Chapter 15: You Were Wrong

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Chapter 15: You Were WrongThe dating between Mr. Johnson and Rebecca Bell in the tea room, and Mr. Johnson drinking oatmeal with Rebecca Bell's cup, the two pieces of news made the atmosphere in the whole office change rapidly. Martina King stared at Rebecca Bell with red eyes, and the fingers, which were placed on Rebecca's shoulder, slowly formed a fist. When Rebecca Bell thought that Martina King might hit her, Martina just snorted heavily and walked past her, but did not forget to hit her hard. Rebecca Bell did not hold the cup firmly. As soon as she was hit by Martina, the cup fell to the ground and broke into pieces. The remaining oatmeal splashed everywhere. In the large office, it was so quiet that there was only the sound of Martina's heels hitting the ground. When she entered the secretary's office, several assistants immediately began to murmur, "What's wrong with her? How furious she was! Rebecca, don't worry about it. I'll send someone to clean it up. You go back to the office first. Don't step on it and hurt your feet." "Yes, Rebecca, let Martina King go. She's just jealous of you. I've long seen that she's just daydreaming. How could Mr. Johnson like her? Of course, he is fond of the tender girl like you." " Rebecca, you didn't have lunch at noon. It's so pitiful. To deal with those documents, you must be very tired. I just bought extra sushi. You can have it first." "Rebecca, I also bought an extra cup of coffee." "Rebecca..." Rebecca Bell rubbed her eyebrows. She didn't want to say or eat anything. She believed that these misunderstandings were temporary. As long as she was scolded by Luis Johnson, everything would be back to normal. In the afternoon, Rebecca Bell took a document and knocked on the door of the general manager's office. Soon, a familiar male voice came from inside. "Come in." Rebecca Bell pushed the door open and went in. She didn't close the door deliberately. Then she handed the document to Luis Johnson and said, "Mr. Johnson, this is the cost price I made according to the latest projects of the Planning Department." Usually, Rebecca Bell would give this kind of file to Martina King, but today, for the sake of the plot she had planned in her mind, she handed it to Luis Johnson by herself. Luis Johnson took it and looked at one page. The expression on his face didn't change anymore. A few minutes later, he put down the document and then happened to meet Rebecca Bell's eyes which were bright and beautiful. But it seemed that she was saying, "Quickly scold me. Hurry up and make me cry. I beg you, hurry up!" Luis Johnson snorted, tapped the table with his fingers, and slowly spat out two words, "Very good." Rebecca Bell was stunned and blinked, thinking that she had heard it wrong. Luis Johnson continued, "The amount of the document is clear and neat, the list of the items is detailed, and the deadline of return is also professional. It is worth a raise." Rebecca Bell was speechless. Although it was a happy thing to raise the salary, she didn't want to smile at all? "Mr. Johnson, you must act in the wrong way. This scene is not like this! I have told you." Outside the door, as soon as Rebecca Bell entered the general manager's office, her colleagues started to peep at her. Now, when they heard the words "worth a raise", they immediately began to talk about her. "Doesn't Mr. Johnson give money to Rebecca Bell for free?" "Even if they have a relationship, there's no need to make it so clear!" "It doesn't matter if it's public or personal?" Rebecca Bell was praised for no reason and her salary also increased by 30% by the way. She walked out of the general manager's office in confusion, and what greeted her was Martina King's resentful stare and the colleagues' excited congratulations. But she really couldn't laugh at all. Luis Johnson's lack of cooperation made Rebecca Bell very concerned. She thought for a while and decided to find a private time to talk to him. When she got off work, Rebecca Bell deliberately did not leave. Through the glass window, she saw Luis Johnson coming out, so she left in a hurry. "Mr. Johnson, I have something to tell you."
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