Chapter 2

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I refused to let Magnus disrupt my daily rituals, one of which involved a covert mission to pilfer one of Amara's legendary muffins. I was nearly convinced that Amara and Ember must have been witches in a past life; their ability to detect anything out of the ordinary was practically supernatural. This, of course, made my little escapades all the more thrilling. Slipping into the bustling kitchen, I immediately saw that Amara was absorbed in directing the other cooks. A sly smile tugged at my lips; she was thoroughly preoccupied. I edged closer to the counter where a plate of her muffins was still warm. A groan escaped my lips when I spotted Magnus right behind me, awkwardly standing out. "Can you not be a little Sneakier?" I groaned at him, keeping one eye on Amara movement. To my surprise, he raised a dark eyebrow, his looking straight at me without moving a muscle. Casting a quick glance at Amara, I seized the opportunity, by snatching a muffin and shooting Magnus an annoyed look. "Hurry up before I get caught," I hissed at him, running toward the patio doors. I didn't slow down until I was certain I was out of sight from Amara's wrath. Magnus's was right on my tail i didn't need to be told to turn around, his aura around him, gave him away me. I finally stopped to enjoy my stolen treat, being careful of Ember’s potential to inform her mother of my misdeeds. I gently ran my fingers over the petals of vibrant flowers along the path, savoring the taste of the muffin. I was so engrossed in my enjoyment, I barely noticed Magnus watching me. There was that unusal flicker in his eyes again, but it was too fleeting to solve at the moment. "Amara's muffins are the best, though I rarely get my hands on them, so I resort to stealing," I said, smirking directly at Magnus and his relentless gaze. My attention drifted to the distant gazebo, where Ember awaited me. "I need to finish this before she starts blabbing. She’s my best friend, and she’d expose me in a heartbeat," I added with a huff. It might have seemed odd to converse with a silent and imposing man without receiving any response, but it felt as though he was silently demanding an explanation for my actions. After practically inhaling the muffin, I turned to continue my walk, only to be stopped by a leather-clad hand. I froze as Magnus’s large hand gently tapped my shoulder. Bewildered, I looked up at him, feeling minuscule beside his towering frame. "What now?" I scowled, feeling intruded upon by his unexpected touch. "He's your bodyguard, obviously. Unless you want to touch him," Kira teased, her smirk flooding my mind with mischievous thoughts. My eyes locked with Magnus's as he reached out, his touch surprisingly gentle for his size. His finger brushed my cheek so swiftly that I barely registered it before he pulled away. A smear of gooey chocolate chip was left on the tip of his finger. Blushing furiously, I wiped at the spot, trying to erase the evidence. A sense of smug satisfaction washed over me at Magnus’s touch. It felt like a significant step. "Thanks," I said, giving him a sly smile before continuing my stroll. As I walked along the garden path, my silent guardian in tow, I reflected on my father's efforts to keep me sheltered from romantic entanglements. For Lycans, especially royals, dating was rare. The identity of one’s mate remained unknown, making dating a risky endeavor. My closest experience to a relationship was with Zane, the heir to a neighboring kingdom. Our interactions were limited to hand-holding, but everyone assumed he was my destined mate. Despite my lack of experience, I was confident. I didn’t feel self-conscious about my body or desires, although I had my moments of doubt. I wasn’t afraid of the unknown. Reaching the gazebo, I plopped down in the chair beside Ember, trying to ignore her astonished reaction to Magnus. Even as a human, she could likely sense the danger he exuded. Two servants soon arrived with a silver cart, laden with an assortment of sandwiches and appetizers. "So, that’s the bodyguard?" Ember giggled, her eyes still wide with curiosity. Magnus stood to the side, arms crossed, his gaze periodically scanning our surroundings before settling back on me. His formal attire—a black button-down shirt, black slacks, and a mask that blended seamlessly with his outfit—gave him a ninja-like appearance. I nodded, munching on a sandwich. "That’s him." "Why’s he wearing a mask and gloves?" Ember asked, and I shrugged. I wished I had an answer. "I have no idea. He’s not much of a talker either." "Vesper’s going to have a field day with him," Ember chuckled, her gaze flickering back to Magnus. His presence was undeniably imposing. The thought of Vesper attempting to flirt with Magnus made me cringe. "I wish her luck with that," I said dryly. "He looks like he can handle himself," Ember observed quietly, her laughter subsiding. "He does, indeed. He’s huge, even for a Lycan," I agreed, sipping my water. Ember’s gaze lingered on Magnus for a moment before she changed the subject. "So, are you excited for your birthday?" She grinned, nibbling on a finger sandwich. I shrugged, already dreading the grand spectacle my father would undoubtedly arrange. "I’m sure Dad will throw a huge ball or something." "You should be excited. It’s your best chance to meet your mate. Guys will be lining up to meet you," Ember said, her enthusiasm evident. She loved any excuse to dress up and celebrate. My father always ensured Ember and Vesper had beautiful dresses, though Amara could never afford them. While I didn’t mind extravagant parties, being the center of attention was exhausting. It took years to become accustomed to the pressure of remaining poised and engaging with everyone. I frowned. "What if I don’t want to meet my mate?" "Why wouldn’t you? I wish humans had a soulmate destined for them. You have no idea how many times I’ve had my heart broken," Ember said, shaking her head in disbelief. I sighed, feeling the weight of her words. "It just means everything will change. Once I find my mate, Dad will step down, and I’ll have a lot of responsibilities." "You’ll be amazing, Aurelia. Whether you accept it or not, ruling is in your blood," Ember assured me, her confidence unwavering. I knew she was right. My