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As the group came to a stop, Gale watched them with excitement widened eyes. Tossing her head with a snort, she could hear Wysteria laugh as she got down off her horse. "You are just like a young foal," The sorceress said, approaching Gale. The dragon's muzzle wrinkled a little as she smiled, making Wysteria laugh a little more. "Come on, let's go over here so we can focus in a little bit of quiet," She said, reaching up and patting Gale's cheek before the dragon turned to follow her. Broin, climbing down off his horse, watched the two of them. "You're not going with her?" Toby asked beside him. Broin shook his head. "No. I don't want to get in the way," Broin responded, continuing to work with the horse, removing the bit from its mouth before leading it to the water where it could get something to drink. Toby watched him, his eyes intense for a moment before he followed Broin. "How would you be getting in the way?"  "They need to be able to focus on what they are doing, not me standing around them," Broin responded, turning to Toby. He watched the older man for a moment before he c****d his head ever so slightly. "Why are you so bothered by the fact that I want to stay here while Wysteria helps Gale?" Toby didn't answer, instead, he lifted a hand and waved it at Broin in dismissal. Broin scowled. "You always do that... when you don't want to answer a question, you just walk away. Why does it bother you so much?" Broin tried again, Toby turning around this time, his eyes narrowing.  "Because I don't want to see you waste what you have with Gale as I did with Emily... is that answer enough for you? Be there for her when she needs you, don't just let her walk away with someone else and pray that everything works out the way it should..." Toby snapped, his hands clenching slowly into fists at his sides. "You have always been that way, Broin. You always walk away and expect things to work out just dandy. You know damn well that anything could go wrong!" Broin felt his face heating up as Toby scolded him. He didn't have to look to know that they were being watched at this point. Broin looked away from Toby, staring at the horse as it shifted from one foot to the other. He didn't know what to say at this point. Clearing his throat, Broin moved, putting his attention on the horse until it had gotten its fill of the water before he placed the bridle back on the horse. Leading it over to the rest of the horses, he tied it down before he passed Toby, who was watching him as though making sure he was going to go to Gale.  When he reached Gale and Wysteria, the two had settled themselves down in a heavy patch of grass, the dragon seated in front of Wysteria. Her head was lowered and her eyes were closed and they both seemed to be in a deep state of concentration, Wysteria's hand placed softly in the center of Gale's forehead. Broin stood far enough away that he wasn't going to interrupt, though close enough to watch and be there if something went wrong. As he watched, Broin could see the two breathe in unison. Curiously, he tilted his head.  "Very good, now... focus on what it is that you want, Gale," Wysteria whispered after a few minutes had passed, her words reaching Gale through her thoughts. Gale pushed all thoughts aside but the thought of being human again. She felt a tingling sensation coursing through her, and from where he stood, Broin could see that something was happening. Gale and Wysteria were enveloped in a faint aura of light, small glittering orbs forming and disappearing around them. The soft pink of the light gave him a good idea of where the light had come from. Gale shuddered a little, though the light faded after a moment or so. Gale opened her eyes, a frown forming on her muzzle. "It's alright, it will take time. We can try again. You have to clear your thoughts completely and focus on the one thing that you want the most. You were close," Wysteria comforted the dragon, patting her softly where her hand had been placed on her forehead.  Gale nodded a little, sighing. "I suppose," She mumbled, looking over to where Broin stood. She watched him for a moment before she looked up to the sky, watching a soft white cloud as it drifted by overhead. One ear went back before she looked down again. Broin approached her, lifting a hand and caressing it over her feathers.  "It'll be alright, Gale. As Wysteria said, it'll take time. I'm sure you will be able to take your forms whenever you please in no time," Broin's words were gentle as he talked to Gale, the dragon sighing once more. She lowered her head to rest her chin over the top of Broin's head. She didn't speak, instead, she stood soaking in the touch of the young man, her purple-blue eyes closing. Broin shifted his footing a little to rest an arm around Gale's neck, his free hand resting against the soft, downy fur of her throat. Wysteria smiled at the two of them before she looked over her shoulder, wondering how Dillan was doing. The last she had checked, he seemed to be doing alright, though he was still not fully conscious. She turned back to Broin and Gale, watching them for a moment longer before Broin moved away from Gale. "Why don't you try again, then we'll go for a hunt,"  Gale gave a slight nod. "Alright," She whispered, moving some to allow Broin to step back away from her. She wished he could stay close, but if something went wrong, she didn't want to accidentally hurt him. Broin stood back where he had been before, crossing his arms over his chest. Wysteria took her place in front of Gale again, lifting her hand and placing it back against the soft fur of Gale's forehead.  "Alright, as before. Clear your thoughts of everything but your change," Wysteria spoke, closing her eyes. Gale followed suit, her eyes closing as well. The two stood like this for a moment before the soft pink light had begun to form again, the small flashing orbs soon filling the air around them. Broin admired one of the lights as it seemed to dance around in front of him, moving a hand from where he had tucked it beneath his other arm to reach out to it. The light danced around his fingers, casting a pink glow to his skin before he looked past it to Gale and Wysteria. The light seemed to grow a little stronger this time, the hue darkening ever so slightly around Gale. He could see a smile forming on Wysteria's face, soft praises leaving her lips as she encouraged Gale to continue.  "Come on, Gale," Broin whispered, moving his hand to lower it to his side, the light having danced out of his reach and attention. He squinted a little as the light grew a little brighter, this time enveloping Wysteria as well. Inside, he found himself continuing his encouragement, his hope rising as the light brightened.
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