Chapter 1

1887 Words
I woke up very early in the morning. The sun was yet to come up, and I couldn't bring myself to go back to sleep. My night had been filled with nightmares, i keep seeing my Mom. The way her eyes looked as one of the rogues was about to attack me. I could still hear the scream from her throat as she shifted, a desperate act to try and save me. And then, the worst moment was when the light faded from her eyes as the rogue ripped out her throat, her dark fur matted with fresh blood. My father had been fighting in a fierce battle of his own, fighting off three rogues to protect us all. He hadn't witnessed her final moments, But I saw it. I watched as the life drain from her eyes, and I could almost feel when her soul departed from her body, taking with her wolf—her faithful companion. The loss of loosing my mom left a gap in my heart, a pain that served as a constant reminder that she was gone trying to save me. I got up from the plush bed, putting on a robe as I made my way to the bathroom. The cold morning air seeped through the fabric, giving me goosebumps on my skin. I turned on the shower, letting the hot water pour over me, hoping to washing away the memories of the previous night. After my shower, I dressed up quickly in jean shorts and a black tank top, I decided to go without shoes, since it was still early which meant the household staff would still be asleep. I pulled on a pair of black socks to keep my feet warm from the cold floor and settled onto the couch with a book. I was absorbed in the novel’s world when a soft knock interrupted my solitude. Opening the door, I was greeted by Amara’s warm, honey-colored eyes. She resembled her daughter Ember closely, with her rich espresso skin, curly hair, and lighter eyes. “I brought you some breakfast, dear,” Amara said with a gentle smile, while wheeling in a breakfast cart filled with different option of foods. I returned her smile and took a seat on the couch. “How did you know I would be awake?” Amara’s intuitive nature was weird, something I had noticed long ago in both her and Ember. “Just a feeling,” she shrugged. “I didn’t sleep well either. Too many troubling dreams.” I nodded, taking a sip of the fresh orange juice she handed me. “I’ve been having the same repeated nightmare.” Amara sat beside me on the couch, her presence soothing. Her scent—a blend of freshly roasted coffee, crisp pastries, and a hint of light perfume— which brought a sense of comfort, it reminded me of home and my mother. “You can’t blame yourself forever, sweetheart,” Amara said softly. “It wasn’t your fault.” She handed me a warm chocolate chip muffin, and I couldn’t help but laugh as I took a bite. “It’s not your fault, Aurelia. Parents are meant to make sacrifices for their children,” Kira added, her voice laced with sympathy. As a close friend of my mother’s wolf, Kira understood the feeling of the loss, though wolves process death very differently from humans. Savoring the taste of the muffin, I turned to Amara. “It’s hard. I keep thinking if I had known how to fight, she might still be here with me.” I struggled with the guilt that had long been a part of me. “Parents are meant to protect their children, Aurelia. Your mom did her job very well. Parents aren’t supposed to outlive their children,” Amara said, her voice filled with conviction. I could feel the warmth of a mother’s love. I smiled at her, appreciating the motherly presence she provided me with in my life. “Thank you, Amara. You and Ember always seem to understand me better.” “We have known you for so long, can you really blame us?” Amara laughed, shoving a plate of fruit toward me. I giggled. “Well, Vesper has known me just as long as both of you, and still she can’t read my mind at all.” “That girl has her head so far up her own backside, it’s a miracle she can hear anything at all,” Amara commented with a frown, as though Vesper were in the room with us. I burst into laughter, the sound a welcome distraction from my somber thoughts. Amara stood to leave, giving me a gentle admonishment. “Behave for your father. I know you don’t like this bodyguard business, but he’s only looking out for you.” Her smile was soft but firm. “I’ll be good for him,” I said smirking, already planning on how I might be causing a bit of mischief. Amara pulled the cart from my room, giving me a knowing look. “But you’ll still keep us on our toes, won’t you? Little troublemaker.” With that, she left, few moment I found myself giggling at the thought of Ember and Amara being secret Lycans. Without another muffin in sight, I returned to my book, finding comfort in its pages. Losing myself and escaping briefly from the real world into a fictional world. The sun was fully up when I finally looked up, then I realized I had been reading for over an hour. A heavy knock on my bedroom door woke me from day dream. “Come in,” I called, keeping my gaze on my