Chapter 10 - Emma's shocked.

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"Good afternoon" Emma greeted, and Pascal stared away from Grace to the young pretty lady, and although he knew that Grace was a corny lady, he still love her craziness. "Your sister?" Pascal pretended and asked her, as he didn't knew Emma, and he was only aware of Joy, even though Grace hadn't Introduced him to Joy yet. He met with Joy in secret and to find out if Grace was actually cheating on him, but none that he knew off. "Yes.." Grace smiled, and Pascal replied, "But you haven't Introduced her to meet yet, and I only know Joy." "You know Joy?" Grace asked him with widened eyes, and Pascal, ignored responding to her as a nurse walked into his private ward to attend to him. Grace stood speechless and after she watched the nurse on white uniform left them, she said to Pascal, "I have somewhere to go too now, and that's why I brought Emma here." "is okay, but I don't need her to stay with me. I want you babe, and only you by my side." Pascal insisted, even as he meet Grace frowning face. "Where are you going too, I can have Lucien accompany you there" Pascal spoked. "No.. Nevermind" Grace replied, and she immediately forced a fake smile as she didn't wanted to told Pascal's that she was going back to the hotel that had rendered him on the bed. "Lucien and the rest of the men should be here to protect you, As I have told you that I don't like been followed about or being monitored." Grace approached Pascal on the hospital bed as she saw that he didn't want to let go of her, and she plastered a fake kiss on his cheek, but Pascal gripped her closely. Emma stood watching them, and she could see that Pascal looked so powerful. She wondered what happened to him, that actually rendered him on the bed. "That's alright babe, just be fine for me. And if I can actually get across to that man that kept me in this condition, I'm so sure that he would kiss the earth surface good bye soon." Grace only rolled her eyes, and Pascal kissed her to her lips and finally released her . Emma stared away from them, as she saw that they were already leaving and she didn't bothered to asked Grace why she had told her boyfriend, that she actually brought her to stay with him. When they hadn't even discussed about it yet. Grace was arrogant and didn't see a need to apologise to Emma. And she walked out from the hospital and approached her car silently. Sitting back inside her car, Emma finally asked her, "Where are we going too now?." "The Hotel.." Grace started her car engine and she ignited on it and drove off. "You didn't inform me earlier that you were actually taking me to stay with your boyfriend. Ain't you worried that he might fall in love with me?" Emma pretended and asked, as Grace drove down slowly to the hotel. "I wish he would. As Pascal has refused leaving me." Emma could see the frustration set across on Grace face, and she asked her cousin sister," You don't love him?." "I do.. Just that, I'm not proud of him." Silence ensued in the car, and Emma decided to mind the rest of the road, as she watch Grace drove the car down to the luxurious hotel. She was in no relationship either. And she couldn't give her cousin sister any relationship advice as it sucks to her too. Grace finally arrived the luxurious hotel, and she parked in the parking lot, while contemplating on her new plans. "I'm actually here to meet with a client, but seriously, There is this handsome man that I saw around the club section of the hotel and I cannot stop feeling wet for him" Grace spoked, and Emma already removed her seatbelt and she stared back to her cousin... "Are you here to meet with.your client, or to meet with the handsome man that you're admiring?." "Emma!!" Grace yelled out, and after catching her breathing. She blushed and spoked, "I don't know. I'm here for both. Let us get down first." Soon Emma and Grace were out of the car, and Grace walked into the hotel lobby majestically like a model. As she is proud, and she love it when she feels the attention of onlookers on her. Emma was still standing at the parking lot and waiting for Grace to be through with the client and the handsome man too, that Grace went into the hotel to meet with. And she didn't knew how many more hours that Grace would spent in the hotel too. Emma shook her head as she decided to took a stroll outside the big quiet luxurious hotel, and she decided to admire the different types of exotic cars parked out in the garage, as she knew both foreign and billionaires visitors were the ones whom mostly lodge in the hotel. She could as well see the stationed security men stationed around, and she smiled as the sun shone brightly on her head while she waited for her cousin sister to be out. Emma remembered that she wasn't with her phone, and even though that she had took her phone, she didn't wanted her family to track her, and so, she stood outside waiting .. Just then, Ephraim stepped out from the hotel as he decided to take a stroll too, and he actually saw Grace at the lobby but she didn't saw him, as she walked towards the receptionist area, to meet with the hotel staff on duty and she was actually answering to her phone call. Ephraim walked out with Mr Albert, that was showing him around the luxurious hotel and also giving him brief on the new company that he was about to partnered with. He had already agreed with the new China company and signed with them. But he was still yet to visit their company branch in the state where he lodge, as that was the last thing left for him to do before traveling back home Just as Ephraim walked out to the parking lot area, as Mr Albert was given a tour around the luxurious hotel, to relax his mind and mood. Just then, his eyes fell on a familiar figure that he saw standing in front a Bentley car. Emma stood there staring at the model of the car parked. And she knew that her father owned same brand as the car, and so, she was admiring most of the exotic cars parked, and with the focused of the security men staring at her. She knew they would be wondering if she was a spy agent, or if she was a thief, plotting to steal one of the exotic cars. As they had seen when she stepped down from Grace's car. Emma wine-colored gown made her look charming, and with the sun shining on her black long hair, that cascade behind her back, and with the sunny wind blowing around and carrying her gown flying up, as she stood outside in the parking lot. She looked like a model. And as she stared back to stare at the luxurious skyscraper hotel building, that stood mighty in front of her. Just then she felt the intense gazed of someone on her, and the gaze was so heavily and much, compared to the other people staring at her. Emma followed the intensity of where she felt that intense gazed coming from. And just then, her eye meet with the familiar looking man that she had travelled with on the flight .. Ephraim was also shocked to see her, and he wondered what she came to the hotel to do, but he didn't smiled at her as their eyes meet, as his eyes rather stared away from her, and he followed his assistant out to the car made available to took them both to the new branch office that he would officially be resuming his new inventions with..

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