Chapter Nine - Eloped

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Claire sighed in relief after she had arrived at the comfort room, she paced back and forth while waiting for Arthur to come and get her there. That was their plan, after she arrived at the bathroom, the host would divert the attention of the people that were invited, especially Vladimir. Karyl and Adrian would not be physically around to help her, but they’ve already informed their people that they should help them and leave them be. She closed her eyes and thought about the moments that she spent time at the Crayford’s manor, she bit her lower lip because deep inside she would miss everything, especially since she loved her parents that accepted her fully even if she’s just adopted. A knock from the bathroom door startled her before she decided to fix herself and opened the door, “Arthur? You came so–” Claire closed her eyes after feeling the pain that had hit her cheeks and body, she just then realized that she was pushed by Lowella on the inside. “You will never have him! I know about your plans and I told Vladimir about it!” She exclaimed before laughing out loud. Claire blinked many times because she finally got her visions back, she glared at her before enduring the pain that she had received from a baseball bat that she was holding. She heard from Arthur that Lowella has issues with her mental state, so she has to be smart, putting her on rampage should be the last thing on her list. Plus, she wasn’t informed that Lowella would be here, did she sneak past the guards or did Vladimir bring her here? Claire thought but she just shrugged. “What are you doing, Lowella? I’m trying to take a pee, I thought Vladimir was trying so hard again to get me home,” She mumbled before standing up. Lowella tilted her head at her before laughing out loud, “Don’t be dumb, you just called me Arthur!” She exclaimed, that’s where Claire knew that Lowella was unsure either. “I-I always mistaken or miscalled Vlad from Arthur, he hates it when I do that, but I just can’t get used to his name, Arthur’s the only one running on my mind,” She admitted, so Lowella glared at her. “Arthur is mine, he’s mine ever since high school, you were just a nuisance to our blooming romance!” Lowella raised her voice while raising her baseball bat on Claire’s head, “I just have to kill you, because without you, he would be mine!” Claire clenched her fists before she decided to stop Lowella from what she was trying to do to her, it was hard since she wasn’t physically ready for this, all she had was her smart mind. She just had to think of a way to put her down so that she could escape here, “Arthur where are you?” She whispered before biting her lower lip. Arthur, on the other hand, was trying to fight a lot of people on the emergency exits and the comfort room. He has to make sure the path is clear and the CCTV cameras won’t catch them leaving the reception area. After taking down the last men, he called his people that had blended in the reception to help him clean up those dead bodies. Arthur risked a glance on his wristwatch before cursing underneath his breath, “Crap, she must’ve been waiting there for too long,”  After fixing up his sleeves and was about to get Claire, he heard a gun click like it was ready to be fired, “You’re not going anywhere, Arthur,” He knew that voice, so he slowly turned around before smirking at him, “Vladimir, King of the Onyx Kingdom, part of the Stone Kingdom, why are you pointing a gun at me?”  Arthur secretly took out his tranquilizer before casually walking towards him, “Stay back or else I’ll fire this gun!” Vladimir threatened, the gun has a silencer, so no one would hear about the gunshots that he’s trying to make. He knew that Arthur is the strongest and dangerous man underground, everyone is bowing at the sight of him because when they met his eyes, they knew death would be knocking at their door. “Why would I fear a gun? Did you actually forget who I was, Vladimir Sage Onyx?” Arthur coldly mentioned his name. He doesn’t have any time for this, he has to go check on Claire because he had a bad feeling something would’ve happened to her. “You will never have her, King of Crestfallen, she’s mine and she could learn to love me without you around!” Vladimir screamed while using his finger to reach for the clutch. “Vladimir, that is useless towards me,” Arthur informed before pacing towards him, “Everyone knows I have mastered where guns would be fired no matter how much you change your angle, I can easily dodge it,” “I don’t care! She’s going to be mine and killing you would be the best way to have her as mine,” Vladimir desperately stated. “And I can’t let anybody have her, she was never yours from the beginning, Claire is going to be my Queen and no one can get away with it,” Arthur playfully smirked, so Vladimir hissed and fired his gun. Arthur swiftly dodged it before he fired the tranquilizer hidden in his pockets towards him, Vladimir winced in pain before taking out that thing on his legs. “I already warned you, you can’t just fire me with a gun, that doesn’t have any effect on me,” Arthur coldly stated before walking towards him. “Y-You will regret this, I will make you pay for this!” Vladimir screamed before he lost consciousness. “How could I ever regret being with the woman that I love?” He whispered before running away to meet up with Claire. After he arrived at the bathroom, his visions blurred after he witnessed Claire unconscious with Lowella was almost about to hit her with her baseball bat. “What the hell did you do to her?!” Arthur fumed and swiftly grabbed the baseball bat out of her hands. He pushed her away and checked if Claire was alright, “Claire, f.uck, I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was here,” Arthur sincerely apologized while caressing her bruised cheeks. She winced in pain before blinking her eyes, “A-Arthur, you’re here,” Claire whispered before reaching out to his face. “L-Let’s leave this place,” She mumbled, so he just nodded at her. She noticed Lowella on her peripheral view who was about to hit them