Chapter 8 - New Beginning

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Emma had decided to forgot about home or marriage and she decided to search for a new job or enjoy her staying in France before her father would got to know of her disappearance, as obviously she hadn't slept out since when she became an adult as her parents mostly knew where she always was. When Emma was a kid, her mother used to took her out to various of their relative places for her holiday visit, but since Emma grew to became an adult, She spent most of her time in school and when she was home, she hardly went out nor stared around to make any friends, as her father was a billionaire and so she kept a private simple lifestyle. Emma walked to the mirror and comb her long black hair, oiling her palms, and she rubs it on her hair and comb it into a simple style and she walked back to her bed to picked up her laptop again. Staring to her laptop screen before she switched it on, Emma heard a knocked on her room door, and it was joy over there by the door, as Joy pushed the room door opened and walked in. "Good morning," Emma greeted Joy first, still seated on the bed as Joy wore a long blue jean and yellow top, matching with blue shoes too. "Good morning sister, I'm already leaving to work" Joy said and Emma replied , "Okay. When will you be back, won't you have any breakfast, but I thought you're still a student?." "No Emma, I'm still schooling though, but I am also working too," Joy smiled as she turned to leave. "I just thought to Inform you first before leaving the house, bye sister," Joy waved as she immediately rushed out, just as she came in and Emma sighed as she switched on her laptop,.while Joy shut the door closed and left. Emma searched for any nearby places to submit an application for a job and she decided to typed in her application letter, just then she heard another knocked again, and she stared to the door,.waiting for it to pushed opened but none came in. Emma assumed probably it was Aunt Mila and she stood up and walked up to the door to opened, but It was Grace. As Grace dressed in an almost transparent night gown and her boobs were showing. "Good morning," Emma greeted Grace as she stared up to Grace face, and Grace removed the chewing stick away from her mouth. "Morning Emma, What are you doing in your room now?" Grace asked her, as her black shinning eyes got fixed on Emma. "Nothing, I'm just trying to see if. I can get any job around," Emma replied and Grace laughed out first, as she removed her chewing stick from her mouth again and scoffed, "You cannot find any job around easily and mind you, you're new here, So it won't be easy just to fit in and get a job." Emma frowned and she spoked, "I just want to try." "Not to worry, you can find the job later, but first I will like you to accompany me somewhere, like if you're bored, we can go out together, let me show you around town at least to hang out together before you finally leave for home." Emma stared at Grace in silence and she hoped she wasn't dreaming as ever since she knew Grace, Grace hasn't acknowledge her as sisters, but rather aloof towards her. Emma saw it as a better opportunity to flex around town small before her father would summon for her to returned home and she agreed, "Okay, but where are we going too?." Grace smiled as she was through chewing her chewing stick and she said, "Not to worry, let me rush and dress up first, when I step out we can go out together." Emma shrugged and she agreed, "Okay," And she watched Grace walked back to her owned room, And just then, Emma eyes fell on Aunt Mila whom stepped out from her room door too, that was after Grace's room and Aunt Mila smiled to her as she walked up to meet Emma, dressed in a white long nightgown. "Good morning Aunt" Emma greeted, as Aunt Mila approached her smiling. "Morning, I see that you're all set and probably going out?." "No Aunt, I just decided to dress up and to see if I can search for a job nearby" Emma replied and Aunt Mila face turned strict. "Job?. Emma, you cannot work here." "Why ain't?" Emma frowned and she stared away from her Aunt, as if there was one thing Emma hate was discouragement. "Emma, not like you cannot work here, but note that you still have to go home and finish your unfinished business there first, or after you let your parent know that you've finally decided to stay here," Aunt Mila advised but Emma didn't said anything next. "Emma.." Aunt Mila approached Emma the more and she held Emma hands in hers, but Emma shook her head in silence. "is okay I can probably understand how you fell. When I was your age, I didn't also wanted to got married and I was as stubborn as Grace. I wanted a wild life and good d**k to ride on with, so I didn't accepted to marry the man my parent choose. They got mad at me too, but I made my choice and today, I feel I had no regret as that was my choice of life. But with Grace and Joy headiness, I wished I had settled down. Not all men are bad though, and although I wasn't as business oriented as you are. So I think you should go home and try and settle scores with your father. You know he's a powerful man and can send his men here to bundle you back." "I know," Emma frowned, and Aunt Mila spoked, "Come, let's go downstairs to have something to eat." Emma silently followed Aunt Mila and they both went downstairs to the kitchen. "Do you know how to cook? Is one way to win a good man's heart with your good cooking?" Aunt Mila asked as she smiled to Emma and arranged the pot to cook a few vegetables. "I don't know how to cook" Emma admitted and she actually smiled. "What! And you're smiling about it?" Aunt Mila asked her in surprised and Emma shrugged. "Mom doesn't allow me to do anything in the house and you know that I'm the last born." "I know. Sandra's baby of the house," Aunt Mila teased and Emma smiled too. "Not to worry, I will teach you how to cook, so you can use it to win your husband's heart." "No Aunt," Emma frown deepened. "I don't want to marry and if not knowing how to cook will make him to reject me, then I'm okay with it." Aunt Mila opened her mouth for a while to spoke a word, but no words left her lips. "Alright" She finally said and soon she started cooking their breakfast, as she made a quick noodles with fried eggs for them. "Mom, What're you cooking?" Grace asked as she walked into the kitchen and she wore a long wine colored gown like Emma own too. "Wow, You have this type of gown too?" Emma asked Grace in surprised and Grace replied, "Yeah, what do you expect of me? That I mostly dress in bikini always." "Grace..." Aunt Mila scolded, but Grace smiled and immediately carried a plate of noodles that was ready and more likely removing hot smoke from it top. "Meet me in the dinning room, and mom be fast with her as Emma and I are actually going out" Grace spoked. "Grace!... Did you realize that is Emma's breakfast that you just carried now? I thought you don't like vegetables?" Aunt Mila asked with a deep frowned settled on her face..
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