Alerone spoke behind Wysteria, a cruel expression forming on his face as the dragon stopped in front of Wysteria. The young woman tried to use her powers to get away from the dragon but found that she couldn't teleport herself very far, letting out a cry as she fell to the ground once she had reappeared. Gale turned on her, rushing at her like she was chasing down her prey.  Wysteria let out a scream as Gale pounced forward, knocking her to the ground with her head, her paws landing on either side of her. Her scream continued as Gale roared down at her, her breath smelling of smoke and brimstone. Alerone approached, grinning at the sight in front of him. "That's it... give in to the feeling of true power," He whispered, Gale's roar coming to an end. Wysteria had raised her arms to protect her face from the heat of Gale's breath.  Lowering her arms, Wysteria looked up to Gale, tears welling in her eyes. "Please... listen to me..." She spoke, her voice shaking as she tried to get through to her. Gale's muzzle wrinkled as she growled again, her tongue snaking from between her teeth and brushing over the surface of her gleaming white teeth. Slowly, Wysteria lifted a hand and tried to place it on Gale's nose, drawing it back as Gale snapped her teeth at her. Her hand shaking, she tried again, her hand meeting the soft fuzz of Gale's snout this time. Gale hissed, though she didn't pull away. After a moment, Gale's eyes seemed to flicker, her head pulling back away from Wysteria and another roar leaving her as she stepped back from Wysteria. Alerone watched, a displeased expression crossing his face. Gale shook her head, as though trying to fight against some battle going on in her head.  "Do as I say!" The Wizard shouted, his staff glowing brighter as he tried to regain control, Gale rising up on her hind legs and dropping back down heavily. She gave her head another shake, fire bursting forward from her muzzle and nose, her ears back against her head as she tried to fight him off. The Wizard briefly regained his control over Gale, a hiss leaving her as she rushed Wysteria, who had managed to once again get to her feet.  Before she could reach her, there was a sharp sound and a cry, Gale sliding to a stop with her face mere inches from Wysteria.  Panting heavily, Wysteria looked to where her father stood. His staff had lowered and he wore a shocked expression, his eyes wide. Looking down, both Wysteria and Alerone saw the same thing. The tip of an arrow protruded from his chest, the robes he wore glistening as blood soaked through the cloth. Gale didn't move, her eyes locked on Wysteria as if waiting for a command. When Alerone dropped to his knees, his staff rolled from his hand and onto the ground as he lifted his hand to try to pull the arrow free. Wysteria's eyes moved from him to Gale, listening with worry as a low rumble echoed from her chest and through her teeth. "Gale!" She shouted, watching as the dragon slumped to the ground as her father fell forward. Behind him, Broin stood with his bow in hand, watching them with wide eyes. His concern for Gale grew as he hurried over with Wysteria, dropping his bow as he came to a stop at her side. Resting his ear to her side, he struggled to hear the heavy beat of her heart.
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