Chapter 8: Can You Do the sober-up Soup?

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Chapter 8: Can You Do the sober-up Soup?Rebecca Bell felt that she was a rational person. She would not be confused by others' appearance. Luis Johnson was indeed excellent. As a subordinate, she had never seen a boss who was more straightforward than Luis Johnson. As long as she completed her work seriously, he had almost no other requirements. However, it was because he was so simple that she could not act rashly. The more straightforward he was, the more stubborn he would be. Such a person was not suitable for a husband. But now, he was asleep, and the look on his face was strangely gentle. Rebecca Bell thought that if his now appearance was seen by the female colleagues of the company, she didn't know how many of them would be fascinated by him. "Will I take a photo secretly?" As soon as she thought of this, she immediately rejected it. "If I take a photo of him, I'll wait to be fired tomorrow." "What are you thinking about?" A sudden male voice sounded in the quiet car. Rebecca Bell saw that Luis Johnson slowly opened his eyes. He looked at her lazily with narrow eyes. His head was still leaning against the car window, looking like a lazy cat. "Hi, Mr. Johnson." Rebecca Bell quickly restrained the expressions on her face and pointed to his coat pocket. "Your phone has been ringing." "Well, answer it for me." The man gave the order directly. Rebecca Bell was stunned and pointed at her nose. "Me?" "You are my secretary." Rebecca Bell was speechless. Even a secretary didn't help the boss answer the private mobile phone. However, seeing that Luis Johnson was too lazy to move a finger, she had to take out his phone from the pocket. She pressed the answer button and pressed hands-free. Soon, a hurried male voice came out, "Luis Johnson, where did you go? You agreed that we would get together tonight. What do you mean by running away alone? Listen carefully, I'll only give you ten minutes and come back immediately. If you don't show up, we'll go straight to your home, believe it or not!" Rebecca Bell looked at Luis Johnson, only to see that he pursed his lips and closed his eyes as if he was going to fall asleep again. She blinked helplessly. "Mr. Johnson, but... how can I reply that?" Hearing a woman's voice, the man on the other end of the phone, who was exasperated, suddenly stopped talking. After a few seconds of silence, he asked uncertainly, "Who... who are you? Why are you holding Luis Johnson's mobile phone? Where is him?" Rebecca Bell was stunned and knew that she was asked. Seeing that Luis Johnson did not say anything, she had to explain, "Well, Mr. Johnson is not feeling well tonight. He won't go to drink." "He's not feeling well?" said the man with a sudden raising voice. " How do you know that he's not feeling well? Who the hell are you?" "I'm his..." "All right." Before Rebecca Bell finished her words, Luis Johnson had already grabbed the phone impatiently. He muttered to the man on the other end, hung up the phone lightly, and then threw it back into his pocket. The action was smooth and fast. Before Rebecca Bell could react, the carriage became quiet again. Then Rebecca Bell said tactfully, "Mr. Johnson, now you are home, and I need to go. Can I park the car here?" Luis Johnson did not speak. He leaned his head and looked at her for a while. Then he suddenly asked, "Can you make hangover soup?" Rebecca Bell didn't know how to answer. Maybe she could ask him that so what. Ten minutes later, Rebecca Bell stood in the kitchen of a high-end apartment on the tenth floor. She looked at the apron at hand and then the man in the living room, who was leaning against the sofa with a complicated expression on his face. After being a driver, she had to be a cook. At such midnight, why was it she that had to do those things?
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