The Offer

1249 Words
Broin watched until the light became too bright for his eyes. Turning his head, he closed his eyes, listening as the wind picked up around them. "Shit..." He mumbled, turning his head a little more and lifting his arm to brace himself against a heavy gust. When the wind died down, he lowered his arm, finding that the light had faded as well. Looking over toward Gale and Wysteria, he was shocked to see that Gale stood in her human form, Wysteria standing with her hand still rested on Gale's forehead. Slowly, Wysteria moved her hand back, a smile bright on her lips.  Gale, her eyes still closed, had yet to see that she had changed. "Gale, open your eyes," Wysteria spoke, Broin already approaching. Gale didn't move for a moment before she finally opened her eyes. Upon seeing she was standing level with Wysteria, her eyes widened. For a moment, it appeared as though Gale was too surprised to do anything other than standing as she was. However, after a few seconds passed, she snapped out of her daze and quickly stepped forward to hug Wysteria. Broin slowed, standing still for a moment as Gale thanked her friend. Wysteria hugged her as well, patting her back gently before Gale let her go. Turning to Broin, she beamed a smile at him.  Before Broin could get out a word, Gale ran to him and wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face against the side of his neck. Smiling softly, Broin placed his arms around her waist, drawing her in close to him. Placing a kiss to the side of Gale's head, he stood with her, holding her as she was. He had told himself that he would do so every chance that he got. Lifting his head, he looked over to Wysteria, who was giving them a tender smile herself. "Thank you," He mouthed to her, Wysteria's smile growing some before she looked toward the direction the others had been in. She moved, starting off in that direction, leaving the two of them alone. "So, what about that hunt?" He whispered softly to Gale, bringing a hand up to rub softly between her shoulders. He could feel her nod against the side of his neck.  "Yes," She whispered, lifting her head to look up at Broin, her eyes soft. Broin took in her gaze for a moment before he leaned in to give her a soft kiss, closing his eyes. Gale's eyes soon closed as well, her grip tightening a little about his neck before she drew back, looking up at him again with a soft smile. Broin chuckled, seeing the blush that had returned to Gale's cheeks. "W-we should g-go," Gale stammered, drawing her arms from around Broin's neck and resting her palms against his chest. He nodded, moving a little so they could go, though his movements were almost hesitant. Broin didn't want to move away from Gale, her hands warm against his chest. When Gale had taken a step back away from him, Broin reached out and gently took her hand in his own, making her turn her face toward him again. She smiled, her blush still there. This, in turn, made Broin smile a bit further himself before he looked toward the direction Wysteria had gone in. Once they reached the others, he gathered his bow and lead Gale to his horse. He climbed up onto the saddle and held out a hand to her, though she shook her head. "I'll ride Valor," She said, turning a little to look for the horse. He didn't have to ask her why, seeing that she wanted to spend some time with her equine friend while she could.  "Alright," Broin said softly, drawing his hand back and resting it on the horn of his saddle while he waited for her. When Gale spotted the horse, she went to the large horse, speaking softly. He smiled at the way the horse seemed to dance in excitement upon seeing her again, his whinny reaching his ears and bringing a chuckle from his lips. Broin looked over toward Toby, watching him for a moment as he had set about making sure his horse was doing well. He seemed to have been satisfied with the way Broin was taking to Gale, and as such he hadn't tried to say anything to him. Turning his attention back to Gale, he watched as she hoisted herself up into the saddle that had been placed on Valor's back. She smiled brightly at him as they started his way, Valor trotting happily beneath her.  "All set," Gale said, the chipper tone of her voice making his heart flutter. It was all he wanted for Gale, for her to be happy.  "All set," He repeated, moving his horse a little to face the left. Once he had, he lead Gale off toward the flatter portion of the valley where deer liked to gather closer to the evening. Gale, enjoying the ride, hummed softly to herself. She looked past Broin to the rest of the valley, admiring the view before Broin himself began to speak again. "I have a question for you," He said softly, Gale's gaze shifting back to him.  "Yes?"  "If... things do work out... would you like to build a home out here? I couldn't help but notice that you really seem to enjoy the view... and it would give you more room and freedom. Not only that, it would be close enough that we could go to either village at any time," Broin offered, watching Gale. He tried to gauge her reaction to this question, watching as an expression of surprise crossed her face.  "I... really?" Gale's voice was almost a whisper as she tried to grasp what she had just been offered. When Broin nodded, Gale looked over to the valley again, her eyes welling with tears. "You would do that for me?" She whispered the question. "Of course. All I want is for you to be comfortable and happy, Gale. No matter what that means," Broin's words held a loving tone to them, showing that he meant what he was asking. Gale sniffled, lifting a hand to brush away one of the tears that slipped from her eyes.  "I would love that..." She turned her attention back to Broin, giving him a smile to show that she was alright. "There would be plenty of space out here for us, and my father could come to visit whenever he wanted to. And Valor..." Gale started, but stopped, her words choking up a little. Broin simply smiled. He could tell that her tears were happy, and that was enough for him. Looking up from Gale to the valley, he found his focus was more on where they would build their home, rather than being on the hunt that they were participating in.  "I love you. That's all I want is your happiness. And like I said, I would do anything to make sure that that was seen to," Broin's words left his lips before he could really process what he was saying, but even if he had, he would have said the same. Gale meant more to him than anyone or anything had ever meant before, and he found himself growing fonder of her as the minutes passed. She was the one that he had searched for, and now that she was here, he wanted to do whatever he could for her.
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