Chapter 146: Sheng Yan Was Surprised to Speak

2140 Words

Chapter 146: Sheng Yan Was Surprised to SpeakWhen it was over, the two of them lay on the bed, paralyzed. Qiao Rui gasped for breath. She was very tired and sleepy. The man next to him lit a cigarette. Hearing the sound of the lighter, Qiao Rui raised her head and looked at him. After being Jing Zhongyan's secretary for several years, she knew that he didn't like smoking, but when he was annoyed and worried, he would smoke twice. Qiao Rui looked at his side face and did not know what to say. She could only hold him tightly and put her head on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" The man put his arm around her shoulder, making her lean closer to him. "Nothing." Qiao Rui didn't say anything. At this time, it was not good to say anything. She might as well remain silent. There were some thing

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