Chapter Ten - Married

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Arthur and Claire married one another three years after they eloped. Claire requested that she wanted to be trained before she accepted being part of the Crestfallen Kingdom. He didn't want to agree with her at first, but he eventually understood why she wanted to train and fight for herself. Claire wanted to protect him too in times of danger, especially if they’ll have another person being part of their family. She also heard about the news that her parents were killed, she cried for days and Arthur was there to console her. Deep inside, she knew who did that to them and she’ll never forgive him for what he did. Aside from that, she also heard that Karyl and Adrian had their firstborn months after their marriage. It was a bright, beautiful boy named Tristan Jay Zaveri, she and Arthur were part of the Godparents, but they couldn’t go to his first birthday due to reasons, which Karyl and Adrian understood. Claire and Arthur stayed at their new home, the Kingdom of Crestfallen underground; it was located at the deepest part of the forest near Dasmarinas since it was a little out of the city. No one could ever find it unless they knew what they were looking for, “Claire, are you alright?” Arthur worriedly asked while wiping off his sweats on his forehead. There was never a time that they didn’t train, of course, except for the fact that she got pregnant with their baby girl. She smiled at him before nodding, “Of course I am, why wouldn’t I be?” Claire asked while caressing her big tummy. Claire’s about to give birth, it’s finally her month of labor. Arthur just smiled before walking towards her to kneel before her tummy, “Hey there my pretty girl, daddy’s excited for you to get out,” He beamed. She feels reassured every time Arthur talks to their baby, even if Arthur doesn’t tell her, she has an idea of what’s going on outside of their Kingdom. A lot of mafia groups are trying to take Crestfallen down and all of their people are trying so hard to protect themselves, especially the new heir that was about to be born. “Queen Claire, King Arthur, there’s something you have to know,” They both glanced at the front door and noticed that it was Sullivan Saverino Crestfallen. Arthur stood up before looking at him intently, “Do we have a problem?” He raised his eyebrows, so Sullivan just nodded at them. “We do have and I’m afraid, I have to request that you two have to leave this place, change your names, and live far away from our Kingdom, keep your daughter safe,” Sullivan bowed his head while giving him some papers. “I found out that the whole Stone Kingdom is planning to attack us, you’ll be distracted King Arthur, especially now that your wife is pregnant,” Sullivan claimed while looking at Claire that was caressing her tummy. “I would not be distracted, I know what my priorities are and who to protect,” Arthur firmly said while clenching his fists. He also knew that there is going to be a day where the Stone Kingdom will attack with the lead of Vladimir. He has been preparing for that specific day because he knew it wouldn’t be easy. The Stone Kingdom were ranked as the two strongest, influential, and powerful mafia on the pyramid, even if he knew Crestfallen wouldn’t fall just because of those Kingdom, he still has to be cautious. They both flinched after they heard Claire gasp, “M-My water broke,” She mumbled, so their eyes widened as Sullivan left to call for people to help her in labor. *** The news of the heir of the Crestfallen has been the talk underground and it eventually got to the Stone Kingdom, leaving Vladimir punching walls and hurting his fists. He spent years looking for Claire, but he just couldn’t find her, it’s like the Crestfallen Kingdom was not visible to a human's naked eye. “Vlad, what the hell are you doing this time?” Lowella entered the room while she crossed her arms against her chest. “Controlling my anger by punching the walls, now get out before I directed it to you,” He hissed before he punched the walls again. “I heard that Claire Crayford Crestfallen gave birth to their firstborn, so I’m right here to comfort you,” Lowella mumbled before walking beside him. “What can you do? No one can do anything for me,” He hissed while looking at his bleeding knuckles. Lowella just sighed while shaking her head, she hugged him from behind before forcing him to face her. “Vlad, we can try to fill in each other’s void inside of our body, we could heat each other up and maybe be together,” Lowella suggested. Years have passed by and she keeps on looking at Vladimir, despite that she loves Arthur deeply, she’s also falling in love with Vlad. Vladimir helped her get a therapist, it was helping her, but she still can’t get rid of the fact that she wants to murder Claire for taking Arthur away from her. “Tss, why would I be with a crazy one like you?” Vladimir almost rolled his eyes, but Lowella pressed her chest against him. She noticed his shudder when he felt that softness against his arms, he was longing for it and she knew that Vladimir wanted it. She knew that man has only one weakness, their lust, it makes them do things that they’re not used to doing. “Are you sure you don’t want me? I can comfort you, even if there are no strings attached, I could give it to you,” Lowella seductively whispered while massaging his arms on the side. Vladimir looked at her intently, Lowella was beautiful, but she’s just sick in the head, plus who wouldn’t accept her with that worship-worthy body? He thought. He slowly wrapped his arms against her waist before smirking, “Make sure you don’t regret this, once I do this to you, you would come begging for more,” He huskily said while nibbling on her ears. Lowella closed her eyes and let out a small moan before biting her lower lip, he already got her on her weakest spot. “I hope your statement won’t disappoint you,” Lowella playfully smirked as she let Vladimir touch her to places to do wonders in her body. “Oh, it won’t,” He sniggered before crashing his lips against hers as they harshly left his training room and proceeded to their bedroom. Both of them used one another to fill in the void that’s