Chapter 145: Your Mom and Dad, or My Mom

2080 Words

Chapter 145: Your Mom and Dad, or My MomMother Qiao and Qiao Rui were busy in the kitchen, and Father Qiao was arranged to take care of Jing Zhongyan. It was supposed to be a good thing for his daughter to take her boyfriend home for dinner for the first time, but Joe's father really didn't know what to say to the handsome man in front of him. After holding back for a long time, he asked, "Can you play chess?" Jing Zhongyan said respectfully, "Go?" "No, I'm playing chess." "Yes." Mr. Qiao immediately jumped up, took out his chessboard and chess box from the cabinet, and sat down on the sofa. "Come on, let's have a game." Jing Zhongyan had no objection. He took the red chess piece and began to set up the game. At the beginning of the arrangement, Mother Qiao came out with fruits. Se

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