both with some baseball bat. What happened next surprised Claire as Arthur fired a tranquilizer at her leg, “I will never forgive you for hurting her,” He looked at her with hatred evident in his eyes. Lowella was stunned, she never saw Arthur look at her that way because he was always gentle and kind. “A-Arthur, you told me you love me,” She cried before falling to her knees, “You’re a liar! I will make sure no one in your family generation would be happy!” He didn't mind her before he carried Claire in bridal style, Lowella lost her consciousness as Arthur rested his forehead against Claire, “A-Arthur, will things be alright?” She whispered. “Everything will be alright, so let’s run away from this mess, Claire,” He whispered before they fled the reception. Timothy, on the other hand, was waiting for them at the back entrance of the place. “W-What happened to her? Never mind, we have to leave, the Crayford’s were informed about this plan,” Timothy mumbled, so he shook his head at him. “You stay here, Ace, you’ll stay with the Crayford’s until I order you to go back home,” Arthur informed, so his eyes widened. “N-No, who would take you out of here? Are you just going to walk and flee to the forest? That is dangerous!” Timothy complained, but he just tapped his shoulders. “You have to watch their every move because after Vladimir wakes up, they’ll be dealing with his wrath, and years may pass by and you might just actually look after our offspring,” Arthur added, so he was confused for a moment. “You’re also invited to our future wedding, make sure you’ll be there, you’re my best man,” He smirked, so Timothy just sighed while shaking his head. He stopped himself from tearing up before nodding, “I wish you both happiness King, go, I’ll wait for the Crayford’s to arrive,” Timothy informed, so Arthur just nodded before he ran away with Claire. “Arthur,” She whispered, so he just looked at her while they’re making their way inside of the forest, “I didn’t accept your proposal yet,” “What do you mean?” Arthur was confused and anxious at the same time, seeing her in that state is making him livid. “I only accepted being your girlfriend before, right? I told you I’ll answer your proposal sooner,” She smiled with her eyes closed. Even if she knew troubles would come running in their way after they ran away, just being in Arthur's arms is making her feel so safe. “Are you backing away from the proposal?” Arthur stopped running, so she opened her eyes and managed to get herself back on her feet. He was nervous, his palms were getting sweaty on the way she looked at him. Claire secretly smiled because deep inside, she knew what’s running on his mind. “I won’t back away from the proposal,” She reassured him before continuing, “I-I want to answer you properly this time, Arthur,” Claire mumbled. She slowly raised her bruised hands before offering them towards him, “Marry me, Arthur Crestfallen,” Arthur was stunned, Claire might be bruised and looked like she was beaten up to death, but all he saw was her beauty and love. He shook his head and kneeled before her, he kissed both of her hands before resting his forehead over there, “What will I do without you, Claire?” He whispered before chuckling. Arthur took out something from his pockets, “I know this is a weird place to ask this again, but will you run away and marry me, Claire Jewel Crayford?” Arthur formally asked before opening the small box that he’s keeping with him ever since his father died. They were in the middle of a forest with only trees and tall bushes surrounding them aside from the birds watching them from the canopy. Claire didn’t mind the pain that her body was emitting as tears fell to her cheeks, “Y-Yes, I will marry you,”  Arthur smiled and placed the ring on her finger, “No regrets?” He fooled around, so she just shook her head. “No, why would I regret it when I’m going to be with the man that I love?” She smiled, so Arthur couldn’t stop himself from claiming her lips. He broke away from their passionate kiss before kissing her forehead, “Let’s go before someone finds us here,” Arthur informed before carrying her again. “I can stand on my own, you know?” Claire almost complained, but he stuck out his tongue for her. “Nope, not with you injured,” After he said those words, they disappeared from the forest and Dasmarinas City. *** Weeks passed by and the Crayford’s met their downfall, Serene was on the edge of her sanity after learning her parents died. She didn’t know what was going on, Claire disappeared, Vladimir was on a rampage, and her parents suddenly just died because of murder. Serene then later found out that her step-sister Claire ran away with his man, and her parents probably paid for her selfishness. She wouldn’t forgive her, she will never, she will loathe her for life for doing this to the family that took good care of her. Serene thought. A lot of people came to their funeral but no one actually cared for them, just her. Now that their business met its downfall, she has to make sure to rise the ranks again. “Um excuse me, are you Serene Crayford?” Someone tapped her shoulders, so she glared at that person. “What do you want? Can’t you see I’m having a moment with my parents?” Serene furiously stated, so that man just smirked. “Oh, but I am here to help you rise the ranks again, you’re an influential woman, a lot of beautiful young girls would probably listen to you, why not use that charm to ask them to be married off to these men?” That man gave her pictures of old billionaires. They looked like they’re perverts and she knew some of them, “Are you saying that you'll help me rise in the ranks again by selling girls and women?” She thought it was illegal, but when the man gave her another page, money blinded her. “That’s what you’ll get for helping me, join me Serene and your business would rise swiftly at the ranks again,” He smirked. From that day forward, Serene met another world, where she had to use human trafficking, one of the illegal ways to have businesses just to rise in the ranks. To be continued…
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