been missing in their body, they kept their sanity within them while looking for Claire and Arthur. *** A year has passed and everyone celebrated Clara Crayford Crestfallen's first birthday, everyone was joyous because they finally saw their future Queen. Arthur and Claire hid after she gave birth to her, they were anxious about going out especially that Claire was still recovering. Despite all the happiness, danger, and death that came knocking at their Kingdom, her first birthday was also the day Crestfallen fell. “King and Queen, please leave with your daughter,” Sullivan firmly requested, they’re at the secret exit of their Kingdom. Their people are currently fighting with the whole Stone Kingdom, they have five groups: Jet, Obsidian, Tourmaline, Blizzard, and the most powerful one, the Onyx which Vladimir leads. “I can’t just leave my people Sullivan, I have to be there and help them!” Arthur furiously screamed, but he just gave them folders. “King Arthur, all you did for the past years before you eloped with Queen Claire was protect every single one of us, our Kingdom, and of course including her, all of our people wish you happiness and we want to see how your daughter will grow,” Sullivan mumbled before Arthur opened the envelope that’s filled with fake identities. From Crestfallen, they became Art Thor Crest and Clo Laire Crest and Clara Crayford Crest, “What does this mean, what about the Kingdom?” Arthur gripped that folder, but Sullivan just lowered his head. “King Arthur, our people won’t die, we’ll just let the Stone Kingdom know that we have fallen so that other mafia would stay away from us and would battle the Stone Kingdom, we’ll just have to separate lives for now and come back at the right time,” He informed. Arthur looked from behind and saw that Claire was holding their daughter intently, she was calm the whole time and they couldn’t be more thankful for that. “What about you Sullivan? Timothy has only been sending letters for you, what will happen if he found out our Kingdom–” Arthur stopped after Sullivan raised a letter near his face. “He already knows what we're planning, he’s currently looking after the daughter of the Crayford’s,” Sullivan informed, so Arthur just sighed. “King Arthur, this is what we’ve been preparing for before Queen Claire broke her water, you must be prepared on leaving this Kingdom already,” He added. “Stop worrying about us Arthur, we’ll be fine, please have a good life,” Sullivan called him by his name and he knew this time he was being serious. “I’ll be back with our daughter to rule the Kingdom someday,” Arthur firmly said, so Sullivan kneeled before him. “And we will be there when that happens, now go, take good care of our future ruler,” He stood up and pushed them to close the secret exit. Little did Sullivan know, that was going to be the last time he’ll ever see those two with their daughter. Arthur and Claire fled from the Kingdom and lived peacefully with their daughter as normal, common people in the city of Dasmarinas. She grew up and they also trained her to defend herself and played hide and seek to test her stealth mode with her without informing her about their past life. As much as they both wanted to, they couldn’t bring themselves to tell it to her. Clara was a bright child, and when she laughed, everyone else did as well. Her smiles were like a disease that everyone gets infected with her jolly personality, she was the star of both of their lives and they love her so much that they wouldn’t want to taint her with the darkness of their past life. Their life was in the middle, they weren’t rich or poor, they kept their lives as lowkey as possible and it wasn’t a problem because they were all contented just by being with each other. They both couldn’t be happier as they watched their daughter grow up into such a fine, beautiful, and kind young woman. “Mom! Dad!” Clara came running inside their small apartment to deliver the news she’s been waiting to announce to them. “Slow down sweetheart, and would you catch your breath first?” Claire just smiled at her since she looked thrilled while gasping for air. “N-No! Wait a minute, whew…t-this can’t wait!” Clara tried to calm herself down, but still, her excitement got ahead of her. “Yeah kiddo, listen to your mother and calm down,” Arthur just smiled while drinking his afternoon coffee. “No! This information couldn’t wait! Here!” Clara at the age of 18 handed over her graduation program to them. Arthur and Claire furrow their eyebrows at what they’ve just read before looking at their daughter again, “I’m finally going to graduate from college mom and dad!” She cried, so Claire and Arthur immediately hugged her. They were both so proud of her since she was graduating finally from college, but things didn’t go as planned when the Onyx Kingdom found out about their real identity. “Claire, her graduation is tomorrow, but that is also the time Onyx will come after us here,” Arthur cursed underneath his breath before gazing at his wife, Clara’s out because Julie invited her to eat outside to celebrate their upcoming graduation. Claire just reached out to his hands and squeezed them, “Don’t worry, everything will be fine, we just have to attend to that special day of hers,” Arthur just nodded, he knows that they have to protect her no matter what and she can’t find out about their past. He hasn’t heard anything from the Crestfallen Kingdom after he heard it fell, it was the talk of the mafia’s underground and it hasn’t died ever since then. “No matter what happens, we have to protect her from the past,” Arthur firmly said before he kissed his wife’s lips. “And have you heard from Karyl and Adrian?” Claire asked, so he just stopped before looking at his phone. He couldn’t tell her since after their son almost turned ten, they were murdered by Vladimir, he found out that it was them who helped them escape. “Arthur, are you keeping something from me?” Claire firmly asked, and she knew from his silence that he did know something about it. “Timothy spoke with them before to help them, they were informed about our identity from the past and got…killed,” To be continued…
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