father's Alpha blood flowed through me, intensified by his status as Alpha King. "Now that you have your bodyguard, you can finally leave the grounds," Ember pointed out, causing a broad grin to spread across my face. I gasped. "You’re right! Let’s go get coffee!" I said, finally feeling optimistic about having Magnus around. "You and your coffee. There’s coffee here," Ember chuckled. I pouted. "It’s not the same. Plus, their chocolate chip muffins are almost as good as your mom’s," I said, licking my lips. My craving for chocolate chip muffins was insatiable. "You and your muffin obsession," Ember rolled her eyes, smiling. I shrugged, “You can’t blame me. Their desserts are the perfect treat at any time of day.” Ember’s smirk grew wider. “You’re right. Luckily, I’m off today. I’m supposed to help Mom in the kitchen later, but we can head out now if you want.” Beaming, I replied, “I’d love to! Let’s get this cart back to the kitchen, and then I’ll inform our driver.” I maneuvered the cart down the gazebo steps and pushed it ahead of me as we made our way back to the kitchen. The dark, almost palpable aura trailing behind me was ever-present in my mind. Despite its menacing and fierce nature, I couldn’t deny the feeling of safety it provided. I parked the cart against the kitchen wall. A servant’s voice scolded me with a hint of amusement, “Aurelia, you should’ve just mind-linked us when you were finished.” Her smile faded when she noticed Magnus and his intimidating presence. Offering her a gentle smile, I said, “We had to pass through the kitchen anyway.” “Aurelia!” Amara’s voice echoed from the grand dining room. Kira’s laughter rang in my mind, “And you thought she wouldn’t find out.” Pale-faced, I glanced at Ember in alarm. “Crap, we need to get out of here!” I sprinted through the house, emerging safely out the front door. I didn’t look back, but Magnus’s presence was unmistakable as he followed closely behind me. “Dad, Ember and I are heading to the café for coffee,” I mind-linked him. His response was swift, “Is Magnus with you?” Rolling my eyes, I replied, “Of course. I don’t think I could shake him if I tried.” “Do me a favor and don’t try, Aura,” Dad’s relieved voice came through. I smirked, “Aw Dad, you think I’m that skilled?” “Actually, I know you are. Behave, Aura.” Dad’s stern tone was softened by an invisible smile. “Always, Dad.” I chuckled and ended the mind-link. I climbed into the backseat of one of our black SUVs, with Ember quickly joining me and giving me a look of disbelief. Magnus took the front seat, adjusting the mirror to keep an eye on us. “Where to, Miss Aurelia?” the older driver asked, his eyes flickering nervously towards Magnus. I flashed him a wide grin. “Just the café.” As we drove, Ember and I chatted about my upcoming birthday and the grand party planned. It would be a great chance to see Zane again—someone I hadn’t seen since before my mother passed. I couldn’t ignore Magnus’s gaze fixed on me through the rearview mirror. His intense eyes seemed to follow every movement. Despite my efforts to stay focused on Ember, I found myself drawn to the way his dark lashes framed his eyes and his tousled hair. My curiosity about what lay beneath his mask grew stronger. When we arrived at the café, curious eyes turned toward the SUV. Ember hopped out, and I followed, trying to avoid Magnus’s penetrating gaze. I couldn’t quite explain it, but I felt an inexplicable pull to be near him—a sensation that bordered on madness. We ordered our coffees and, of course, I grabbed another muffin. The close proximity to Magnus made my skin tingle. His shirt brushing against my arm sent shivers down my spine, and I fought the urge to rip off his mask. Finding an empty table outside, we sat down, with Magnus standing directly behind me. His captivating and enigmatic scent filled the air. “Hey, Aurelia!” A boy with blonde hair and a charming smile called out. He was unfamiliar to me, but everyone in our territory knew my name. “Hi!” I responded, feeling several eyes on us. The boy approached, casting a wary glance at Magnus. His smile was disarming, and his perfect teeth sparkled as he introduced himself. “I’m Soren. You haven’t been out in a while.” Leaning in, I gave him a radiant smile. “Soren, I like it. It’s true, I haven’t been out much. It’s not always safe.” I tried not to glance at Magnus. Before Soren could say more, Magnus moved from his spot and approached him, his presence alone enough to intimidate. Soren’s fear was palpable as he backed away, his eyes darting between Magnus and me. “What the hell, Magnus!” I snapped. The first attractive guy to talk to me in weeks, and Magnus had to scare him away. Back in the SUV, I fumed silently. Soren had done nothing wrong; Magnus’s actions were completely unprovoked. I planned to confront him about it later. I had promised Ember I would help her and Amara with the kitchen cleanup before dinner, so I had to postpone my interrogation. I braced myself for Amara’s inevitable wrath. Returning to my room, I changed into something more comfortable with Magnus shadowing me. He waited outside the bathroom as I changed, his presence both unsettling and intriguing. My gaze lingered on his tousled chocolate-brown hair, wondering if it was as soft as it looked. I found myself drawn to him, despite my confusion over whether this attraction was positive or negative. Finally, I faced him with a mix of curiosity and determination. “Why do you even wear that mask?” I asked, almost hoping for a response. To my surprise, Magnus rolled his eyes, a subtle shift that made my stomach flutter with anticipation. I couldn’t resist pressing further. “What? Do you have a scar or something?” He raised an eyebrow, giving me a look that seemed to say, “Seriously?” His raised brow only added to his allure, making me wonder what lay hidden beneath his mask. A bold thought crossed my mind: maybe it wouldn’t hurt to make him as uncomfortable as he made me. I stepped closer, until we were inches apart. His dark eyes bore into mine, revealing either a warning or a hidden depth. With a quick, determined movement, I reached for the black mask that concealed the lower half of his face. Once again, he moved faster than I expected, a reminder of his elusive nature.

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