Chapter Twenty Five

2626 Words

Azalea Last night after the party, I gave Missy her phone back, and I thought she would pop me like a balloon when she hugged me. I told her she wasn’t completely ungrounded, but I was loosening the reins for her excellent behavior. I was relieved this morning to find her chatting away with the rogue children about going swimming instead of secluding herself and texting Vlad. I hadn’t missed him showing up to the party, and we couldn’t exactly exclude him. I was also sure she had stayed up all night on the phone with him, but she was still acting normal, so I was going to let it lie for now. I was happy she was hanging out with kids her age other than Vlad finally. My office phone rang, and I picked it. “Hello,” I answered. “Lea. Did you decide when you are coming back up to the Inn?”

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