book. My bedroom door swung open, and two pairs of heavy footsteps entered. My father’s scent—a blend of fresh earth and tobacco—filled the room. His presence oozed authority, his Alpha King game face was on. Beside him stood a man whose scent was unfamiliar yet intriguing, a mix of husky masculinity with hints of mint and apples. His aura oozed of dominance and brutality, contrasting sharply from my father’s. This must be my new personal bodyguard my dad talked about, I realized as I took in the man’s imposing figure. He had a scar running from his neck to the edge of his shirt and tattoos down his arms. His dark eyes observed me with an unsettling yet captivating look. I kept my expression neutral as I took in the striking stranger who now occupied my space. His face was covered by a black mask that covered the lower half, stirring a fierce curiosity within me. His hair, a rich dark chocolate, was styled in a wild tangle on top, while the sides and back were shaved close. His dark eyebrows and long lashes framed piercing obsidian eyes. I let my gaze wander from the mask down to the black gloves covering his hands. “You can pretend all you want, but he is really stunning,” Kira purred, her eyes lingering on the man far too much than i like to admit. I rolled my eyes at her comment. “I’m not pretending anything. Sure, he’s striking, but can’t you sense the danger he carries all around him?” “Oh, I can feel it,” Kira purred again, clearly intrigued by the intriguing figure. “But remember, he is here to protect us only.” The stranger’s eyes met mine with a cold, unblinking stare. They were free from any kind of emotion, giving nothing away. My father cleared his throat, drawing my attention away from the silent man. “This is your bodyguard. He’ll be with you wherever you go and will stay in the adjoining room,” my father said, gesturing to the door on the far side of the suite. I forced myself to look more composed, resisting the urge to show my reluctance. I nodded my head and turned my attention back to the stranger. “What’s your name?” The man’s gaze remained fixed on me, his silence only adding to my own discomfort. “He’s not much of a talker,” my father said, casting a glance at the bodyguard. “His name is Magnus.” Seeing the resistance in my eyes, my father hastily retreated. “I have urgent matters i have to get back to. Amara wanted me to tell you that Ember is waiting for you in the garden, and Vesper will be back by tomorrow.” With that, I was left alone with my dominant looking new bodyguard. I shifted uneasily on my feet under his unwavering stare. “I’m going to get changed,” I said, trying to sound casual as possible. Magnus did not react, his gaze fixed and unwavering on me. I let out an long sigh and pinched the bridge of my nose. Grabbing a floral dress from my dresser, I headed to the bathroom, saying a silent promise to myself to confront him if he followed me. To my relief, he remained where he stood, his eyes following me around as I changed. I pulled on a pair of white sneakers, keeping my gaze locked on his the entire time. “So, are you mute?” I asked, hoping to get out a response from him. His voice, deep and rough, broke the silence. “No.” I widened my eyes in surprise. “Are you a warrior?” I asked, observing his expressionless look for any hint of emotion. “No.” I narrowed my eyes at Magnus. “Is ‘No’ the only word you know?” “No,” he replied with the same annoying word again. Frustration flared within me, but I fought to keep it in check. Magnus was my bodyguard right?, he surely wouldn’t harm me?. Trying to be brave and loosing the knot of nerves in my stomach, I moved closer to him. His dark, intoxicating scent, mixed with a powerful aura, was undeniable up close . I reached out impulsively for the edge of his mask, driven by curiosity to see what he looked like with out the mask. For a moment, I thought he might let me remove it. His eyes remained impassive, free from any visible reaction. But in an instant, his hand, covered with a glove, caught my wrist, gripping it with a firmness that was both intimidating and gentle. “No.” The same word, though familiar, but held a different tone this time, one that suggested an edge. His touch was a reminder of where my boundaries was, his gaze looked like an unspoken warning. He released my wrist after a few seconds, and I let it fall to my side, feeling a mix of embarrassment and curiosity all at once. I turned away, heading down the hallway with his presence obvious behind me—close enough to offer protection, distant enough to prevent me from any further mischief. The more I thought about it, the clearer my mind became. I wouldn’t change my behavior, nor would I stop my curiosity. Somehow, I know i would uncover the mystery behind Magnus’s mask and, if I was fortunate enough, i would engage him in a real conversation with me.
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